Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Long Way is the Short Way

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only way to create something that is real is breath by breath, proven over time to stand the test of time to produce consistent, predictable results that are best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire results to come all at once, or quickly, as this is an indicator that I had still been participating in energy within my mind as the desire for an experience for the sake of experience itself, and not the actual result that would be best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become more focused on the end result of a process than the process itself, as the end result is the RESULT of the process, and thus the initial focus of seeing whether that end result is best is necessary, and then focusing on what is required to be walked in order to receive the result (as the planning phase) but then the shift of focus must be daily, breath by breath on that which will accumulate and produce the end result.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the guide on this journey is self honesty, within looking at in each breath, each moment, am I participating in my mind, just looking for experience as energy, or am I stopping, slowing down, breathing, bringing energy back to self, and forgiving myself, and thus the starting point in each breath is the ending point.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to not live the word patience as a living word as what is best, but to rather EXPERIENCE the word patience within the mind as an energetic experience wherein patience becomes the experience of delay, the tolerating of delay, the tolerating of suffering, the tolerating of unnecessary pain and conflict, whereas within the living of the word as what is best for all is the recognition that one can only do what one can do in a breath in a moment, and thus the point of patience is to recognize and be self honest within whether one is accumulating in that moment what is best or what is not best, and thus patience is a self honest gratitude within self that one is doing what is best and thus the result, in time, is relatively certain within what one is able to take self-responsibility for, and thus the point of experiencing conflict within the word patience is an indication that one is not doing what is best in a moment, because that is all that one can do, and thus if there are consequences to be walked through, then in those moments, that is what is best, and patience in that context is recognizing that one is facing consequence and taking self responsibility to learn from that consequence what one had accepted and allowed that produced the consequence so that one may change within self to no longer produce such a consequence.

I commit myself to live the word patience as a self honest recognition in the moment that I am doing what is best and to thus within that experience hold the word gratitude as being grateful that I am doing what is best, and that by holding to that point, I know that my effect on the world is best, and within the moments where I feel conflict or impatience in the context of wanting things to happen faster, to see/realize in those moments that I am participating in desire as energy, to stop, to look at what consequences I am walking through, to stop, investigate, and change to no longer produce these consequences and within that to express patience as gratitude that I am giving myself the opportunity in that moment to change and thus give to myself as I would want to receive to thus be able to give to others what is best so that I may receive what is best, and to within this know that breath by breath as I accumulate the action of doing what is best, the result of what is best will accumulate in the world more and more, and to thus support others within the point of patience to walk what is necessary in this world as what is best as facing consequences and taking responsibility and changing within oneself and to let go of the energy/desire game of quick results that do not last, because in reality, the long way is the short way, because what appears to be short - as satisfying that desire for a feeling or experience of result but not producing a result that is best for all in fact - cannot last and only creates more consequences to walk through thus delaying the accumulation of what is best as the REAL LASTING result.

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