Sunday, May 5, 2019

Domination Is Submission to the Mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be dominated by my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my mind to dominate me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to instruct my body to listen to my mind as the directive principle of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abdicate self-direction in each moment, to the automatic processed of the mind as to how I have programmed it directly and accepted and allowed it to be programmed from without by my parents, environment, media, education, peers, etc.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to choose to listen to my mind as feelings and thoughts as my directive principle as if I am nothing more than a robot following instructions from a master program.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as a dominant person because I am able to manipulate others to get what I want in self-interest, which a losing proposition, because it means that others must be inferior or submissive, which ultimately is not what I really want, because having a world where we are all equal would allow us to creatively create what is best for all and create a world that is much better than any world that could exist where people dominate each other and submit to each other.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I am dominating another, I am not creating anything or getting anything real - all I am doing is following the dictates of a program that is manipulating what is already here for the purpose of creating conflict and energy, which will end with me being in the ultimate submissive position.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that being dominant is actually being submissive because the one who wants to dominate is always a slave to their self-interest which uses them to fulfill itself at the expense of the being's life force which is limited within the context that once I die, there is nothing left if I have not established myself Here as Real, Physical and that is not possible when I accept and allow myself to become nothing more than simply the CONSENT to use my body to mine energy from the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base my decisions on how I feel in the moment, instead considering what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in a moment where I want to do something based on living out a picture as memories and it requires the participation of another, and the other person says that they don't want to do what I am suggesting, that I first within myself go into a feeling of disappointment, and then reflect this feeling/though process within my body language/expression in order to make my disappointment more real to me and to manipulate the other person symbolically to 'change their decision' so that I get what I want.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty about manipulating another based on my personal desires and wants, when in fact, another person can only be manipulated by me if they accept and allow themselves as emotions, feelings, and thoughts - however this does not make manipulating others in the context of attempting to fulfill my self-interest acceptable - as it only reinforces that another person has the right to do the same thing, as I am equal in receiving what I am giving.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in a moment where I see that I am manipulating another person/myself through feelings and emotions, to not want to stop, to not want to admit what I am doing to myself or another, and to not want to let go of that which I am trying to get through the manipulation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a parent, to expect that my child will not manipulate another/me through emotions and feelings, when I had not been willing to stop the pattern within myself, and thus I am not able to support the child to correct the pattern without first addressing it within myself, because my children will observe me participating in the pattern and will learn this as opposed to what I TELL them to do or not do.

I commit myself to - in the moment when I see that I am going into an emotional manipulation pattern in order to dominate another/myself in order to manifest my self-interest - that I STOP. I breathe. I forgive myself for following the thought/emotion/feeling pattern - I REMEMBER that I am Here and that my self-interest is not what is best for all - and to communicate with the other person what I am really seeking so that they are aware and I for a moment allow myself to drop the feeling and emotion as important and breathe until no more energy moves and only then re-evaluate the point of the decision I was looking at previously within self-interest, and to communicate with the other person to come to an agreement about what is best.

I commit myself to face and walk through and direct all points of self-interest that are still within me, in order to remove them and remove the emotional charge within them - through writing, self-forgiveness, and self-correction so that I am able to make decisions that are always best for all - as this is the only way to prevent conflict and consequence for myself and others equally.

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