Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How We Taught Our 2 Year Old To Read

For those of you who don't know, my son Max is able to read and he is not even 3 years old yet. And when I say READ, I don't mean, he has memorized words in a book that we have read to him over and over. I mean he can take a book that he has never seen and read the words and understand what it is saying. I am going to give an outline of the process we went through to develop that ability within him at such a young age.

Firstly, we use a program called TechnoTutor. It is a technology that works with the Natural Learning Ability and integrates all the symbols, sounds, letters, words, numbers, etc of a language into the physical body which are then able to be accessed while reading, speaking, writing, etc.

Max at 2 years 9 months
This approach is unlike any other approach to education that currently exists because it is not based on any form of 'memorization' or 'thinking'. It is based on how the body learns from the moment the child is born, but which becomes lost after the first 5-7 years (or earlier in many cases) and which is virtually non-existent by the time the child enters school.

This is the main reason why so many children struggle in school and why very few excel. As we have discussed in other posts, the school system is not actually designed to 'teach' anything. It is designed as a filter for society to identify those with strong memories and place them in positions such as doctors and lawyers, for example, to keep the system running and never change so that the current 1% remain in their position. The education is in fact the main pillar holding the system of inequality in place, because Education is the one point where inequality could be addressed at a fundamental level and yet this one point is abused to in essence brainwash the masses in to quiescence and tacit acceptance of a system that only really serves the interests of a few.

For my children, my wife and I decided to take matters into our own hands.

It has been well established that vocabulary, reading, and math ability are the keys to success in this world, and that those who are strong in these areas make more money, have better relationships, better health, better life expectancy, everything better.

Educational psychologists have known for decades that they can predict a child's school performance as early as grade three based on the child's vocabulary when they are 4. They know that grade 3 reading ability predicts later school performance and the likelihood that the child will graduate high school, attend and graduate university, and the odds of whether they will end up in jail or on welfare.

Max in his TechnoTutor shirt
All of this is known and yet the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. All kinds of fancy methods have been introduced to try and solve the problem but none of them address the real issue which is what the child learns in the first 3-5 years of their life and HOW they learn it.

Again. We took matters into our own hands.

Using this technology called TechnoTutor we began working with ourselves first to reestablish our own Natural Learning Ability. This was before we even had children. We knew that the way we were raised was not effective. I was spanked, punished, yelled at, abandoned, all kinds of abuse as a child. I knew that I could not allow myself to treat my child as I was treated and yet I couldn't just react to how I was parented and change nothing at the cellular level. I had to change WHO I AM. And I have been walking that process since 2008 alongside my wife when we were first introduced to Bernard Poolman. He taught us the keys to self change and introduced us to the tools that we would need on this journey. Instead of just taking his word for granted we put everything he taught us to the test. And we had to figure out a lot for ourselves along the way as well. We combined our experience as educators (we both studied mathematics in university and worked as private academic tutors for over a decade each, my wife was the director of an upscale daycare and also worked at tutoring centers, in addition to being a nanny when she was younger) along with this technology and not only did we see INCREDIBLE results when we applied this with our tutoring clients, but we saw results for ourselves that most people would perhaps not think possible.

One of the main challenges parents have is that they may want to do better than their parents, but the reality is they are just a copy of their parents. Your parents copied themselves into in your first 7 years. Its like when you get a new computer and you clone it from your previous one. That is done through everything you say and do around your children in those first 7 years. That is why the Jesuits have a saying "Give me the child in the first 7 years and I'll give you the Man."

Max and Seneca
If you do not change what was written on the hard drive at a physical, cellular level, then you will not actually do anything fundamentally different with your children. In some cases you may do the 'opposite' but in the end the product will be the same. A 2 year old who is unruly. A teenager who hates you. And an adult that has no real ability to navigate this world except to compete for a job. The problem is, automation is coming and you can't predict what the jobs are going to be, if any, and that means that your child must be educated in a fundamentally different way then you were. Memorization of facts without being able to apply them in creative ways is just not going to cut it.

And yet I see parents who are not creative, not competent except in very narrow fields who can't remember 90% of what they learned in school, cannot read new information outside of their current knowledge base with any degree of confidence, sending their kids to school to do what? Get the exact same thing?

All education is simply learning words and the relationships between the words. That's it. If you can understand the words first, then you can apply it. Then you can DO it. For those who say that you can learn just by being shown how to do something, then show examples. Why is it that coaches SPEAK to their athletes? Why is it that doctors spend 4 years in school BEFORE being SHOWN what to do. Because without the words, the showing is extremely limited. 

