Sunday, March 24, 2019

Fear of Authority as Fear of Responsibilty

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I don't need anyone's permission to stand up in this world and do what is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I don't need anyone's permission to change myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that external authority is required to direct me within my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the external authority/authorities that exist, only direct human beings within the context of continuing the money system as is, which also means directing human beings to remain enslaved to energy within themselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that no actual authority exists outside of me that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is my responsibility and my duty to change within myself, to become an expert in what is best for all, and to stand as that in this world within who I am, how I act, what I say, and that this standing does not have to conform to a certain picture, as the pictures that I see and believe that I must conform to are nothing more than pre-programmed images that are designed to keep me controlled and to not in fact stand up, by keeping me in a state of comparison and self-judgment rather than self-honest action within what is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what is best, is for me to no longer accept and allow any thought or feeling within myself that is not supportive of what is best for all, that supports the creation of solutions to inequality, and that any thought or feeling that keeps me in a state of comparison or judgment and does not support me to speak and act in ways that bring forth solutions is in fact mind control to keep me limited, and there is nothing and no one that will stop this within me, as it is MY RESPONSIBILITY because it is WITHIN ME and ME ONLY.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the longer I keep the real solutions within myself only and do not remove all the limitations within myself that would keep me from acting in the context of what is best for all as presenting real solutions that are peaceful through communication, the more the problems will grow in this world and those who do not know how to stop their thoughts and feelings, thus allowing the subconscious and unconscious fears to grow within will eventually act out in violent ways which will never solve the problems on earth and only cause more fear and thus more violence, and thus it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to stand up and communicate in order to bring about PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS that are best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I judge the world and others, that I am NOT taking responsibility, and that it is one thing to assess a situation as not best, but then this must immediately be followed by self-honest self-forgiveness to remove the patterns within which are being reflected without and then this must immediately be followed by physical change and physical action towards presenting a REAL solution that is best for all that can be measured physically.

I commit myself to show that all change that is best for all is in fact an INDIVIDUAL responsibility of self change and self corrective action and physical presentation of solutions through communication until all are able to see the solution and thus implement it through collective agreement.

I commit myself to show to all activists that REAL CHANGE in the world must first start with self honesty, self forgiveness, and self corrective application and then followed by communication of solutions that are best for all.

I commit myself to show parents that the REAL SOLUTION to this world and to the elimination of fear for their children's survival is to support the child to have no fear from the beginning and that this starts at home.

I commit myself to show parents that using fear to punish their child will only result in a child who becomes an adult who is afraid to stand up and present solutions because they will always be wary of an external authority looking to punish them.

I commit myself to show to parents that the best way to raise a child is to communicate always, to explain in as much detail as possible, even when it seems the child cannot understand, as this is the way that the child DEVELOPS understanding, and that every time the parent attempts to control the child instead of explain and support the child to make the best decision out of their own free will, this has the effect of dumbing child down, and thus creates a child who essentially requires to be controlled more and more because they cannot work out what is best for themselves as this is not something that happens naturally - either the parent supports the child to develop a common sense, reasonable approach to living here in the physical world, or the parent supports the child to develop LESS THAN that.

I commit myself to show parents that the child is not born with the ability to reason - as is shown in many points of research - where a child left on their own with no human interaction other than being fed and clothed - will eventually die, and thus the parent must take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for every influence on the child and influence the child to develop common sense, reasoning, and a character as a physical body that interacts with the rest of physical reality always in all ways as what is best for all and that this will produce a society where problems are virtually non-existent, and that this is the only way to create heaven on earth, and that this approach to parenting must coupled with a change in the money system so that parents more and more have the time freedom and financial freedom and freedom from stress to be able to be Here with their children and give them them attention and support they really need.

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