Sunday, October 6, 2019

Cellular Parenting Secrets

As a parent, it is important that we look at our own behavior before we judge the behavior of our child. There is the desire in most parents to not be like their own parents and for their children to be better than them, but we end up becoming exact copies or in some cases simply polar opposites of our parents, no real choice, no real self direction present. How do we prevent this? What are we missing? What is it fundamentally that we, as parents, are not seeing within ourselves, that when we see it in our children, we become frustrated, irritated, fearful, angry, annoyed, judgmental?

Why do we judge our children but not look within ourselves? Is this splinter in our child's eye not jsut the beginning seed of the log that is still in ours? Unless we are self-honest, we will create a resentment within our child of the very sound of our voice. If we seek only to control instead of to educate our child will end up exactly the same as us.

"But I"m not the same as my parents," your inner voice will surely say.

Well, do you look for security in a world of competition where most go without their fundamental basic needs?

Do you put the pursuit of happiness above the goal of changing this world to be best for all?

Do you distract yourself with feelings and emotions?

If so, you can predict the outcome of your child's life: Exactly the same as yours.

How do we as parents, prevent our children from growing up to just be consumers? In a world where automation and AI will be increasingly replacing jobs, and thus where there will be few jobs left for those who are not highly creative and well educated, what will be left for our children to do, but consume the never ending supply of solutions to problems that don't really exist in the form of consumer products and entertainment produced by the robots that are better at completing a task without the unpredictability of emotions slowing down the assembly line?

As parents, we must really question everything about what we believe we are and most importantly WHO we believe we are.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become addicted to the pursuit of pleasure.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself be manipulated by and to manipulate myself and others through reward systems.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to evolve into a highly sophisticated machine that looks for positive and turns away from negative.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to participate in and accept and allow the creation of a society that produces a ready supply of rewards in the form of drugs, games, entertainment, pornography, sports, drama, and social media.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that social media does not connect us to each other in order to improve the balance of life and society but in order for us to leverage the group in our pursuit of instant pleasure in the form of rapid dopamine release.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that one of the most significant tools ever created, the cell phone, has been used and allowed to be used to create a jail cell for each of us, where we can get an endless supply of dopamine, so that we never realize that we are dopes sitting in a jail cell of our own design, waiting out our sentence, when life could be something amazing beyond imagination but that would require us to transcend our desire for the quick fix.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use social media, games, TV, movies, porn, drugs, sex, and gossip as a way to get a quick fix, paying no attention to the real problems in this world that REQUIRE attention, only focusing on 'what's in it for me'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress the tremendous guilt that I feel deep down for bringing a child into the world only to submit them to a mental prison of constant stimulation and competition for their attention for them to become nothing more than an addict, sitting in a casino, pulling a lever, the lever which releases the dopamine hit, to keep them looking for more and more and more, and never being here, like a Tree, breathing, living, giving, receiving, only taking, consuming, discarding, and wanting ever more.

I commit myself to investigate all the ways in which I still accept and allow myself to look for a quick fix, a quick hit of dopamine.

I commit myself to support myself physically to stop participating in that which serves no real purpose as what is best, but is only designed to feed my mind with a constant supply of energy to continue being the directive principle - to stand up and direct myself within whatever technology or situation that is required to use it and leverage it in order to bring forth a world that is best for all.

I commit myself to be the example for my children of what means to be a human who not only KNOWS what the problems are that require attention but DOES what is required to be done.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dear Parent, Stop Dumbing Down Your Child

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I lie to my child, I am dumbing them down.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I do not explain things to my child, I am dumbing them down and allowing them to feel confused about how reality operates.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel annoyed or irritated when my child asks "Why?" not considering that they genuinely want to understand the world around them and when I feel and express irritation I am suggesting to them to suppress their innate desire to understand reality and thus dumb themselves down to not incur the wrath of those around them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I do not explain things to my child, they will develop an understanding of the world based on the bias of the other informational sources available to them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the value in taking time to slow down and be creative within how I can explain something complex with lots of context to a child, and that I did not realize that much or my frustration lies within me not having effective vocabulary and proper understanding of the world around me, and thus I am afraid of my child losing respect for me because I do not know.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe it is acceptable to not understand everything in reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that willful ignorance of reality is the source of all of my problems and the problems in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am my child's mentor and their guide to develop a keen understanding of how this system works and what must be done to change it so that it is best for all.

I commit myself to stopping all excuse to not educate my child with a full understanding of reality and support within developing the communication and reading ability to process any and all information and to sort out the problems in this world, as there is no other reason to be here, because what is the point of just existing as a slave in an unequal system for a short period of time and not standing up and doing something about it.

I commit myself to show that equality comes first and then freedom becomes possible, and the way to real equality that is best for all begins with an vocabulary equal to reality.

I commit myself to show to parents and educators that the tool to support any child to develop effective ability in the 21st century is TechnoTutor and that it doesn't require any specialized knowledge or skills to support a child to become effective and I commit myself to continue developing the systems that will support millions eventually to develop an equalized, effective vocabulary to be able to transcend the current slave system that is being held in place by the education system in conjunction with the economic system.

I commit myself to show those interested in financial freedom - that the only way is through TechnoTutor as this will ensure, eventually, mental freedom for all.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Don't Leave Your Child to the Wolves

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to my memories of being in school.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I simply do the opposite of what school does for my children, that this is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that doing the opposite of something that is not best, is not the same as what is best, because there are many ways to do something that are not best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I was not educated effectively and thus as a parent without support, I would have no idea how to properly educate my child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the foundation of effective education is the proper integration of letters, numbers, and then words using the Natural Learning Ability, which TechnoTutor works with, in order to remove all bias from a child's vocabulary and giving them the ability to process information directly and to thus work with reality directly.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a child will naturally be interested in reading, when the reality is that they will be interested in what I expose them to within the principle of suggestion and patience, and that is how the corporations advertise, thus why it is important to start the process of educating your child from the beginning, otherwise the corporations are already doing it from the moment the child is born (and before if you are listening to music, movies, and advertising while the child is in the womb).