I hear some parents say "I'm not qualified to educate my child". So I'm going to send them to the same place I was educated where I learned essentially nothing. Does that make sense?

Fortunately, in a way, people are losing faith in the system. Political correctness in all its facets has invaded the schools and now if you are someone who doesn't want to go along with what the teacher says you are going to be labeled as hateful. I'm warning you, parents! Take matters into your own hands and take responsibility for your child's education before you lose them forever!

Using TechnoTutor, Max began to recognize and say the letters of the alphabet 16 months old. He could distinguish between upper and lower case as well at that point. Using TechnoTutor, he had mastered them with 100% accuracy even using different fonts by 20 months.

Max and the letters of the alphabet.
Max and the upper case letters.
Max and the lower case letters.

By the time he was about 22 months old he could do the same with the numbers and basic math symbols like plus, minus and equals.

Max and the numbers.

By 23 months, he mastered most of the punctuation symbols.

By 2 years and 3 months he was reading words like: walk, run, stop... He could distinguish between 'world' and 'word'.

Max reading written words.

At 2 years and 9 months he is now reading books. At a FIRST GRADE LEVEL.

Max reading a book with Katie.

Max reading words in real time, with them being switched up to make new sentences. With no pictures to get cues from.  

Another example of Max reading, even when the words are upside down. 

Max reading from a 1st grade level book.

Max at 2 years 9 months
We have documented all of this to show you and others that this is something that anyone can do. He is not 'special'. We are just SPECIFIC in how we educate and treat him.

Now, we could wait until he is 5 and solving systems of linear equations on camera, but then it may be too late for YOUR CHILD. I'm not saying this approach won't support your child, no matter what their age, but I'm sure you understand that the older they get, the less they will listen to you. So, if they are already older, we can support you. But, DON'T WAIT.

When you look at an acorn, do you see an acorn? Or do you see a TREE? A FOREST? A SUBDIVISION FULL OF HOUSES?

Can you see what my child will BECOME because of the support he is getting from the very beginning? Can you see the consequence of having a solid foundation for learning and communicating? Can you see what happens when you leave it up to chance?

We were at an event this weekend and I introduced Max to a woman who has had many children and grandchildren and, after talking with Max, she said "Wow, he is only 2 1/2? He's not terrible at all! Normally the two's are terrible! I'm amazed at how well behaved he is."

Now imagine, we have NEVER punished, nor rewarded Max for his behavior. Only EXPLAINED. Never threatened, never manipulated. Only EXPLAINED.


Why does that make parenting so much fun? Well...

He does not throw temper tantrums because he has the vocabulary to express himself.
Watch how we communicate about buying toys in the toy store for example.

Talking to Max about buying a toy car in the toy section.

Talking to Max about what we are going to buy before we go into the store.

Asking Max to pick up his toys before getting more out.

We don't 'dumb things down'. We explain everything to him as best as possible and when he lacks the words to understand, we augment his vocabulary.

He asks to brush his teeth at night and we do it with no fighting. Watch this to see what I mean: Max brushing his teeth at 2 years 3 months and again at 2 years 8 months

A point to take away from this is that effective vocabulary in both parent and child leads to better communication, more cooperation, and less frustration.

And it only takes minutes a day to do this for your child when you have TechnoTutor.

Please don't wait until the problem is already evident. And if it is, don't worry, we can help you as well.
And now, our 10 month old daughter, Seneca, is using TechnoTutor.

Seneca at 10 months
I know you are probably wondering how it works. Why don't we show videos of the kids using it?

Because, you are going to need one on one support and in order to get TechnoTutor, you must talk to a Distributor one on one. Here, we are just showing one result. We have many more from many families. Results that would blow your mind. Results that anyone would want. Students overcoming reading challenges. Students being offered full scholarships to Oxford and Cambridge. Families resolving conflicts. Amazing stories. But to hear more about that, you will have to talk to someone one on one. That is how this works. You want to know more? Talk to a TechnoTutor Distributor. Contact one here: TechnoTutor

 Just send us a message and we can share more with you. Contact us here: TechnoTutor
Seneca at 9 months

Oh, and we've been on TV twice now.
Interview from Fox Business and Bloomberg with Donald Trump, Jr. 
Interview on Moving America Forward with William Shatner

To be continued...

Other videos:

Max learning about chess
Max typing punctuation on keyboard, using the shift key at 2 years, 6 months.
Max learning to cut a cucumber.
Example of Max reading sentences and words at 2 years 9 months.
More examples of Max reading sentences.
Max displaying some knowledge that most school children (and adults) don't know.

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