Monday, March 4, 2019

The Missing Key within Education

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all knowledge and information within a human being, is not stored in the mind, but rather in the body in the physical flesh, and thus any form of learning and education that is based on the mind will never produce a child as an adult that is truly effective and able to reason within common sense, because it is not understanding even the most basic aspect of how a human really learns.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the entire education system as well as most alternative forms of education outside of the mainstream are still based within the idea that the child learns with the mind and do not understand that it is the body that really learns and although the education system does not take this point into consideration, the marketing/advertising arms of the corporations do, and utilize images and sound and experiences to imprint into the physical body of consumers memories that will cause thoughts and feelings to come up and cause the consumer to act in predictable ways as buying patterns in order to drive corporate profits, regardless of negative consequences to the consumer and society and the world as a whole.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the antidote to this abuse of children and adults by corporations is a proper education from birth and even prior to that as a reeducation of the adult when possible based on the understanding that the body itself is where memories are stored and that the mind is a tool THROUGH which information is presented and reflected back from the body as thoughts and feelings and thus the mind as a tool, a window, has a specific place in education, but is not being seeing for what it is, and the body is completely being neglected by the education system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the most effective way to support a child within education is to support them to learn, through the the mind, but IN the physical body, words, without emotional charge, either positive or negative, and with the correct definitions, and that when this is done properly, the child, even as an adult, will not be able to be manipulated by the politicians and corporations, because their body will respond to words and images for what they really are - in other words, the child/adult will be able to see through the illusion presented by the politician/corporation and will see the manipulation that is being attempted, and the child/adult's body will not even respond to the attempted manipulation because it was not programmed to respond, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that parents are not aware of this at all, and are instead leaving the development of their child up to random chance, which is not really random, because the corporations and politicians are MASTERS of systematic manipulation of the population through words, symbols, images, sounds, and experiences that are designed to produce predictable behavior/buying patterns, as is shown evident in documentaries like The Trap, The Century of the Self, and Psywar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a parent, to look at my child's behavior as individual preference and individual desire and want and ignore/deliberately not see the reality that their behavior is a reflection of the words, images, sounds, and experiences that I have allowed them to be exposed to, and yet within this I have instead used the child's preference to justify the situation I have placed them in, instead of taking full responsibility for every word, sound, image, and experience that my child is exposed to.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become despondent as a parent and feel apathetic towards taking 100 percent responsibility for everything that my child is exposed to, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the perfect tool to support my child to develop an effective reasoning ability, reading ability, math ability, and common sense awareness of reality exists as TechnoTutor, as this tool was developed by someone who understood how the child learns as a function of their physical body, and the evidence that this tool provides a superior education than anything else that is available, is clear for anyone who wished to investigate.

I commit myself to show parents and educators that the best way to educate a child is to primarily focus on the vocabulary development of the child in the first 7 years to ensure that each word is placed into the child's physical memory without emotional charge and with the correct definition.

I commit myself to stand as an authority in parenting and education to show that there is a way to educate children that will produce a child and thus a society that is reasonable, functionally effective, and cooperative in ways that are best for all.

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