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my real purpose as a parent is to ensure that my child has an effective vocabulary, reading ability, math ability and the understand that Life is equal and that only a system that honors this will every produce a world that is best for all, and thus if I only educate my child according to the standards of survival in this world, then I am essentially damning them to the life of a slave, just like my parents did to me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am able to support child even if I don't have it all figured out, because it has already been figured out how to effectively education a child, and this is what TechnoTutor is.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that educating a child in the best way is a process with a beginning, a middle, and an end, and that it is not something that happens randomly.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that allowing the child to decide what they are interested in is in fact abuse, because it does not consider the self-honesty that the child is being influenced in their interests at all times, by the parent, the system, media, etc, and thus the parent that says 'I will let them learn at their own pace according to what they are interested in' is really admitting that they do not know how to educate their child, and are in fact leaving them to the wolves, so to speak.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the child's natural learning ability shuts down within 7 years at a maximum (usually before then in 3-5 due to the increase in communication technology) and that the examples of feral children show that if the child is given improper programming/education in the first 7 years, they cannot learn effectively in the most optimal way beyond that point, and will never become their full potential as a human being.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the examples of feral children show that if a parent allows their child to only begin learning to read when they are 5 or 6 or 7, then the child is going to be severely limited in life, because they have lost their optimal learning years and without TechnoTutor, they cannot rebuild that foundation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a parent to let my emotions and my feeling of loss of my childhood to direct me to not educate my child in the best way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that unschooling is a form of abuse, just like schooling, because it is not in fact a directed approach to educating a child in the best way. It is rather just the parent not taking full responsibility for what the child actually needs. It is a form of abdication of responsibility.

I commit myself to show to parents and those interested in learning how to best educate a child, that TechnoTutor is the best way to do so, and that any other approach will produce a dysfunctional child and a dysfunctional world.

I commit myself to explain until it gets through to enough people that unless we re-educate children in the best way, we are all doomed.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How We Taught Our 2 Year Old To Read

For those of you who don't know, my son Max is able to read and he is not even 3 years old yet. And when I say READ, I don't mean, he has memorized words in a book that we have read to him over and over. I mean he can take a book that he has never seen and read the words and understand what it is saying. I am going to give an outline of the process we went through to develop that ability within him at such a young age.

Firstly, we use a program called TechnoTutor. It is a technology that works with the Natural Learning Ability and integrates all the symbols, sounds, letters, words, numbers, etc of a language into the physical body which are then able to be accessed while reading, speaking, writing, etc.

Max at 2 years 9 months
This approach is unlike any other approach to education that currently exists because it is not based on any form of 'memorization' or 'thinking'. It is based on how the body learns from the moment the child is born, but which becomes lost after the first 5-7 years (or earlier in many cases) and which is virtually non-existent by the time the child enters school.

This is the main reason why so many children struggle in school and why very few excel. As we have discussed in other posts, the school system is not actually designed to 'teach' anything. It is designed as a filter for society to identify those with strong memories and place them in positions such as doctors and lawyers, for example, to keep the system running and never change so that the current 1% remain in their position. The education is in fact the main pillar holding the system of inequality in place, because Education is the one point where inequality could be addressed at a fundamental level and yet this one point is abused to in essence brainwash the masses in to quiescence and tacit acceptance of a system that only really serves the interests of a few.

For my children, my wife and I decided to take matters into our own hands.

It has been well established that vocabulary, reading, and math ability are the keys to success in this world, and that those who are strong in these areas make more money, have better relationships, better health, better life expectancy, everything better.

Educational psychologists have known for decades that they can predict a child's school performance as early as grade three based on the child's vocabulary when they are 4. They know that grade 3 reading ability predicts later school performance and the likelihood that the child will graduate high school, attend and graduate university, and the odds of whether they will end up in jail or on welfare.

Max in his TechnoTutor shirt
All of this is known and yet the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. All kinds of fancy methods have been introduced to try and solve the problem but none of them address the real issue which is what the child learns in the first 3-5 years of their life and HOW they learn it.

Again. We took matters into our own hands.

Using this technology called TechnoTutor we began working with ourselves first to reestablish our own Natural Learning Ability. This was before we even had children. We knew that the way we were raised was not effective. I was spanked, punished, yelled at, abandoned, all kinds of abuse as a child. I knew that I could not allow myself to treat my child as I was treated and yet I couldn't just react to how I was parented and change nothing at the cellular level. I had to change WHO I AM. And I have been walking that process since 2008 alongside my wife when we were first introduced to Bernard Poolman. He taught us the keys to self change and introduced us to the tools that we would need on this journey. Instead of just taking his word for granted we put everything he taught us to the test. And we had to figure out a lot for ourselves along the way as well. We combined our experience as educators (we both studied mathematics in university and worked as private academic tutors for over a decade each, my wife was the director of an upscale daycare and also worked at tutoring centers, in addition to being a nanny when she was younger) along with this technology and not only did we see INCREDIBLE results when we applied this with our tutoring clients, but we saw results for ourselves that most people would perhaps not think possible.

One of the main challenges parents have is that they may want to do better than their parents, but the reality is they are just a copy of their parents. Your parents copied themselves into in your first 7 years. Its like when you get a new computer and you clone it from your previous one. That is done through everything you say and do around your children in those first 7 years. That is why the Jesuits have a saying "Give me the child in the first 7 years and I'll give you the Man."

Max and Seneca
If you do not change what was written on the hard drive at a physical, cellular level, then you will not actually do anything fundamentally different with your children. In some cases you may do the 'opposite' but in the end the product will be the same. A 2 year old who is unruly. A teenager who hates you. And an adult that has no real ability to navigate this world except to compete for a job. The problem is, automation is coming and you can't predict what the jobs are going to be, if any, and that means that your child must be educated in a fundamentally different way then you were. Memorization of facts without being able to apply them in creative ways is just not going to cut it.

And yet I see parents who are not creative, not competent except in very narrow fields who can't remember 90% of what they learned in school, cannot read new information outside of their current knowledge base with any degree of confidence, sending their kids to school to do what? Get the exact same thing?

