Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Parenting Possibilities

Do parents realize the fundamental responsibility they have in this world? We often give lip-service to the role of parenting, recognizing that the parent is creating a new life, shaping a child, etc, but I don't see any parents really looking at what they are fundamentally here to do as a parent.

As a parent, you are not just responsible for your child, you are responsible for the creation of this world. Obviously as an individual, what we accept and allowed and directly and indirectly participate in creates this world, but as a parent with a child you are now shaping the character of a new being emerging into this world, you are in fact cloning yourself, adding another you into this world, 1+1=2.

As a parent, do you see it as your role to simply ensure that your child survives?

As a parent, do you see it as your role to make sure your child is a 'good person'?

Or do you realize that you have the opportunity, if you take full, 100% responsibility, to support the creation and expression of a new form of life that is able to live and function and thus create a world that is best for all?

Do you see that you can fundamentally alter the course of history, which up to this point has just been mankind repeating the same mistakes over and over again, but only if you radically alter the relationship that you create with and towards your child.

Imagine, as a child, growing up in an environment where you are shown, by example, how to give as you want to receive. Imagine being taught, from as early as possible, the keys with which to understand your reality. Imagine never being lied to, never being tricked, never being abused, never being punished, and yet shown what is best and what is not best to do.

Often I see that parents think that if you do not punish a child, then they will become unruly, but that is only because the parent is not taking the time, effort, and disciplined approach to really explain how things work to their child, to make every effort possible to demonstrate, explain why, repeat, ask if the child understands, and be patient while the child makes a mistake and to be there to show the correct way - the best way.

Imagine not being haphazard with what you expose your child to. Imagine questioning every influence on your child to determine what the long term outcome will be on the child's character, imagination, and reasoning ability.

Imagine REASONING with your child, and through that teaching them HOW TO REASON for themselves, and thus supporting them to BECOME REASONABLE.

What if that were possible?

What if it were possible to remove every excuse and fear that you just have to do some things, even though you know they aren't best, because you don't have the time or the energy or your child just has to survive, so you have to use some fear and punishment otherwise they won't survive?

What if by removing all fear, all control, and instead directing the point within common sense, without energy, with clear communication, you could support a child to become, what by comparison one might consider a superior human being - not really superior, just not dumbed down and stunted emotionally - one that can stand in reality and direct themselves and others in the best way, without any fear, without any desire to control others, but with clear understanding of what is acceptable and what is not, free to stand up for what is best and to say NO to what is not?

I'm here to tell you that this is possible.

We are here to show you that this is reality, if you would but learn to remove the fear and the excuses within yourself as a parent.

We now have a child, 2 years and 3 months, at the time of writing this post, that cooperates, listens, learns, communicates, and is reasonable beyond what perhaps anyone would consider possible.

I highly suggest to check out our Facebook page Education is Evolution to see a few examples that demonstrate what is possible when, as a parent, you walk a process of correcting yourself from fear to common sense living. Here are a few examples from the page linked above:

2 year old brushes and flosses his teeth with no struggle

2 year and 3 months old child already learning to read with no force necessary

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