Friday, March 1, 2019

The Con of Survival

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am going to die at some point and I do not know when that point will be.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the starting point that my death is not actually inevitable.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the delusion that there is such a thing as survival.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only thing that is 'surviving' currently is a program of control over physical reality to abuse it in order to produce conflict and friction in order to generate energy which continues the existence of the program.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my continued participation in the fear of dying and the fear of not surviving are indicators that I am not standing up within myself as Life as the Physical in Oneness and Equality and am in fact only existing as a slave to a program through acceptance and allowance that controls my body and this physical reality to only produce energy which in itself is of NO VALUE whatsoever.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the idea that Life is meaningless is only existing because I am not valuing Life, and thus it is my existence for the continuation and survival of a program of abuse that is meaningless and that I would identify that as Life and not the principle of Oneness and Equality as Life as what is Best for All is an indication that I am not standing up within myself and in this physical reality as Life itself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire survival over Living within the context of always acting and expressing within the context of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that even a temporary existence Lived within the context of what is Best for All is of real value and that an infinite existence lived/experienced within the context of simply surviving, with no real expression or experience of what is best for all is of NO VALUE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Life as an eternal principle of what is best for all regardless of context is the only thing of real value and that existence for the mere purpose of existence of survival is of NO VALUE in itself, and thus as a being that currently exist only for survival, I realize that it is my responsibility and duty and in fact privilege to be Here and to walk myself out of the Hell that I have accepted and allowed within and without as a world of abuse where all are condemned to an existence of struggle and competition for survival.

I commit myself to stand within myself and this reality as what is best for all as Life and to assist and support myself to remove, point by point, every fear, belief, thought, feeling, limitation that I have accepted and allowed as an excuse, justification, reason to not stand Here as what is best and to rather focus on survival.

I commit myself to walk within the system of business and to support those who are willing to stand up for what is best equal and one as myself to place ourselves in a position in this world to adjust the system so that it no longer automatically produces conditions that demand for a child to conform to a program of competition for survival so that future generations will have an easier path to walk and so that this world will eventually be a place where one can live, exist, and express in ways that truly honor life and is an environment where always acting in ways that are best for all is normal, natural, and the standard of living.

I commit myself to be a living example to show that even though conditions are not ideal for an individual to do what is best, that by standing within the principle of what is best, and walking as a group, we can do what is best in the context of how things currently are, so that we can adjust things to eventually produce ONLY what is best, and that the context of being in an existence where Life is NOT given unconditionally is no excuse to not stand up and put my LIFE on the line, because that is what Life would do if it existed here. Life would not be afraid to GIVE LIFE, as that is the nature of Life - to GIVE LIFE UNCONDITIONALLY regardless of context and to expand beyond all perceived limitation and become equal to and one with that which would create an optimal condition for the expression of Life within each one that is Here.

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