Friday, May 17, 2019

Do You Realize Your Potential?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see my real potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist and reject my real potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to hold onto my potential AS potential and not realize it, as an excuse for not walking the discipline of self-change required to realize my potential as ACTUALITY.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not perform a self honest self assessment as to what my real potential, as life, as supporting the creation of a world that is best for all, and instead have defined potential within myself in comparison with others as to image, ability to make money, recognition from others as fame and pats on the back, and not consider that they only person I have to answer to is myself, within my own self honesty as to whether I am moving through resistance and changing myself or letting go of that which prevents me from speaking up, creating a world that is best, and DOING that which is best in each moment.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to succumb to the temptation of excuse, where I believe that I can excuse myself from having to do what is currently uncomfortable, what my mind considers boring, of no consequence or purpose, not exhilarating, or giving me a good feeling.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others whom I see are not living their full potential.

I forgive myself that I have judged myself for not living my full potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear standing up and having the spotlight on me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I change, the spotlight will be on me, because everyone fears change and I would represent what others fear, but I would also represent what others really want for themselves, and thus they would potentially be jealous, at least initially, but that is a point for them to face, as they will see that their jealousy and spite towards me will not change my standing up, and thus I would show them that it is ok to live as one's potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be jealous of others whom I perceive as living their potential to some degree, separating myself from them, and separating myself from the potential within myself and not giving myself the opportunity to step into, and walk into, my potential as Life, as expression and expansion, and doing what is best even in a limited context.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must impress anyone but myself, and within that the only thing that is worth considering as impressive is whether I stand up more and more each day, each moment, to speak up and share about what is best and to do what is best, and to support in the creation of a system that is best for all in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse that others are not living their potential, whom I previously looked up to, as a way to excuse myself from standing up and being the example for them temporarily until all are walking this point, as equals and as one, within walking the process of expanding into each one's true potential as living what is best for all in all ways at all times.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to WANT to make an excuse to not realize my potential as activating it, living it, doing it and instead have feared what might happen, when the reality is, what WILL happen if I don't is that I will END and lose this ONE OPPORTUNITY to have BECOME MY REAL POTENTIAL AS LIFE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that although I may see the potential in myself or another, it is up to the individual to live as that potential in reality, and the only thing I can do is SPEAK the truth in self honesty, and LIVE as what is best for all, which may be at times standing in the face of another and showing them their bullshit and showing them the path to self forgiveness and will also be in EVERY MOMENT standing in the mirror of reality seeing my reflection in everything as what is the truth of my inner world and thus every excuse I make will eventually become reflected and thus no amount of judgment will ever change anything, no amount of anger will ever change anything, no amount of frustration or begging or crying or yelling will ever change unless we are SELF HONEST and let go of ALL EXCUSES and stand up clearly in this world and support ourselves and each other to realize that WE ARE LIFE and we are currently living as equal to LESS than LIFE and yet we can change, it won't happen completely overnight, but the change in the moment happens in the moment, and the moment by moment changes WILL accumulate to eventually become the FINAL MOMENT of change that is necessary to shed all illusion and live here fully without fear, in total self trust, and ability to give as we would like to receive and thus give and receive life equally as one.

I commit myself to challenge EVERY excuse that comes up within me - every thought - and to dissolve every thought that repeats in my head with self-forgiveness, realizing that if I try to simply ignore my thoughts or suppress them, they will always come back in a more exaggerated form, and thus if I see something that I am continually judging or reacting to, that I MUST write and speak self-forgiveness on the point, I give myself NO CHOICE in this matter as it is the statement and ACTION of living as my full potential in the current context of where I am at in my process, and thus I realize that as I do this, I will express and live as my potential MORE AND MORE and eventually I will be EQUAL TO my full potential as an individual and within that I will support others through my example and through communication, through sharing, to do the same, and thus eventually the WORLD will be EQUAL TO its FULL POTENTIAL as a place that is best in all ways - thus - HEAVEN ON EARTH and HEAVEN AS EARTH Equal and One.

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