Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Only a Machine Runs on Polarity

Watch The Battery Scene from the movie, The Matrix for context. 
It is not possible to have POSITIVE without NEGATIVE. That is basic physics.

Why are you OK with people suffering so that you can experience a temporary positive energy when SO MUCH MORE is possible if we ended ALL CONFLICT as both Positive AND Negative?

Life is not a polarity. Only a MACHINE runs on the polarity of Positive and Negative.

Are you NOTHING MORE THAN a Machine?

Are you nothing more than an Organic Robot?

Have you been programmed by the System to just generate Energy?

Are thoughts and feelings nothing more than virtual chains?

Will we wake up and dismantle our chains ONE by ONE until Life is set free from the burden of Thought and Feeling to express what is Best for All FREELY in each moment with no PROGRAM necessary?

Who will stand up? 
People like to say that energy is eternal and is never created or destroyed and only changes forms.

But if you are self-honest, you'll admit that IN REALITY, this is only true of PHYSICAL MATTER.

And that all energy is just placing parts of matter in conflict with itself. And so the only way for energy to exist is for conflict to exist. And so when you justify the existence of energy for energy's sake, you are actually justifying the existence of conflict.

And yet you will complain about the conflict because it always takes you from your positive to a negative. And you NEVER question this, because you don't CARE.

In reality, the physical is what makes energy possible, and thus it is the physical that is REAL and while you focus on energy, you miss what is REALLY HERE as the physical world.

And in this IGNORANCE of what is REAL, you continue to IGNORE what is really going on as the conflict and suffering that exists in order for the few to experience a temporary positive.

Very sad. May you wake up before it is too late. Because judgment day is the day you die, where the physical body no longer supports the illusion of thought and energy and returns to be reformed by the physical, while YOU which was thought only... disappear.

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