All education is simply learning words and the relationships between the words. That's it. If you can understand the words first, then you can apply it. Then you can DO it. For those who say that you can learn just by being shown how to do something, then show examples. Why is it that coaches SPEAK to their athletes? Why is it that doctors spend 4 years in school BEFORE being SHOWN what to do. Because without the words, the showing is extremely limited. 

I hear some parents say "I'm not qualified to educate my child". So I'm going to send them to the same place I was educated where I learned essentially nothing. Does that make sense?

Fortunately, in a way, people are losing faith in the system. Political correctness in all its facets has invaded the schools and now if you are someone who doesn't want to go along with what the teacher says you are going to be labeled as hateful. I'm warning you, parents! Take matters into your own hands and take responsibility for your child's education before you lose them forever!

Using TechnoTutor, Max began to recognize and say the letters of the alphabet 16 months old. He could distinguish between upper and lower case as well at that point. Using TechnoTutor, he had mastered them with 100% accuracy even using different fonts by 20 months.

Max and the letters of the alphabet.
Max and the upper case letters.
Max and the lower case letters.

By the time he was about 22 months old he could do the same with the numbers and basic math symbols like plus, minus and equals.

Max and the numbers.

By 23 months, he mastered most of the punctuation symbols.

By 2 years and 3 months he was reading words like: walk, run, stop... He could distinguish between 'world' and 'word'.

Max reading written words.

At 2 years and 9 months he is now reading books. At a FIRST GRADE LEVEL.

Max reading a book with Katie.

Max reading words in real time, with them being switched up to make new sentences. With no pictures to get cues from.  

Another example of Max reading, even when the words are upside down. 

Max reading from a 1st grade level book.

Max at 2 years 9 months
We have documented all of this to show you and others that this is something that anyone can do. He is not 'special'. We are just SPECIFIC in how we educate and treat him.

Now, we could wait until he is 5 and solving systems of linear equations on camera, but then it may be too late for YOUR CHILD. I'm not saying this approach won't support your child, no matter what their age, but I'm sure you understand that the older they get, the less they will listen to you. So, if they are already older, we can support you. But, DON'T WAIT.

When you look at an acorn, do you see an acorn? Or do you see a TREE? A FOREST? A SUBDIVISION FULL OF HOUSES?

Can you see what my child will BECOME because of the support he is getting from the very beginning? Can you see the consequence of having a solid foundation for learning and communicating? Can you see what happens when you leave it up to chance?

We were at an event this weekend and I introduced Max to a woman who has had many children and grandchildren and, after talking with Max, she said "Wow, he is only 2 1/2? He's not terrible at all! Normally the two's are terrible! I'm amazed at how well behaved he is."

Now imagine, we have NEVER punished, nor rewarded Max for his behavior. Only EXPLAINED. Never threatened, never manipulated. Only EXPLAINED.


Why does that make parenting so much fun? Well...

He does not throw temper tantrums because he has the vocabulary to express himself.
Watch how we communicate about buying toys in the toy store for example.

Talking to Max about buying a toy car in the toy section.

Talking to Max about what we are going to buy before we go into the store.

Asking Max to pick up his toys before getting more out.

We don't 'dumb things down'. We explain everything to him as best as possible and when he lacks the words to understand, we augment his vocabulary.

He asks to brush his teeth at night and we do it with no fighting. Watch this to see what I mean: Max brushing his teeth at 2 years 3 months and again at 2 years 8 months

A point to take away from this is that effective vocabulary in both parent and child leads to better communication, more cooperation, and less frustration.

And it only takes minutes a day to do this for your child when you have TechnoTutor.

Please don't wait until the problem is already evident. And if it is, don't worry, we can help you as well.
And now, our 10 month old daughter, Seneca, is using TechnoTutor.

Seneca at 10 months
I know you are probably wondering how it works. Why don't we show videos of the kids using it?

Because, you are going to need one on one support and in order to get TechnoTutor, you must talk to a Distributor one on one. Here, we are just showing one result. We have many more from many families. Results that would blow your mind. Results that anyone would want. Students overcoming reading challenges. Students being offered full scholarships to Oxford and Cambridge. Families resolving conflicts. Amazing stories. But to hear more about that, you will have to talk to someone one on one. That is how this works. You want to know more? Talk to a TechnoTutor Distributor. Contact one here: TechnoTutor

 Just send us a message and we can share more with you. Contact us here: TechnoTutor
Seneca at 9 months

Oh, and we've been on TV twice now.
Interview from Fox Business and Bloomberg with Donald Trump, Jr. 
Interview on Moving America Forward with William Shatner

To be continued...

Other videos:

Max learning about chess
Max typing punctuation on keyboard, using the shift key at 2 years, 6 months.
Max learning to cut a cucumber.
Example of Max reading sentences and words at 2 years 9 months.
More examples of Max reading sentences.
Max displaying some knowledge that most school children (and adults) don't know.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hiding Through Judgment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse life just to survive temporarily without considering that I am in fact giving life to a system that is creating suffering and inequality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the fact that I have spent my whole life in support of a system that produces and reinforces inequality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, when presented with the opportunity to change the system, to rather hide and use excuses like "I have to change myself first" when in reality I am afraid and unwilling to really change and to measure that change in physical reality that would be evident to others and have an actual physical impact in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others who are working within the system, through the lens of morality, instead of taking the time to understand how the system works and see how I can practically stand up within it and make a real difference.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge those who create money in the system and have placed myself, through that judgment, in a position of inaction and therefore acceptance of the system to continue as is, instead of standing up and being the change in the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others in order to mask my own fear of self change and to thus blame and project others for my failings in order to not face myself in self honesty within the realization that thus far I have not done anything for real that would make a difference after I die.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my point of transcendence within this is to study the system and become equal to it so that it can be changed.

I commit myself to learn how to create money and to use that money to change the system so that it is best for all.

