Monday, March 11, 2019

Testing the Waters

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear going on all in to support Life and to do what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have even one point within me that wants to hold back from doing what is best for all, not realizing that even one point is the same as completely holding back, as there is NO MIDDLE ROAD when it comes to what is best, I am either standing with and as Life as what is best for all or I am not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the desire to 'test things out' which is really just an excuse to not fully participate, 100%, to do everything that is necessary to bring about the result that is best, and within this 'testing out' to allow for a point of blame outside of myself when things do not work out properly, which is in essence the starting point of not wanting to change and take full self responsibility for being the change that will bring about the result that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look for faults in others as a way to project my own decision to not take full self responsibility to be the change that is best for all and to thus hold on to a point of blame of something outside of me that will justify why I didn't have to change and go all in for what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the point of doing what is best for all is not only for an external result that is for 'someone or something else' but is in fact FOR ME and the belief that I 'have to do something for others' is equal to and one with believing and stating that I am separate from everyone and everything and is thus an indicator that I have not in fact made the decision to stand within the starting point of real equality and oneness as what is best for ALL which includes me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in spite of knowing what is best to do in a moment, allowed fear, excuse, and justification, within blame, to DICTATE what I do as what is not best for all, and within that I am accepting and allowing myself to be nothing more than a slave in the control of a dictator, and yet I AM the DICTATOR, because the dictum is IN MY OWN HEAD and I am the one deciding to listen to, defend, justify, and believe that which is just words in my head, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be the slave to words in my head and feelings in my body, which are self-created over time through acceptance and allowance, and I realize that if I consistently, over time, apply myself within what is best, through breathing, writing, self forgiveness and self corrective action as do what is common sense as what is best for all in each moment, that I will eventually completely break through the control within and without as words that are designed to keep me as a slave to the system that is not best for me or anyone/anything else.

I commit myself to show to myself and thus others that consistent, breath by breath action as what is best will accumulate to a result that is best for all, and that it is the consistent, breath by breath action in the context of what is NOT best for all that has accumulated the result of what we now see today as the world and world system and what we experience within as the control mechanism of our mind speaking to us and generating feelings through training of the body to never stand equal and one to the physical here as what is best for all.

I commit myself to stand equal and one to both the mind and the physical to use the mind as the tool that it is and to stand within and as the body as what it really is as equal to and one with physical reality which is what is real and which we have abdicated responsibility towards as humanity and where the solution to Heaven on Earth is actually to be found in adjusting the system that is here to produce only that which is best, not for the mind as feelings only, but for the physical body as what is optimal and required to live a life of dignity, full expression, and TRUE BLISS where no consequence is allowed that creates lack or suffering in ANY part of existence at ANY TIME, and within this I commit myself to show that this is the ONLY PURPOSE of being here worth giving to oneself and that anything less will only produce conflict which will create more problems which will eventually consume us to be a slave to consequence as we have already become, thus the true purpose of being here is to take FULL SELF RESPONSIBILITY for everything I am capable of and to even push beyond any perceived LIMIT so that I will have no REGRET or EXCUSE when my final breath comes.

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