Sunday, May 19, 2019

Did You Hurt My Feelings?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is possible to have my feelings hurt, when feelings are not living beings, they are energy patterns that run within myself with my permission and participation over time until they have become automated and within which I have defined myself AS these feelings, and thus when I or someone says that their feelings are hurt, it shows the extent to which we have defined ourselves as our feelings.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that participating in feelings is abuse to my physical body, because the physical body must be mined for energy, the energy doesn't come from nowhere, and it is abuse to everyone/everything else because I will do anything in order to get those feelings generated, and thus the money system is a reflection of my inner system, where the money system will do anything as long as money flows.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when someone or myself feels like their/my feelings are hurt, they/I are/am actually just attempting to manipulate another in order to continue participating in the energy game.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when my feelings are hurt, all that is happening is that I am experiencing feelings/energy that I have defined as negative, and this is fundamentally no different than experiencing positive feelings, as they are both only fuel for the mind and abusive to the physical by nature.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself blame another when I perceive my feelings or someone else's feelings have been hurt, which is to say that another person has done or said something which caused another person to have a negative feeling, but is this really the case or am I defending a person's right to feel good regardless of what they are participating within?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perceive that I am being mocked when someone says something that triggers a negative feeling within me or thoughts within me that are negative according to how I have defined negative, when the reality is that if I did not exist as thoughts, feelings, and emotions, there would be nothing to trigger - if I had specified my vocabulary effectively, I would not be triggered by words, and if they person is doing something that has an effect that is physically not best for all, then I must first forgive myself for any feeling/thought/emotional reaction before I am able to see clearly that there is something that is not best for all within the other person's actions/words, otherwise it is quite possible that I am actually just reacting to an energy experience within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear triggering negative emotions in others, when in reality these are things they should face, as they are affecting everyone including me and them in a way that is not best, because the person is not living here as what is best for all, but rather living as the mind and thus not standing as what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist looking within myself when I feel justified within triggering another person to make sure that I am not placing responsibility outside of myself for the pattern that the other person is participating in which I am calling out, or mocking, or bringing to their attention.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word 'mock' as a negative word and associated with negative feelings, instead of understanding the word and living it in the best way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define 'mocking' as physically harming another person, and within that not want to accept it as a possible way to express myself, which is limiting me within saying what is required for another person to see what they are participating within, and within this it does not justify automatically mocking anyone at any/all times, however if I judge the act of mocking, then I am limiting myself, because it may be an effective expression to support either myself (by being mocked) or another (by mocking them) to see that they are accepting and allowing less than who they really are.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in mocking another in order to generate energy within myself to feel powerful at another's expense.

I commit myself to accept the expression of mocking and derision within myself towards patterns that are less than what is best and to stop the expression of mocking as attempting to gain energy within myself.

I commit myself to be aware when I am participating in a mocking expression of a pattern whether I am mocking a pattern that I have walked through and forgiven or whether I am mocking a pattern that is still existent within me, and thus would represent a projection of self-responsibility outside of myself for the pattern.

I commit myself to learn how to use what would typically be called negative expressions for the best benefit of myself and all in order to face the patterns that are existent in this world that must be changed to produce a world that considers all equally.

I commit myself to investigate all 'forbidden expressions' that would potentially support myself and others to wake up to what we are accepting and allowing, and to push myself to not have any limits within how I express myself.

I commit myself to push myself to remove all those reactions that would limit me in my expression in which I place value on how others perceive me or through which I judge myself, so that I may stand clearly and be able to support myself and others to let go of all that which is standing in the way of us creating a world that is best for all.

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