I commit myself to support those who are willing to stand alongside me to use the tools of self change and to study and learn how to equalize oneself to the system in order to stand up within it and change it for the best.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The First 7 Years Are Critical

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that virtually everything about me, my personality, my character, my habits, my beliefs, my thought processes, was set by the time I was 7 years old.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that just because a child cannot speak, doesn't mean they have not learned something from their environment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that just because I don't remember learning every single word and habit from my parents, primarily, that it means that they are not the source of most of who I am currently.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I truly want to change, then I must start where the real foundation of who I am was built, which was in my first 7 years of life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can investigate my entire foundation for my life and who I am simply by remediating my vocabulary from the ground up.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can support my children to develop a very effective character to be able to stand in this world and be someone who not only is able to make a difference but who is of value to every person they meet.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I am not specific in how I support my children, by supporting them with an effective vocabulary, math and reading ability from the very beginning then they will develop dysfunctions.

I commit myself to show that anyone can support their child to develop effective skills for being an adult in this world even without any formal education, but the parent must also support themselves using TechnoTutor alongside their child.

Friday, July 26, 2019

You Have Limited Time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have limited time in this life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold onto hope that somehow things will work out for the best regardless of what I do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am here in this life in order to change myself, and that implies that I use this time that I have been given to do what is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not fully consider and realize that there is best way to approach doing what is best and that is to look at the system that is currently creating the world as it is, which is accepted and allowed to exist, and to identify where I can have an impact that will be lasting, that will exist even after I am no longer alive, and to look at what points I am currently accepting within myself, as the system of my mind that I have both created and accepted to dictate my actions on a daily basis automatically, and to change those which are keeping me from doing that which would have a lasting impact on this world that is best - and by doing this, this would be the proof, the evidence, and the actual change that is required for me know that I have not taken advantage of life in an abusive way, but have given as I would like to receive.

I commit myself to continue to identify and remove/change those points within me which are holding me in a pattern of self-interest that would prevent me from doing what is best in the context of changing the system that is here.

I commit myself to show that anyone can stand up, if they walk with the group that supports Life and utilizes the tools that are available to change oneself and therefore be able to do what would have previously seemed impossible.

I commit myself to show that the education system on this planet is keeping humanity in a state of perpetual inequality and that if this one point were changed, then we would make a lasting impact for the best, but supporting each new human being born into this world to equalize themselves to their full potential, simply by ensuring that they develop an effective vocabulary, reading ability, and mathematics ability, the points that are currently being used to manipulate humanity into continuing to accept inequality, by only allowing effective abilities for a few.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ain't We All Gods?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize what it means to be a creator.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not understand what Jesus meant when he asked, "Ain't ye all gods?"

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse the word creator, using it to feel good and powerful without considering the responsibility implied within the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider the extent to which we, as human beings, have an effect on this world, on the other beings here, and on each other, and thus to the degree to which we create systems, such as the money system, education system, food distribution system, etc, we are the creators of that reality because these systems have an effect in the physical world, which is the only world, in terms of our life on earth that matters, because it is the only one BASED in matter.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself and others to say "I am a creator," but really just paying lip service to the term, because a creator would be able to look at the world, see what is not best, and create something new that IS best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself and others to want to just FEEL like a creator but not take on the responsibility of a true creator.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that, as a parent, I am the creator of my child, and this implies the responsibility to assist and support them to develop to their full potential as a human being on this planet, which implies a character of benevolence, intelligence, reasonableness, and service to oneself and others in the best way, which is based in common sense.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize, as someone who is aware of the tools of self change, such as Desteni and TechnoTutor and GIN, my responsibility towards CREATING a new system of equality that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be less than the best meaning of the word CREATOR.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I abuse the word creator, I become a REACTOR, which is the same letters, just in the wrong order, and when I do not have an effective vocabulary, I mess up this world, nothing changes about what I am capable of or what I am, just how I use what I am and what is here, and thus my first point of responsibility is to sort out my vocabulary and as a parent, to sort out my child's vocabulary, and then as a creator taking on more responsibility in the world to support all the other people in the world to sort out their vocabularies, so that we can all be on the same page, agreeing on what is best based on common sense, not faith, belief or conviction, but on actually seeing what is best and creating a world based on that.

I commit myself to stand and support myself, my children, and this world to educate ourselves in the best way, which is to remediate and develop a vocabulary that is based in common sense and the understanding that only by supporting and acting within what is best for all will we be able to stop all consequence that harms and abuses ourselves.

I commit myself to be one of the creators of the new education system that supports the equalization of each person to their full potential as a creative human being.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Always expecting the worst

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and participate in a pattern of always expecting the worst.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place unnecessary emphasis on the negative points that have occurred in my life - which really I have defined as negative - and to thus create a fear pattern of always expecting something 'bad' to happen, even when things are working effectively.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to suppress the feeling that something will go wrong, instead of simply looking practically at what I have a doubt or concern about from a common sense perspective, removing the emotion from the point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the point of expecting the worst stems from a point of feeling/believing that I do not deserve for myself to experience things going well and working out effectively.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as always having to face some huge challenge or hurdle, recognizing that challenges will occur due to the nature of the system we are in, however I have made the point personal, like I deserve things to be hard and difficult and a struggle, rather than work out accordingly.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to miss the point that things to do not work out ACCORDING to how I feel, but according to what I do and what everyone else does in relation to the point that is relevant.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my feeling about something is an indicator that there is a dishonesty within myself about that something or about myself in relation to it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself rather avoid facing my feelings and project through imagination about what could happen, rather than sit, in self-honesty and evaluate all the details of the point I am working on, looking at what needs to be aligned, to be certain, at least as much as possible, that the point is being directed effectively.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rather hope than be certain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage myself through fear of a feeling than be honest and do what is required in order to do or create what is best.

