Sunday, March 17, 2019

Trading Happiness for Something Real

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a child supported with common sense and examples of honoring and valuing Life will become an adult that honors and values Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my primary role as a parent is simply to help my child survive in this world, when survival is one aspect of living in this world as a fully functioning human being, and that as a parent, it is my responsibility to not only support my child to live and be healthy and be educated to be effective in the world as it is but also to develop an understanding of what Life really is and the inherent equality and oneness of all life and to develop the ability to express what is best, to stand in this world as an example of living what is best, to recognize and honor all Life and to not accept or allow anything less than what is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize as a parent how the media and advertising influences a child to develop a character that is based on self-interest and the pursuit of experience as self-interest, which we call 'happiness' but it really just a program of seeking out products to buy to fulfill a perceived lack, the lack being created through imagery and sounds in the advertising itself and by the parent who participates in their own pursuit of happiness, while the consequence is that many people in this world go without and many animals suffer and thus we create a world where the real experience in the physical is hell and thus happiness is not something that grant to each other by default, but that we dangle as a promised reward as long as one submit to the system, knowing full well that we will never receive the reward we are searching for in this life, and we are really not certain that it exists in the next.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the pursuit of happiness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take the pursuit of happiness for granted as a given that must not be questioned.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the starting point of pursuing something creates the endpoint of never achieving but always remaining in a state of pursuit.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I must be crazy for questioning what everyone else accepts blindly, but within this I have still accepted the lie because I am still thinking, and thus creating a belief about myself as different, or odd, or an outside of the box thinker, is still just an idea in my mind that will keep me trapped and distracted from ever standing up in the world, as the only way to really stand up and do what is necessary to support myself, others, and the systems to change to be what is best for all will require me to give up any and all feelings of being special in any way because I realize that feeling special is still participation in energy, which is still playing the game of the pursuit of happiness in fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that I cannot be happy in a world where most never even have the possibility to be happy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only way to be happy in a world where Life suffers is to create an illusion inside of my head, but in self honesty I know that the happiness inside never lasts and that this is because of external conditions that constantly create conflict in my experience, and thus the REAL ACT of love would be to stand up and dismantle the systems within and without that are causing conflict and suffering unnecessarily and to readjust both within and without to only support and create what is best for all as this would ensure happiness for everyone, including myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that any education of a child that does not support them to see past the illusion of happiness in a world based on lack is in fact child abuse and condemning the child to a life of suffering and opening them to abuse and manipulation by those who know how to create imagery to lead the confused consumer to pursue happiness but in fact only treats the child like a coin in a machine - not caring at all about the actual quality of life of the child or anyone else.

I commit myself to support my children to develop a keen understanding of how the system we have here on earth works and within that support them to develop a highly effective vocabulary, reading, and math ability as well as an understanding of the equality and oneness of all life.

I commit myself to show to other parents that the best education for a child consists of effective development of vocabulary, math, and reading ability combined with supporting the child to develop self-mastery over their emotions, self-discipline within designing and implementing systems that are best for all and an understanding and appreciation of the equality and oneness of all Life and a development of common sense reasoning that always considers what is best for all within any decision.

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