Saturday, March 9, 2019

Fear of an Equal Planet

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this entire world is running as an automated system that is determining who gets the basics needed to live and who doesn't and that there is no one person, or one group or people who is in control, but it is MONEY itself as the principle of survival at all costs that is in control and direction of the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame the system, to blame those in perceived control of the system, and to not realize that it is MY starting point as accepting and allowing the consequence of only focusing on my own self interest as survival that is giving permission to the system to continue as is.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is EVERYONE collectively that is responsible for the system being what it is, and yet within that I am in a unique point in the system as the sum total of everything I accept and allow within myself as wanting to continue only within my own self interest and thus each one is in a similar but unique point of accepting and allowing the same, and thus the way to change the system is to support each one to take responsibility for what they accept and allow and to suggest a better system based on each one being the directive principle of who one is and what one gives permission to in the world, and within that we can define and implement a system that speaks on behalf of each of us as our own individual directive choice to support that which is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a system that would support what is best for everyone would lead to dictatorship or tyranny when in fact all systems that support what is less than best for all are by nature dictatorial as they dictate that some win and some lose based on the rules set up, which are not based on the value of life itself and thus will always create arbitrary rules that are not equal for all and thus not best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear a system of equality, because of images that I have accepted as the horrors of communism, and have not considered that even in the current system, these horrors exist, its just that I don't experience them because for whatever reason, I happen to be in a position where I am more on the winning side of this system, but in self honesty, my life is not ideal or optimal as lived and experienced, and thus I am not actually happy with how things are in my experience but the fear of ending on the more extreme side of losing in the system has kept from standing up in order to make the system best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear a system of equality being imposed on me and to not realize that the imposition of equality is not possible, and that my fear is actually coming from my mind as self interest attempting me to stay within the current bounds of the system so that I will not challenge the self interest of those on the extreme side of winning in the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to care more about my own feelings of security than the well being of all life, which includes me, and thus I have accepted an inferior existence for myself, as like a dog getting scraps from the table, and I even feel grateful for at least the scraps, not realizing that a system that is best for all is possible, and would require me to stand up and thus take a risk, but the reality is that the risk in not standing up is the ONLY REAL RISK, because whether I do or do not, it is GUARANTEED that I will eventually DIE, and thus what is FEAR but avoiding that which is certain, but within this I realize that if I stand up, and support others to stand up, find out how this world really works, find out how I really work, do everything I can to place myself in a position to adjust the system and walk with the group of people doing the same, that then there is at least a possibility that things can change, and that really this decision to walk within this point, which is what is best no matter how you look at it, this decision is the only real decision that I can make, and anything less is simply giving up, giving in, and not caring about Life, and within that would seal my fate as becoming nothing.

I commit myself to stand up, to speak up, to support those who are willing to stand up and change and be a part of the solution AS themselves and AS the system.

I commit myself to supporting those who are willing to stand up with the tools to re-educate themselves, to investigate, question, and change their and my starting point of automatically generating conflict for self interest to redefining and realigning all relationships within myself and this world to only create that which is best for all.

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