Sunday, March 3, 2019

Please, Distract Me!

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only want to see things on the news that paint a pretty picture about what is happening on earth.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I only look at pretty images that make me feel good then the earth and life will reflect this inner feeling, when in fact the good feeling that I have is only because I have access to money, and that if I were in a position without money, looking at pretty pictures would not make me feel better except for the point of motivating my desire to make money to create that pretty picture for myself, regardless of what I create in the world as a consequence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I focus on feeling good within, I am actually only focused on my own self interest and thus I am ignoring the suffering that is occurring daily on the planet, not to mention the suffering of my own physical body which I am mining for energy in order to experience a good feeling.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have never questioned the system that is running this world, automatically producing events and situations that are in fact extremely negative as abuse of people, animals, plants, and the physical environment, in order to generate money, which I use to make myself feel good through creating a personal environment where I am surrounded with that which I need and desire as food, shelter, technology, entertainment, etc.

I forgive myself that I have never accepted and allowed myself to realize that entertainment is nothing more than a pretty picture that I use to distract myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that even being entertained by 'negative' images is still a form of distraction because it supports my mind to 'experience' a negative temporarily to then justify seeking a positive state of feeling good, in contrast to the negative.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider the physical toll that making a move, for instance, has on the physical environment and those involved who have to slave away to create a pretend picture for me to distract myself with, or the news, for instance, where someone is required to spend their whole life just putting pictures together for me to experience and thus even my entertainment requires a money system to enslave others to sacrifice their lives creating a picture for me, while I completely ignore the real picture in front of my very eyes as the physical world replete with suffering, abuse, murder, war, starvation, poverty, child abuse, child sacrifice, and so many abhorrent things that I shield myself from using entertainment and positive, pretty pictures to distract my physical body from realizing that I am enslaving it along with the rest of the physical existence just to create a temporary, good feeling within myself that I know, self honestly, cannot last, which is why the system must constantly evolve new ways to distract/entertain me and everyone else, so that we never realize what we are participating in, and yet I cannot self-honestly blame the system, because this is actually what I have asked for and placed value on with my dollars so that I can continue with the energy game within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame the media and the elite for producing entertainment and news that distracts when it would not be produced if no one were going to consume it, and further, I cannot blame another for taking advantage of a system that I am taking advantage of within the exact same starting point to generate money for myself to be able to experience as good a life as possible regardless of the physical toll on my body and this physical world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that searching for/seeking positive energy experience is actually a form of entertainment when the physical world is suffering and that the energy game is in itself of no value and that if I were truly a creative being I would stop looking for ways to entertain myself with energy and I would focus all of my attention on the physical world to find/create/promote solutions to the physical problems that exist - an unequal money and education being the two prominent ones that would have the greatest impact on reducing suffering and creating prosperity and a life of dignity for all equally.

I commit myself to investigate, question, and stop all the forms and ways in which I distract myself from what is really Here on earth through not wanting to see a negative image that is in fact showing what is really Here or wanting to see a positive image that misrepresents our current reality or entertains/distracts me while I allow the system to continue as is.

I commit myself to investigate and expose the ways in which the system automatically produces distractions to entertain people to not stand up and adjust the system so that the NEED to be distracted no longer exists, and to investigate and stand within all the ways in which media/business can be used to support people to stand up within themselves and walk this process of self-correction and world-system correction until the system is brought to a point of supporting what is best for all equally as one. 

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