Thursday, May 16, 2019

Did Jesus Say to Fear Our Neighbor?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have nothing to say.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to speak freely in my mind, but be afraid of speaking openly with others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear speaking up about what is best or the problems that I see in this world, because as a child, I was punished for questioning the status quo, I was belittled, I was hit, I was told to shut up.

I forgive myself as my parents for attempting to suppress the expression of a child questioning what the adults are doing, as I realize that they were just trying to survive and support me to survive, and they did not have the awareness as a parent that I have now, and yet they brought me into this world, and now I am here, and thus it is MY responsibility to speak up and stop all abuse on this planet.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is not my place to tell another what they are doing that is not best, and yet I would have no problem telling my child or someone who works for me to change their behavior.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being rejected by others for speaking the truth, when the acceptance that I currently feel is not real, it is only based on conforming to the standards of a system that is not best, and thus I would rather speak the truth, and support others to see through the illusion of this system within and without than be accepted by those who only want to system to continue as is.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as soon as I begin speaking up, I will receive criticism, rejection, slander, vitriol, argument, disagreement, backlash, and even threats, because I am now challenging the pursuit of happiness, which is the greatest lie, and very few at the moment want to be honest about it, yet if I say nothing, knowing what I know, then those who may have been willing to reconsider Life on earth may never get the opportunity because if I am not willing to speak common sense and give the solutions then who will?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there is no consequence for not doing what is best when I see what to do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify others not standing up and speaking up because I had justified it within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize my real potential to support others to let go of their bullshit and begin walking the journey to life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed others opinions of me to DICTATE what I do or don't do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must prove to others in their minds and convince them of what I am doing and my starting point as to support the creation of what is best - when my actions show and will show my intentions, and although others may misinterpret them, that is based on their starting point, thus although I may use others' feedback in order to check reactions and weakness within myself, the only person that I can answer to at the end of the day is myself within my own self honesty.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that simply by speaking and writing, and sharing that, I can influence others to stop accepting less than who they are - as this is the way I was influenced and continued to influence myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I allow myself to chase/participate in feelings and emotions then I open myself up to be susceptible to manipulation, but in the end I would have only myself to blame, because that is what I accepted and allowed myself to be and to place value on.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I fear my neighbor in any way, then I am not living the Jesus pattern/message of love my neighbor as myself and give as I want to receive, because this is not possible when there is fear of another or even fear of myself, and thus within that I realize that a lot of fear is due to the survival system that we are all participating in, and thus I am able to push through my fear of others by speaking up, sharing, challenging others and myself when I see something that is not best, but also placing myself in a position to change the system so that it is not requiring us to only focus on survival, because even if I walk my own process of 'not fearing others' I have to be self honest that others will still find it difficult to not fear if they are constantly under the pressures of survival, and furthermore, if the solution to fear is self-forgiveness, which it is, then if someone is focused on survival all the time, they will not have the time or space to focus on self-forgiveness, and thus I realize that the best purpose to give myself for this life, is to stand up and change the system so that all our basic needs are guaranteed, and that this will create the space and time for the majority of humanity to walk their process, and thus I realize that this life that I have been given is a gift for me to give Life to others and that is only possible by stopping the systems of abuse and creating systems that support Life equally for all, and thus I do not expect anyone else to walk this before me, I walk this until it is done, and through that I realize others will be empowered to walk as well.

I commit myself to releasing myself from all the fears within me towards speaking up and sharing my process and speaking up about what is best, regardless of what others say, using the feedback to support me to remove all weakness as what is not supportive of me expressing myself fully as Life as what is best, removing all ego as that which I have allowed to control me and manipulate myself with through the pursuit of energy and feelings.

I commit myself to stand in the face of everyone, including myself, to challenge all points where I am accepting less than what is best, both within myself and within others, to not fear the reactions within myself or others, to walk through the energy, to breathe through it, to look at where I react to either myself or others, to walk through these points and remove them through writing, self-forgiveness, and corrective action.

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