I commit myself to utilize my feelings as indicators of self-dishonesty, to push myself to face them and face the points that I doubt or fear and learn how to work with points directly rather than through hope, to take the time to investigate and put down all the fears, doubts concerns, feelings, etc on paper and support myself to firstly forgive those points and to then look at the point within common sense, instead of allowing imagination, feelings, and thoughts, to run rampant, unchecked and create consequences - which is really, deep down, the point that I have allowed myself to fear, and thus it is the focus on the fear that creates that which I fear - thus I stop myself from participating in the fear - and I commit myself to direct myself within it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Giving My Power Away to Thoughts and Feelings

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to realize that there are some things that I feel I have no choice about, is because of accumulated consequences - and the choice was generally made in the beginning and that created consequences which then reinforced the choice, so what I am facing now is the result of my original choice, which I may not be consciously aware of now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I am challenged to make a choice and I feel emotional and feel like I don't have a choice, it is the emotions that are trying to keep me locked in some original choice, and the same thing goes for thoughts, and yet I can stop participating in a moment, breathe, delete the thoughts and make the decision that is best in that moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a society where people feel like they have no choice whatsoever, even though they are making choices all the time, but they feel like they aren't choices because emotions and thoughts are given power over and above our individual will and choice.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the extent to which we as humanity have placed power, Godlike power, into thoughts, feelings, and emotions and use these as justifications for why we and this world cannot change and stop doing things that are not best and do the things that are.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to listen to my thoughts and feelings instead of my common sense, which IS THERE if I listen to it.

I forgive myself that I have not been honest with myself about the degree to which I still allow my thoughts, feelings, and emotions to be the authority, even though I know deep down that I am the one giving them the authority and it is ME who experiences the consequence, eventually, of participating in them and allowing them to make decisions on my behalf.

I commit myself to stop in the moment where the thought comes up to do something that I know is not best, and then the feeling rises to reinforce the thought, and then the flood of thoughts come to convince me to do it - but I stop, I breathe, I bring myself back here, I pause, I forgive myself for falling into the temptation to think and use this as an excuse to wash my hands clean of the decision to do something that is not best, no matter how 'minor' it might seem - I stand up and take responsibility for what I allow in my inner world which becomes my outer world.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Where Fear Exists, Life Does Not

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that real change comes from actually making different decisions and following through on them in my actions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want there to be a magical fix for my problems.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the opportunity that I have in being alive to be able to change myself and become someone who can be trusted with life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take my existence and Life for granted and assume that I deserve life regardless of what I do with it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am here, not of my own accord, but by the gift of Life and I am self responsible for what I choose to do with my gift of life, regardless of the challenges and difficulties that I experience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only way I can trust myself to exist with infinite power and creative ability is to learn to trust myself when my abilities and power are limited - to show to myself and to prove in real, physical application that I would do what is best regardless of the context and circumstance.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not understand and realize the power within living according to the principle of what is best for all - it simplifies life significantly, where one has fewer (if any choices) and yet within that one is able to simplify the test of life - when choice is removed thus the only choice that remains is whether one will do what is best or not, and one still does what is not best - it shows quite clearly who one is and thus I, but sticking to the principle of what is best have an opportunity to walk in this life and prove to myself that I am worthy of having more life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear dying, which is an indicator that I know that I am not worthy of life, because if I am then I would live forever, because I would be equal to life - thus where fear exists, life does not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there is anything to fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is ok to feel great and that feeling bad is not a solution to anything and yet being dependent on how I feel to determine what choice I make in a moment is unacceptable, and thus I commit myself to remain self-honest and breathe through emotion and feeling when a choice presents itself and to thus always choose that which is best - and to look at the feedback and consequence in self honesty when I choose what is not best and to correct myself in real application, not in word only, but beginning with spoken self-forgiveness, and writing to see where I can be more specific in my choices, where I can prevent consequence that is not best for all and where I can stand more clearly and use this life that I have been given, however long or brief it is, to do what is best.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fear of a Feeling

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to fully realize that fear is cured by action.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place hope and faith that things in my life will magically change and that I will magically feel more confident and then I can suddenly do more, when this is not how a reality based in space and time functions - things take time, and they require action.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I choose to do that which I know to not be best for all, I weaken myself and I create myself as that which is not best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can only do that which comes easily or naturally to me - that I cannot decide to do something outside of my pre-programming - realizing that yes, when I attempt to do something outside of my pre-programming, I will likely fail, but I will learn more about what I need to change so that eventually I can create a new program within and that which is hard will eventually become easy or at least feel natural and require less 'motivation' within myself to do.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that when I was a baby, virtually nothing was natural or came easy, and yet because I did not have a mind to participate in, I just did that which I saw or heard and eventually it became second nature - but now that I have a mind, I spend most of my time participating in thoughts and feelings and thus I do not just simply do that which I see and hear that is best - instead, I think about and I stop myself from acting - the exact thing that would, over time, allow me to develop new habits and new patterns which would change my life (and everyone else's) for the better.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage myself from doing that which is best for me through participating in the fear of experiencing a feeling.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question why I am afraid of feeling certain things.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give power to how I feel rather than what is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to say 'I will apply myself later' when I think it will be easier, but not in the heat of the moment where it feels hard or difficult, but that is the moment that truly matters, that is the moment of transcendence, because if it feels easy, I am not in fact changing, because 'easy = a program is running' and thus if it feels easy, I am only working within my pre-programming.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I am not constantly pushing my comfort zone, then I am not expanding outside of my comfort zone and thus I am not moving beyond the creation that I am already within and thus I will only ever be reacting to consequences that are being generated from my current pre-programming.

I commit myself to stand in the moment of change, to do what is best, to allow myself to experience the emotions and feelings that I fear to experience, and to walk through the fear and to do what is best - and when I fail in a moment like that, to evaluate what it was that I feared in self-honesty that I allowed to decide who I am instead of me deciding who I am.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

What Are Schools Even Really Teaching?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the purpose of school is not to really educate a child, but rather to place them in an environment to which they are expected to conform and through which they will be filtered into a position in society based on their genetics and environment at home.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that school does not even teach children the basics of money management or taxes and thus shows that the purpose of school is not to make EVERY child effective in this system, because the things that would allow a child to be competitive in the system are specifically not addressed in school and must be learned elsewhere, and thus if one is from a family where the parents are effective in the system, the child is more likely to learn these things from the parent or get direct support with them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that parents have no idea how to educate a child, but neither does a teacher, because a teacher is only giving a curriculum and is not with the child one on one making sure every word with its proper meaning is learned, the teacher is primarily just giving information and testing whether the child learned it, but cannot generally have much of an impact on the child's ability to learn, because their ability to learn is foundational.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a child's performance in grade 3 can be predicted by their vocabulary at age 4, and this is generally predictable based on the parent's income level.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the best way to educate a child is to have a parent working with the child, full time, integrating symbols and words through TechnoTutor and then guiding them to explore the world around them and being an effective example of common sense and effective reasoning as well as stability.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a child does not have built in preferences, generally speaking - they develop preferences based on the words and explanations given to them from a young age in addition to whatever is placed into their environment that becomes a part of the child's memory - thus if one introduce letters and numbers through TechnoTutor, not forcing but doing it patiently and gently, then the child will develop a keen interest in letters, numbers, and eventually words an reading and this has already been tested and proven.

