Friday, April 27, 2018

We are looking for a New 1%

It is time for a new 1% to step up and direct the evolution of humanity. The current 1% has proven itself incapable of changing the system that directs the development of the human race on their own. Perhaps this is because they are too comfortable in their current positions. There is no immediate need for them to change anything because their lives are already comfortable. This is an illusion for at least 2 reasons. For one, as is becoming more and more apparent each day, the 99% are not happy with their lot in life and it is only a matter of time before the system cannot protect the current 1% from 'the mob mentality.' You see this as the political left in America and elsewhere is even beginning to eat its own. This is the problem with 'identity politics' as it is based in tribalism and 'division thinking' instead of 'unity and equality' thinking. The left may purport to support "equality," however there is no evidence of it. True Equality already exists. We are all fundamentally of the same substance. THAT is our equality. There is, in fact, no superior and inferior. It only appears that way because we have accepted a game, a system, based on competition for survival of the fittest.

In a system that RECOGNIZES our inherent Equality, there would be no need for competition. There would also not be any need for fear or coercion. Such a system would simply ensure that each "individual" has access to what it needs to function at its optimal level. This is the true essence of "Give to your neighbor as you would like to receive." The fears about socialism and communism are based still in the old mentality of inequality and competition, in the belief that we must pay to exist in this world. Socialism and Communism are reactions to this belief, but clearly inadequate solutions.

The only way for a system to work that embraces the Equality that is inherent in all of us is for all of us to embrace our Equality with what is BEST. In other words, as long as we accept less than we are really capable of, we are not equal to our best, and thus the system that is really just a reflection of the inner world of each of us will not support what is best in each of us. Instead, it will support less than that. The system can be nothing more, nothing less than that which supports what we accept and allow within ourselves. Perhaps Socialism and Communism were reactions to an unfair system, yes. But they were destined to fail because the human being was not evolved enough to participate equally. And so what you end up having is a system of control that dictates what each one does in order to stop the "have nots" from being jealous of the "haves". So you end up with a system that doesn't embrace the full potential of the individual, but instead demands that the individual submits to the system and brings each one down to the lowest common denominator.

What we need now, is not a new system, but a NEW HUMAN. A truly evolved Human that is rational and embraces its fullest potential. That is not something that can be implemented purely from the 'top down' because it requires the full participation of the individual. That doesn't mean it is all left up to the individual, because unless a system considers that the individual is highly susceptible to the influence of suggestion, the system will be based on self-dishonesty.

The fact is that we, as human beings, have a natural learning ability. The environment that we develop IN will determine the extent to which we develop our full range of capabilities. There is currently an argument being promulgated that the environment has little effect on human development and that genetics plays the biggest role. It would be more wise to say that currently, genetics has the biggest say in a person's development, more so than environment, because a person's genetics will determine the speed at which they learn, and since we live in a competitive environment that filters people based on their learning speed (just consider how schools do this), then what ends up happening is that VERY FEW people in this world are given direct support in the early stages of life to enhance their own natural learning ability and as a whole the average person is basically left to their genetics instead of structuring the environment at an individual level to support each person to develop their full range of potential intellectual and emotional abilities.

Because we live in a competitive system, there is virtually NO CHANCE that the average individual will ever find themselves in a truly supportive environment, if they are relying on the larger system itself.  Unless there is a level of self-responsibility taken then things will never change. If the 99% continue to blame the 1%, nothing will change. We cannot rely on those that we blame for the problems to fix them. As long as the average person is not taking direct responsibility for evolving themselves, the system cannot evolve either. The system is a reflection of the individual, just projected at a collective level. So the system is not best for the "elite" nor is it best for the "average" person.

So what is to be done?

If we understand that the NUMBER ONE THING that determines a person's effectiveness in their life is the effectiveness of their vocabulary, then we can see what can be done. One's vocabulary is that which one use to have an EFFECT on others. It is what one uses to THINK. It is how one understands and evaluates a decision or a situation. It is how one recognizes and solves problems. It is also how one competes in the current system. The level of your vocabulary or the specific field of vocabulary you possess will directly determine your income. The research is already clear on this (just look at Johnson O'Connor's work). And yet, if we live in a competitive system, a person's ability to acquire vocabulary will be determined by their learning speed because the average person's environment is not supportive and so their genetic ability is the determining factor.

But what if there were a way, that virtually ANYONE could build an effective vocabulary? Such a technology exists.

What we are looking for are those who are willing to take some risk in their life. Those who know they are meant for a higher purpose, but haven't found it. Those who want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, but don't see how.


If you were able to support another person to increase their ability to PROCESS INFORMATION, to develop their natural learning ability so that their pre-programmed genetic ability is no longer a limiting factor, you would be able to make a MEASURABLE difference.

Imagine a 1% that were in that position because they had supported hundreds of millions of others to EVOLVE. Not only would that 1% be in a position to make changes in the system in terms of laws, etc but they would have created a foundation where change is possible, because they system would not have to restrict what is possible because the human race is incapable of taking self-responsibility. Imagine what would be possible in terms of systems if the average IQ were 160? (We understand due to the way a bell curve works, the average can only be 100, but we assume you understand what we mean.) Imagine if the average person was truly INTELLIGENT.

What if you could put yourself in a position financially where you never had to do anything you didn't want to do and in getting there you gave lots of people the tool to evolve themselves and therefore humanity as a whole.

We are being vague on purpose. We cannot give all the details here. But if you are serious about changing this world, then YOU MUST CONTACT US.

You can do so here: Contact


  1. Posts like this do scare me....only because I may think/know they are right but when I have allowed myself to be ingrained as merely one of the 99%....what can I do? I also know that TechnoTutor seems to be part of this equation, my question still remains...what can I do to help ALL, and not just the 1% that have proven they don't need my help?
