Sunday, July 14, 2019

What Are Schools Even Really Teaching?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the purpose of school is not to really educate a child, but rather to place them in an environment to which they are expected to conform and through which they will be filtered into a position in society based on their genetics and environment at home.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that school does not even teach children the basics of money management or taxes and thus shows that the purpose of school is not to make EVERY child effective in this system, because the things that would allow a child to be competitive in the system are specifically not addressed in school and must be learned elsewhere, and thus if one is from a family where the parents are effective in the system, the child is more likely to learn these things from the parent or get direct support with them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that parents have no idea how to educate a child, but neither does a teacher, because a teacher is only giving a curriculum and is not with the child one on one making sure every word with its proper meaning is learned, the teacher is primarily just giving information and testing whether the child learned it, but cannot generally have much of an impact on the child's ability to learn, because their ability to learn is foundational.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a child's performance in grade 3 can be predicted by their vocabulary at age 4, and this is generally predictable based on the parent's income level.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the best way to educate a child is to have a parent working with the child, full time, integrating symbols and words through TechnoTutor and then guiding them to explore the world around them and being an effective example of common sense and effective reasoning as well as stability.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a child does not have built in preferences, generally speaking - they develop preferences based on the words and explanations given to them from a young age in addition to whatever is placed into their environment that becomes a part of the child's memory - thus if one introduce letters and numbers through TechnoTutor, not forcing but doing it patiently and gently, then the child will develop a keen interest in letters, numbers, and eventually words an reading and this has already been tested and proven.

I commit myself to show parents and educators that the best way to support a child to learn is to teach them vocabulary through TechnoTutor and to remediate where necessary and that this will support the child to develop an ability to read and understand anything.

I commit myself to show to those looking for a higher purpose, that the way to have a real, positive impact in the world is to become a TechnoTutor distributor, because there are so many children who are not developing even the most basic competence with reading and processing information and that as the world moves towards more automation, the ability to read and reason is going to become more and more necessary as menial, repetitive work becomes less available and as a TechnoTutor distributor, you hold the key to reeducating humanity to a point of equal effectiveness, equal to the true, real potential of humans to cooperate and build a world that is best for all.

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