I commit myself to show parents and educators that the best way to support a child to learn is to teach them vocabulary through TechnoTutor and to remediate where necessary and that this will support the child to develop an ability to read and understand anything.

I commit myself to show to those looking for a higher purpose, that the way to have a real, positive impact in the world is to become a TechnoTutor distributor, because there are so many children who are not developing even the most basic competence with reading and processing information and that as the world moves towards more automation, the ability to read and reason is going to become more and more necessary as menial, repetitive work becomes less available and as a TechnoTutor distributor, you hold the key to reeducating humanity to a point of equal effectiveness, equal to the true, real potential of humans to cooperate and build a world that is best for all.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Education is the Key to a World that is Best for All

 for context, see the following posts:

The False Principle of Our Education: A Commentary


Education secrets THEY don't want YOU to know about

We are looking for a New 1%

Children are Innocent - so Why are Adults so F***ed Up?

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that 'getting things from context" is not in itself a skill that can be learned independent of having knowledge in the first place.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the education standards globally have been dumbed down and are continuing to be dumbed down and are not supporting the full potential of what humanity could be become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all approaches to education other than TechnoTutor take the first few years of what a child learns from their environment, which determines their further ability to integrate new information child's life for granted, and only try to build on top of it without changing the foundation itself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the education system we have in this world is designed, whether deliberately or as a natural outflow of current human nature, only filters children based on their abilities which are determined by their genetics and what they are exposed to in the first few years of life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is impossible to conceive of something that you are not programmed with in the first place.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if every child was educated to know the meaning of every single word and was free of emotional bias towards the words then we would have equality on earth, because no one could take advantage of another without their permission, because each would understand the consequences of their choices and the consequences of others actions and they would not be able to be manipulated by words colored with emotion.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the inequality that exists in this world stems from the inequality in education.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that those who essentially run this world have a totally different education than the vast majority of humanity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want everyone to just wake up, but not realizing that people cannot wake up if they are programmed to stay asleep and the one thing that the education system is undeniably good at is boring people to sleep to not question the system we live in and accept on a daily basis.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the best way to wake up humanity is to reeducate every single person to a point of equal effectiveness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is a tipping point where we can educate enough people individually to stand up and change the systems that would then determine how the vast majority of humanity is educated, so that this equality could be shared with all, but this will not happen by trying to appeal directly to the masses initially, because there is too much control in the hands of the few, and thus those who see the potential must come together and stand as a group and change the system from within.

I commit myself to call on all those who see the potential within themselves to stand up and create a new education system that will support all to become equally effective within information processing.

I commit myself to work with those who want to reeducate themselves and educate their children to a point of equal effectiveness to their full potential.

I commit myself to continue walking the process of reeducation of myself in order to stand in the face of all self interest in order to change the system so that it is best for all.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Considerations When Teaching Children to Read

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that reading does not come naturally to children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I do not support a child to learn how to read correctly then this will lead to reading dysfunctions and learning dysfunctions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take for granted how complex reading actually is, and not realize that things that seem obvious as a parent, are not obvious to a child, for example - that in English we read words and sentences from left to right - a child does not know this, and if they are not supported effectively and this is explained and tested to make sure the child understands, this this could lead to major difficulties in reading, learning, and cause problems later in life, particularly a low self-esteem.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that just teaching a child phonics is good enough when there are many examples where phonics falls short and does not work, for example, the word: ocean. And there are many inconsistencies in how we pronounce diphthongs, for example, look at the words: book and loop. The oo is said 2 different ways. Thus we have to be very careful what we teach our children because when they are in the natural learning phase, if this is not directed effectively, it will not form a stable foundation, because every time a child is certain they know something, but it is in fact incorrect but the child cannot understand why, they begin to believe that either the world makes little sense or there is something wrong with them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the amount of focus and patience required to support a child to learn to read.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that parroting words that the child is told is the same as reading, but if I don't test and make absolutely sure, then the child is actually developing coping mechanisms and not a direct, effective information processing ability - and if a child does not have constant, one on one support, this is unlikely to be done effectively.

I commit myself to show that anyone with an understanding of the natural learning ability of a child who is patient, consistent, and stable, using TechnoTutor, can support a child to learn to read in a more effective way than any other approach that is available and that this in in fact the BEST approach to teaching a child to read and to build the foundation for all future learning in their life.

Monday, July 8, 2019

How Can I Win Without Another Losing?

The only way to win without losing is to make sure that you do not win at the expense of ANYONE or ANYTHING else. You might wonder what winning would mean in that context, but that would show the extent to which we only think in terms of win and lose. Virtually every approach to Life that is promoted will in some way argue for or imply that someone has to lose for your to win and that Life is all about the individual winning. But what if you are the one on the losing end?

Is it possible for everyone to win when each is playing to win at the expense of another? Is it possible, in a system designed for only some to win and for most to lose, that EVERYONE can learn the rules of the game and then we can all win?

Imagine: is it possible to play monopoly so that all win? In that game the only way would be for everyone to have a constant flow of money so that one never runs out and thus never loses, but then what would be the point of playing that game?

Is LIFE a game?

It actually is not a game. What we have is a game that abuses Life in order to exist and for some to win and most to lose. The game would not exist without Life. The system would not exist without Life. But the Game, the System, is NOT Life. Life is the principle that is given to each equally which allows us to be here in the first place. What we then do with it, individually, forms the collective experience which then begins to influence what individuals even see as possible.

