Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sowing the Seeds of Equality Between Male and Female

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the real equality between males and females.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want females to be exactly like males and for males to be exactly like females.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male, to not understand what it is like to be female.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a female, to not understand what it is like to be a male.

I forgive myself that I have accepted myself to believe that being a female is superior to being a male, that females are able to be gentle, and caring, and supportive, and graceful and that this is not acceptable to be as a male.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that being a male is superior to being a female, that males are strong, assertive, confident, and powerful, and that this is not acceptable to be as a female.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that being a male or female does not determine whether someone is ABLE to be caring, supportive, understanding, creative, responsible, directive, strong, or any other quality, as the ability to live a word is not dependent on being male or female, however I recognize that throughout time we have separated ourselves more and more into the expressions and experiences of male/female and that we have created systems that reinforce this separation and within that have created a mirror to reflect back our original decisions/starting point of separation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a male to believe that I am not able to communicate with a female as an equal, believing that, unless they express themselves as I would or as a male would, as I had defined it, that therefore the communication is not possible or equal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a male to think/believe that I must compromise myself when speaking to a female, from the perspective that I must act in a certain way in order to not trigger certain emotions or behaviors or feelings within the female, which is in fact a way of justifying inequality, because the equality between males and females is that both are equally capable of directing themselves within their emotions, feelings, and thoughts, although the ways in which they express themselves, due to our current forms, and due to deeply ingrained acceptances and allowances will be different - but this does not mean that one is better or worse or that the only way for us to communicate as equal is to take on the exact same expression, but I realize that it is to stop the reactions within myself, both within reacting to what female says, does, or express, or how they express something, but also within how I as a male believe I must act in order to not offend or cause a reaction within a female, to which I then react further.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must change my expression to suit females.

I forgive myself, as a female, that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must change my expression as a female to suit the male.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that males and females, due to our current differences in form, will naturally be better at different things, but that does not mean that being a male or female is better than the other, any more than being a flower is better or worse than being a bee. They are both necessary in the context of the system that we live in in order for us to exist in this reality due to the way things have evolved due to our acceptances and allowances, and thus we can either continue to blame the opposite sex for our reactions, feelings, thoughts, fears, abuse, etc, or we can realize that we are in fact equal as Life and that it was this decision to not recognize our equality as life that has led us to the point we are in now where it seems there is a fundamental difference between men and women - yes we are different in form, but we are equals as Life - and thus if we can learn to understand each other, accept each others differences, recognize our equality as Life, and work together to support each other to develop their weaknesses into strengths, then we can sort out this reality and create a system that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted myself as a female to be jealous of what I perceive as power and strength within a male, and within that blame them and define masculinity as aggression - which to a degree is the reality of what a male is in expression - as the male is the point of creating conflict in reality to generate energy as is explained in the Heaven's Journey to Life blogs.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a male to be jealous of what I perceive as gentleness, grace, and ability for caring within females  and within that blame the females and define femininity as weakness as only caring about feelings rather than logic - which to a degree is the reality of what a female expression is  - as the female is the point of circulating the energy within consciousness from the negative to the neutral to the positive as is explained in the Heaven's Journey to Life Blogs.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that women are the cause of the problems in this world and that it is up to them to change in order for the world to improve.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that men are the cause of the problems in this world and that it is up to them to change in order for the world to improve.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the reason the world is the way it is - is because I have accepted and allowed myself to place value in the experience of myself as energy, and thus I have allowed myself to abdicate my responsibility to expressing myself as what is best, as who I really am as Life, to the pursuit of experience, whether in the form of male or female, they are equal and one in not recognizing and living from the starting point of Life as Equality and Oneness and always making every decision from that starting point of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that although I am a male body, that is just the form that I am in, that in reality I am the principle of Life as that which gives Life to whatever context or form I am in and that I accept and allow - and thus the point is not to blame the form, but to look at my self-responsibility for what I am giving life to as a system that does not care for all equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a female, to blame males as the ones who created this system, when it is in fact all of us equally who from the beginning of time decided to participate in the reversal of Life as abusing substance to generate energy as experience, and that this occurred before the existence of the male and female form and that the male and female form came to be as beings became more or less aware of themselves as the experience of either generating the energy through conflict as placing substance in opposition with itself to create the separation necessary to experience the 'more' of energy or as the experience and awareness itself the energy circulating/cycling through the negative to the neutral to the positive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a male to blame females for why males have a harder time experiencing the positive feelings and energy associated with existence in the system, where males tend to experience more the conflict, the competition, the fighting, and not really the positive points, but this is not the fault of females, this is because males have separated themselves in their awareness more into the conflict in order to generate energy, and have just suppressed the experience of the circulation of the energy within themselves and this is why as males we have felt like we cannot feel happy without a woman's touch, without sex, without their body being near ours, without being able to possess the woman's body, without having a woman to look up to us, without having a women to tell us that we are the best, that we are champions, that we are powerful, which is why if you look at it, men create so much conflict in order to produce things that they believe will attract females, like cars and things like that, the male doesn't care about the car, he thinks it will make him more attractive to females, which in many cases it does because it represents the male's ability to create money in the system which represents energy to use to create an environment with, which is what the female has defined their awareness as, the experience and playfulness with energy - and I realize that none of these things are inherently bad - it is that we are not looking at how we could be here in reality, equal and one with substance, without having to abuse it in order to create or live or experience ourselves, and we are not truly working together, male and female, as equals, but using each other and abusing each other, and believing that we need the other to give us security or energy when in fact we have not realized the most basic point that we must give to each other that which the other requires in order to express themselves as their utmost potential within the form that they are in, and in that we would receive that which we are really looking for and thus as a male, I do not have to TAKE from the female, and as the female I do not have to DEMAND from the male, but through learning to see and understand and recognize our differences within our equality as Life, we can come together to be like two equal structures, like the pillar and the roof, both of which are required to create a sound structure that supports Life and provides what is required for ALL LIFE equally.

I commit myself to investigate and find and uncover every point within myself as a male where I have separated myself from females and within which I blame females for either my own weaknesses, lack of self-responsibility, or for any point in which I have a life that is less than best, and within this I commit myself to take responsibility for everything that comes into my awareness that is not best, to learn how to direct it, and to direct it, regardless of whether it is a male or female or otherwise.

I commit myself to be open to learning how females experience themselves and to see where my expression, as a male, is coming from a point of aggression as wanting to control or posses rather than understanding and strength as awareness of how to support myself and another in a moment to let go of that which is standing in our way of creating a system that is best.

I commit myself to honor females as an equal part of the reality of being human - to learn from them and to consider them in the balance of this world and how it could function in the best way, and to recognize that females are able to birth life in this world and thus as a male, because that is not something I am able to do, I commit myself to using whatever strength, power, physical ability that I have as a male, to create a stable environment for both males and females, to support females in their most vulnerable time which is as they are pregnant and giving birth and raising a child - to support the creation of a system that gives the female and the child everything they need to not have any unnecessary stress, conflict, danger - anything which might compromise the development of the bond of support between mother and child and the development of the child as a human being which is able to stand in reality, stable, able to take self-responsibility and live only as what is best for all.

I commit myself to honor females as the support they provide me as a male to create en environment where all are considered, where I as a male am able to focus on specific tasks, like a laser beam, to get done what needs to be done as quickly as possible, yet within taking no shortcuts, and to appreciate the support that females provide males as a point of balance to not go into the extreme of aggressive violence and competition but to use our masculine strength and aggression to dismantle the systems of inequality and build the structures of support that will support man, woman, child, animal, plant, and earth - all Life equal and one.

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