Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Inner Voice as Inner Vice

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not realize that every thought, every word that forms the inner voice of my self-talk, is always trying to convince me in some way that I am either better than another or less than another and in some way to justify my existence as a consumer of products which reinforce a self image that is always seeking to be superior to others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the inner voice is not something that I can trust to ever produce what is best for me and for all, because it is the product of memories that have been placed into me over my entire life and over generations through the copying of the mind from parent to child, in order to keep my controlled as a physical body to never stand up and do what is best from the perspective of the real physical world, but only as a slave to the system of consumption of people, resources, plants, animals - this entire physical existence - for the purpose of profit which is the pursuit of energy for the experience of the individual which is something that cannot last for the individual and thus really only exists for the survival of a program of control of individuals, though, because I as an individual have bought into the lies of the inner voice, I have accepted and allowed a belief that I as an individual in the context of my experiences and feelings is somehow more than everything that exists physically, when common sense shows that the individual experience is extremely limited and obviously temporary while the physical reality is the only thing that is real and is what is making the individual experience possible in the first place.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have formed, over time, a habit of listening to and participating in the inner voice conversation, and that I have bought into the reward of the inner voice conversation as a form of either gossip about another that makes me feel superior or as a form of gossip about myself that makes me feel inferior and that either way causes/motivates me to act in a way to attempt to gain energy at the expense of the physical world..

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never really question where the inner voice comes from, and to even participate in the belief that the inner voice is the ONLY thing that can be trusted which is like completely buying to the control system that benefits only the profit of the corporation and the individuals who own and control them so that I remain a slave to the consumer system and that buying into the idea of the inner voice is like being a slave who admires their chains and polishes them and brags about them and asks for bigger and better chains all the while wishing that one could be in the position of the slave master, which is the most ridiculous, stupid thing that exists, and yet I and everyone else are doing this, day in day out, moment by moment, breath by breath, participating in this inner voice control mechanism so that we are not here for real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the reason I don't trust anyone else really is because I know that they are participating in the inner voice conversation within themselves just as I am and I know what the content of that conversation is like within me and thus I assume that everyone is just as evil and screwed up, and yet no one, not even myself, has been willing to really stop, and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear giving up the inner voice conversation and being someone who lives in the physical, as the physical completely regardless of what anyone else is doing, and that within this I realize that I can find ways to get through to others just as someone got through to me and I am now taking responsibility for stopping the mind as the inner voice and no longer accepting myself as a slave.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my inner voice as an inner guidance system is always right, when has been in fact programmed by my parents and environment to always lead me to find ways to be a better consumer, and thus it is not supporting me to walk what is BEST.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that believing that the inner guidance system as my thoughts and feelings is the ONLY THING that I should listen to is equivalent to simply calling up a corporation and asking them what products I should buy - they are never going to tell me what is really best, but only what supports their profits, and thus within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is the CORPORATIONS THEMSELVES that have designed my inner guidance system through the images and sounds that I am exposed to on a constant, daily basis through advertising.

I commit myself to stopping participation in the inner voice conversation, no matter how challenging or tempting it is because I KNOW that it has no value, and that if I must talk to myself inside, then why can't I share that with others unless I am deliberately trying to have a conversation in secret which would imply that my starting point is to compete for survival, which is not real living and will never produce a world that is best for all.

I commit myself to continue to walk the process of reading Creation's Journey to Life and Heaven's Journey to Life blogs, listening to the EQAFE recordings, writing self-forgiveness daily, daily assessing my process and identifying points where I am still compromising myself as a physical being as Life, stopping participation in my mind, using TechnoTutor daily to support myself to redefine my vocabulary, and to stand as a living example that this process can be walked by anyone and that there is no excuse not to do so.

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