For example, if you are born in Somalia and make less than $1 per day, how do you even see it as possible to become a billionaire investor? Oh sure, there may be ONE PERSON who does it, but is it possible for EVERYONE? Does it come down to personal choice? Is it because most people are lazy? Or is it that we each play a role in accepting less than what is best and all of those little choice accumulate into supporting the system as is?

We have a way to be in this system, and to move yourself out of the 'losing position' you are in right now, which is holding everyone else in a losing position as well, and to make the changes necessary in the system so that the choices presented to ALL are what is best. Imagine if no one had to even be concerned with survival because we had a system that was effectively designed and managed that would support each one with what they need to exist and live in the way that is best? Imagine the creativity that would be unleashed!

Seems difficult to imagine at the moment, because your imagination is shaped and molded by the current system of win/lose to the point that you would even think "if no one is motivated by fear of survival then why would they work?" If that were true, why would Bill Gates or Warren Buffet still be working to this very day? Perhaps, if a human is educated effectively, they will be more interested in creation than mere survival...

I suggest that you consider becoming a TechnoTutor distributor. Here is why:

1. The process of building a business will give you something to daily focus on that will push you outside of your comfort zone and thus you will have a convenient way to challenge yourself and face your current accepted limitations.

2. The system is collapsing and there is going to be a HUGE demand for personalized education, which only TechnoTutor provides FOR REAL, and you don't need any kind of degree or certification to educate yourself with TechnoTutor, because it develops the foundation for reading, speaking, and mathematics in a fundamental way that no other approach does/can. There are only going to be MORE and MORE people who need your support, so your TechnoTutor business will only grow if you apply yourself effectively.

3. You can become financially free, in a currently limited system, but through supporting others to re-educate themselves to be effective in a system that will require everyone to think in terms of win/win, which our current education system only programs us to think in terms of win/lose (and mostly on the lose side).

4. You will have a tool, TechnoTutor, that will support you in the process of changing yourself and re-educating yourself to build your business, because it is likely that you were not educated effectively and thus you now have the vehicle (a TechnoTutor business) along with the tool (TechnoTutor itself) in order to develop yourself and create a lasting impact in the world while placing yourself in a position financially to not only achieve all the desires that you have in terms of wealth, etc, but by becoming successful and winning, you are ENSURING that future generations will have a SUPERIOR education that the system is simply not ever going to provide in its current state, and thus you are preventing the complete and total collapse of civilization as we know it, something that, unless we prepare current and future generations to solve, will be catastrophic and probably mean the end of humanity. Thus, through education, we will SAVE THE WORLD.

Isn't that what everyone wants to do? And yet this doesn't have to be a fantasy. It can be your reality if you so choose.

Now for some Self-Forgiveness:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there is nothing I can do as an individual to make a difference in the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as an absolute individual, I can stand up and make my life count.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be less than equal to my real potential for change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can live the words "be the change you want to see in the world".

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can create money, become financially free, and at the same time contribute to make the world best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that education is the key to creating a world that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the brainwashing/propaganda that the world can't be best, that Utopia is impossible, because Utopia would require a dictatorship to enforce and that people can't really change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that Human Nature is something that is set in stone and that it can't be changed.

I forgive myself that I haven't realized that Human Nature is simply the evolution of choices that have been made and reinforced over a long period of time, and that it can change if new choices are made and reinforced and systems created to support with the environment that reinforces the new choices.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the extent to which the system reinforces a losing mentality and makes it almost impossible to consider that we can all win without anyone losing, but this would require us to challenge these beliefs within us - thus presenting us with the ultimate test whether we are just robots or real living beings with real freedom of choice.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never question why if given the choice to believe that it is impossible for everyone to accept and do what is best, versus just fight and compete in a world that is less than best, why I or anyone would choose the latter belief, because it all comes down to what we believe which motivates how we act, what we consider as possible, and that these beliefs were essentially assigned to us from birth by those who went before us - thus the real question is, who do we want to be?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear becoming rich and successful because I don't want to take more responsibility and thus this is a fire wall that I must walk through.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to complain about the world but not really be willing to stand up and do something about it that would practically make the world better.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the opportunity that TechnoTutor represents to re-educate humanity to a superior form of reason and common sense and the opportunity for me to be a part of it and fulfill all the dreams that I have while being a part of the solution to the problems in this world.

I commit myself to investigate TechnoTutor fully, to really get to know it, to really push myself and build a business that provides value to others and supports them in ways they would believe is not possible but will improve every area their life.

I commit myself to show that it is possible to become successful even in the current system in a way that supports what is best, and that this is what TechnoTutor is all about.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Fire Walls

Sometimes we walk through firewalls. We experience them in various ways, but the common point is that it feels like we are in a state where we just cannot go forward. It can feel like depression, it can feel like irritation, frustration, annoyance, it can feel like outright anger, sometimes it feels like others are out to get you. Many times it feels like FEAR. But what it really is, is a layer of energy as a character that is presenting itself for us to transcend. What is cool is that when we finally direct ourselves to walk through it our lives change and improve. We are able to do things we "couldn't" do before. We are able to see things in a new way. We are able to see new possibilities and we feel renewed. We feel more courageous. We feel more bold. Or we feel more centered, more stable, less reactive.

The weird thing is that the benefits of walking through the firewall are virtually impossible to see before you have walked through it. And the firewall seems so much like it is just who we are, like water to a fish, that we can't see any possibility of getting through it, except from a purely logical perspective. It just FEELS like it's something we have to accept and it can never change.

But it CAN! All we have to do is walk through it. And every fiber of our being will resist. Of course, because it is who we have accepted ourselves to be and layered this into us physically. But if we walk the process and apply the tools we CAN get through it and on the other side is a totally new world.

Of course this firewall is something humanity is facing at a large scale as we face the reality that we don't really 'care' or 'care to' take care of each other and this world in the best way, because it is too 'inconvenient' to change even though the way things are makes very little since. Change is too 'hard' but the reality is the change that is 'hard' is at the individual, personal level, where we justify remaining in our limitations and weaknesses. Whether it is transcending anger or judgment or depression or blame - these points that we see and experience within ourselves are what must be walked through, because those are the points that are holding us back from being able to see change as possible on the larger scale. Yes, the systems that run our world have to change, but so do the systems that run our individual lives, in terms of how we allow thoughts, feelings, and emotions to direct us instead of common sense. And sometimes you just have to stand up within yourself, for yourself, against what you have accepted which feels like this external force that is oppressing us, and we have to say, "I will not be a slave, even to my own creation!"

