Saturday, May 18, 2019

Male Ego

For context listen to the song Male Ego by the Beach Boys.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that, as a male, I have defined being male as the experience of power over another.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male, to abuse this body as what is actually alive, in order to create the experience of power within myself in my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be programmed with images from media and the examples of other males in my environment, such as images like Jason Bourne, James Bond, Tom Cruise, Hugh Hefner, etc where the male is powerful, able to do superhuman feats and have lots of women whenever he wants, and within that to believe that this is my purpose as a male, to be/become/live out these images as myself in my own experience, and to not realize that by participating in these images and the energy experience I have imbued them with a life of their own, so to speak, and now these images and energies run rampant within me controlling my behavior, thoughts, words, and I realize that I will never be alive truly if I have not removed these images from within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male, to believe that I do not know how to remove these images, and that if I were to do so, that I would be nothing, have no reason to live.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male, to believe that I am nothing if I do not have the opportunity of the embrace of a woman.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male, to see Life as a game of chasing women.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a male to not realize that everything I do, virtually, is an attempt to attract a woman, whether it be how I dress, how I talk, what I do for work, the value that I place on material possessions, the fame, the wealth, all of it boils down to the desire to have a woman or multiple women in my possession.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that just as I have accepted an image of the ideal man, to which I try to live up to, I have accepted images of the perfect female and never REALLY questioned their validity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the image of the perfect, beautiful, sexy female that I have accepted was given to me by the media and those who went before me, and has not practical relevance to being here in reality within the context of a world that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the standards of beauty that come from media and advertising, realizing that it is not about rejecting them completely, but about questioning and removing the energy association with them, and thus not being controlled by these images.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I have defined as beautiful and sexy within a woman has nothing to do with the woman per se but with the energy experience that comes up within me within the idea of possessing that woman, meaning having her be mine exclusively, which would represent to me the ultimate experience of power as being the best at surviving.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that, as a male, I have associated possessing a woman with survival, and within a system that requires us to compete to survive, sexual imagery has been used to manipulate myself and other males in the game of competition to buy products.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male, to not realize that females are beings equal to me, that I have only really ever viewed them from the perspective of what I can gain as an experience within myself by having the female in my presence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a male to not realize that I have accepted and allowed myself to become the slave of the mind - which is to say that I have defined my sole purpose in life as to gain energy experiences, not realizing that all I am doing is powering the existence of a system that requires energy to exist, and thus I am its slave by my own choice, and within that because the mind sees survival as the primary purpose of existence, because it cannot exist on its own, it requires me to pass it on and copy it, because it realizes that it sucks energy out of the physical body to exist, and thus it knows that the body will eventually die, and so the only way for it to exist infinitely is for me to pass on my mind in the form of my genetics to my offspring, and thus my mind uses the association with sexual imagery linked to the experience of sex to direct me to find women with whom I can pass on my genes, and as explained in Heaven's Journey to Life, all of my memories and characters as my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a male, the reason I want to possess a female is that it ensures a relatively secure way to pass on my mind to another copy of myself as a child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all the desires for power and possession that come with the 'male ego' are really just ways that my mind manipulates me through my own acceptance and allowance so that it can survive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame society, culture, advertising, my ancestors for manipulating my mind with sexual imagery when it would have no effect if I had no desire to experience the energy of power, domination, possession, and winning.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a male to want to possess the most beautiful woman imaginable so that can be the greatest winner in this system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is not such thing as a beautiful woman, because it only exists in my mind - what in fact exists is bodies made of flesh and bone that are in different shapes and the value that I place on the different shapes which I associate with a feeling of winning are only relevant in the game of competition for survival.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the desire for a beautiful woman is simply the evolution of the mind and it just a game with no practical value in terms of creating a world where I am able to live in complete expression, because as long as that game exists, there is no life, only the game, and in that game there can only be a few winners and mostly losers, and why would I want to play that game, because in fact I can never win, because to play the game, the cost is Life, the physical reality, look around at the world - it is fucked, because as males we are only looking for what we can fuck next, and so we end up fucking everyone over, animals, plants, Life itself - all so the mind can continue existing, which it can't because eventually there will be no Life left to destroy for energy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that power is an experience, and is of no real value, because it only exists when I destroy something of real value - it only exists in the context of being more than something or someone else, and therefore will always lead to destruction and my own demise.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male, to not place value on what really matters, which is to create a world that is best for all, to utilize my male attributes of strength to support males and females alike to redesign the system in the image and likeness of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge females as weak and cowardly when the reality is that men are in fact by nature predatory because we have only ever cared about getting an energy experience, and that expresses itself in some very extreme ways in some men such as rape, murder, war, winning at all costs, but even if a man becomes meek and mild, it won't change a damn thing, because the system has not changed, and as long as there is a reason to fear for survival in any way, the mind has a way to generate fear - and thus the way to stop all fear - to really put an end to male domination and female weakness is for those who understand and see this point, to stand up, stop the games within us, and work together to change this system so that all may be supported to eventually transcend all fear of survival and thus the mind will have no soil to take root and thus life itself can take root and grow.

I commit myself to stand as an example of being a male within equality and oneness with females as support, and equal co-creation, to show other males that are willing to hear and see that we can stand together and end the battle of the sexes so that we can create that which we really desire which is a world where we can express ourselves fully without fear without shame, without desire to control or possess another, but to really be here and enjoy this physical existence.

I commit myself to through writing, self forgiveness, and self correction to identify and remove all those images and associated energies which cause me to act in automated ways to look for and fantasize about females, to look for things to possess to attract females from the perspective of being able to possess them.

I commit myself to move beyond being merely a male in this system to being a Man who is here to bring forth the new system of equality and oneness, to not judge my strength as a Man, but to utilize it for its best purpose and to encourage and support Women to stand fully in their strengths as Women, to not judge them or to demand that they submit themselves or hold back, and to show them that they can stand vulnerable within caring and within femininity that provides balance to the masculine forcefulness which at times is required to move into a new direction, but once that new direction occurs then we must ensure that it is being directed in a way that ALL benefit equally and this is one of the strengths of women is to ensure that what the Male brings forth is used and distributed equally according to what is best.

I commit myself to show and explain that just because a being is in a male body or a female body, that this in itself does not mean that a being should be limited in how they express themselves, however male and female bodies are different by design and thus I commit myself to show to Men how they can step into their full potential as male bodies and thus give Women the space and time to do the same.

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