Friday, March 29, 2019

The Gift of Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to always/generally look at other's weaknesses as a point of comparison with myself in order to generate energy within my mind/experience in the form of feeling superior or frustration towards what I perceive as a weakness, not seeing/realizing/being honest that the REAL weakness is within myself as using the mirror of reality as a way to continue an energy game within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not look for the best/potential within another at ALL TIMES, not realizing that it is possible see/recognize a weakness in another without being judgemental from the perspective of supporting another within facing the weakness and making it a strength, but this would require an ABSOLUTE focus on the POTENTIAL of the other person to change, and thus requires within me the decision to not participate in an energy game, and to have changed the point within myself so that it is no longer a point of self-judgment that is being projected.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to BELIEVE in superiority and inferiority not realizing that LIFE is equal in all and that any perception/existence of superiority/inferiority is either a judgment that self is using as an excuse to not change within oneself and/or is a point that self has accepted and allowed to be created through time by not taking full self-responsibility and therefore there is no valid point of judgment of another as weakness or inferiority or superiority or strength, because in some way or another I am responsible for the existence of everything that is Here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize fully that seeking energy through judgment of others through comparison of an idea of myself to an idea of another, regardless of what I see/perceive as physical/mental evidence is always a form of self-interest and is therefore a complete disregard for the Equal Life in another that was given to them and me equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that every moment that I play an energy seeking game through comparison and judgement is a moment where Life is lost, where I am spiting the gift of Life that I have been given and that may never be given again, and that it is not that I should recognize the gift of Life from the starting point of Fear of Loss, but that not honoring the gift of Life within me is simply just not realizing and appreciating the true magnitude and possibility of what I could Be and Become and experience and Live and participate in and be a part of if I WERE to recognize and appreciate and honor the gift of Life that I have been given.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take the gift of Life that I have been given for granted.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have been placing the experience of power, which is temporary in any case, as more valuable than the gift of Life that I have been given.

I forgive myself that I have been deliberately spiteful and at times naive or ignorant of what I have been given as a gift as Life and that I have been squandering it with no real appreciation for what I have.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that Life is mysterious as this indicates the degree to which I have separated myself from Life and thus the REAL MYSTERY would be what could and would happen if I were to receive this Gift of Life with open arms and with the intention and self-direction to recognize the gift in everyone and to use my gift to ensure that all are ABLE to recognize their gift of Life and to use it and express it fully.

I forgive myself that I have been afraid at times that my Life will someday be gone, and that I would experience this fear of loss but then not see within it that deep down I KNOW that Life is precious and should be used/expressed in the BEST WAY possible and not just for a temporary experience that is not the BEST POSSIBLE way of using the gift, not to simply pursue the experience of having money or feeling happy or feeling powerful or any of the myriad ways in which one can experience themselves as energy or as the pursuit of energy, but to use/be/express Life as equal to what Life is, which is Expansion into the BEST possible expression, to go beyond ANY and ALL limits, even when the limits seem real and impossible to expand beyond, and to perfect oneself WITHIN the limitation but in a way that supports the perfection of ALL within the limitation, not just EXPERIENCE of perfection, but the reality of being the best one can be within the context of what is best for all and everyone.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself believe that I am an individual when in fact I really don't know what I am, and regardless of what I am or am not, why wouldn't I want to be the best for myself and everyone else?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am in everyone, that I am Life, and that each one is Life and we are thus different manifestations of the same thing which is equally valuable, and that even though it seems like some are better and some are worse, that this just the consequence of not recognizing and acting within the recognition of what really makes us all equal and equally valuable, and that even those that seem 'better' are still SO LIMITED within their expression and experience and even they are still in the same fear that I am within losing this gift of life that we have been given.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the best way to use the gift I have been given is to allow all to receive the same gift, which is simply to first recognize that each one is/has Life and is thus equally valuable.

I commit myself to show and explain and demonstrate that the only true form of giving as one wants to receive is to find the point within oneself within where one is at in the system and to find a way to become effective and to stand in a way that supports the system that determines each one's value according to how much money they have/how much money they can make - to support that system to change so that it recognizes that all ARE ALREADY EQUALLY VALUABLE and that way we can have a system that ensures each one gets what they need to FULLY USE and EXPRESS that gift.

I commit myself to FIND and SUPPORT those who want to stand and walk together to change this system so that the ability for each to live here and express fully is supported and to do WHATEVER IT TAKES, which is simply COMMUNICATION and expansion beyond one's current position in life, and to support each one within their potential, to recognize the best within them, which is Life, which is the potential to change from ignoring the gift they have within them to accessing it and expressing it regardless of how the system and people within the system react, to never stop, to never give up, and to go beyond every perceived limit in order to USE the GIFT that I have been GIVEN equally as each one has TO THE FULLEST in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE.

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