And then we have to start by writing, forgiving ourselves in writing and aloud, and writing and speaking the self correction.

And even after all of that is done: we still have to stand up and walk through the point physically.

If it is a fear of speaking to someone, we have to just speak.

If it is a fear of doing something, we have to just do it. Obviously we have to determine if this something we fear is practically necessary, but if we 'feel' a fear then likely it is just our mind trying to stop us from doing something we are not preprogrammed to do.

Walk through the water fall of fear. It feels like a wall of fire, but its really nothing more than a waterfall that you can walk right through. It is our dependence on the mind as feelings and thoughts as feedback that is stopping us, not the fire/water wall.

Stand up and move forward. You have been waiting long enough.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wallow in self-pity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my feelings and emotions are valid feedback as to whether I should do something or not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my mind is programmed to limit me from doing what is best, and to remain only in generating energy through conflict.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that fear and resistance show me the path to walk through.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see/remember all the times I walked through fear and how what I feared wasn't really a big deal, and that I always grew from walking through it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see my real potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear changing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the pain of my emotions and feelings, and not realize that the consequence of not changing is far greater than the momentary pain of change.

 I commit myself to remember - when the firewall comes - that it is a point of transcendence - and that there is no reason to hesitate - to trust myself in that moment and walk through it - to apply the tools of writing, self-forgiveness, and self correction , and then to walk physically through what I fear/resist.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Trap of Judgment

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to let go of feeling bad or good.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to be a victim to my circumstances and to my feelings.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as I continue forgiving myself I am presented with new points to walk through and forgive and that this won't feel good and in many cases will feel really bad but how I feel is not an accurate indicator of whether or not I am doing what is best for myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to remain playing the game of feeling good and feeling bad.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who I am is someone who is unwilling to let go of the game of good and bad.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never really question what I accept and allow as who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that things should always be easy, when all that matters at the moment is what is required to walk through my mind and remove/change that which is not serving what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is not possible to let go of energy in a moment, even when I feel trapped within it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am inferior to energy and feelings.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I need to feel good or bad to be alive, when this is not living at all, it is just running a program.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be less than a program.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others for being robots and running programs when judgment in itself is a program to be transcended.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am one who judges and that this cannot change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for judging.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rather want to judge, and get a feeling of being superior or inferior than to stand up and direct what I see that is not best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I allow judgment in myself, that judgment always turns against me.

I commit myself to walk the point of figuring out how to let go of all judgment, to be able to develop and use real discernment as to what is best and what is not, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable, and to walk through the point of using judgment as a way to continue participating in energy and thus keep myself trapped and enslaved to be someone who is not best and only ends up abusing and creating conflict.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

I am Responsible for what happens within Me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to dwell in emotional turmoil.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel ashamed for allowing emotional turmoil within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have automated systems within me which activate and create thought patterns and feelings according to certain words and events that are associated with those thoughts and feelings symbolically.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame another person for how I feel within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame outside circumstances for how I feel within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am weak and unable to direct and determine what goes on within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my first point of self responsibility is within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think about how far I have to go in order to stop the emotional turmoil within me, when it is irrelevant and I really don't know in any case - thinking about it is only an excuse to not breathe and stop the thinking and feeling patterns within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I allow a thought or feeling within me and then blame it on another person and then speak and act within that starting point, even if I am not being open about it, I am in fact terrorizing others as well as myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I think and feel about another person is something that I am making up, because I do not really know and understand all the details of what goes on within them - all I see is what I think and feel within, which in self honesty I have created/accepted/allowed/defined according to the other person.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to face the reality that I have been projecting my own inner responsibility for what I think and feel onto others and have been blaming them for what I have accepted and allowed within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I really care about myself and others equally, then I would take full responsibility for what I allow within me, and I would not allow myself to think about others in my secret mind and blame them for a feeling that comes up within me - because even if the other person changes their behavior, that does not change the fact that there is a system within me which is producing feelings and thoughts automatically - and I have accepted this and thus it is my responsibility to stop it, regardless of what the other person does, because, again, I do not really know who the other person is, what their starting point is, it doesn't really matter, because my thoughts and feelings are coming from within me, not from the other person.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not remember the origin of my thoughts and feelings and to then believe that they are coming from others and things outside of me, when those things are only the stimulus that brings the thoughts up, not the origin - thus I am grateful for these points being in my life to show me what I have accepted and allowed without question.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my partner when I feel angry.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my partner when I feel fearful.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame the money system and my circumstances when I feel depressed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is not possible to direct my feelings and thoughts in a world that is designed to stimulate us to participate in cycles of emotion, thinking, and feeling - which is the ultimate statement of a slave, because a slave is not in control and direction of themselves, they are completely at the mercy of outside forces, but now I understand that this is a choice because I can forgive myself and direct myself within my inner awareness to no longer accept myself to participate in thinking about another and feeling and then blaming another for the feeling.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not appreciate, realize, and take full advantage of the gift I have been given of being here, being alive, being in reality, and able to change myself within - to feel lost and angry and sad and hurt by reality, when actually I am here for a moment to be able to change myself and let go of all the excuses and blame as to why I cannot exist in a way that is best for me and for all.

I commit myself to stand up and be aware in the moment when a thought/feeling comes up about another person, an event, or myself and see/realize that this is an opportunity to just breathe, be here, let go of the thought/feeling and know that it is nothing more than a system attempting to tempt me into submission - I am not a slave, that is not who I am - I commit myself to support myself to stand up and direct myself within this process and stop the cycle of abuse that I have been putting myself through as allowing thinking and feeling and then blaming others, which is a statement of disempowerment, because I AM RESPONSIBLE, and thus I commit myself to walk through my mind, to forgive myself in those moments when the thoughts and feelings come, and to breathe and to be here.