Thursday, February 14, 2019

Reclaiming Energy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only move if I feel positive or negative energy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to motivate myself only through the cycles of positive and negative energy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be less than my physical body and thus abdicate the responsibility for moving myself as my physical body to the mind where only energy directs me.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the small movements and actions that I do breath by breath are what accumulate results in this world and in my life and thus if I allow myself to be motivated only by energy of the mind then I am missing what I am actually accumulating breath by breath and thus I have no right to be surprised when things in my life and world don't work out because I have actually been participating in them either through direct action or lack of action because I have instead been focused on only the energy experience in my mind, like a movie or form of entertainment.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my life is not what I am experiencing in the moment as energy of my mind, it is the final result of what I accumulate breath by breath by the time my experience here in this life ends at death and that at death, none of those momentary experiences will matter to me, because I cannot take them with me, all I have is what I have accepted and allowed myself to accumulate breath by breath physically which stands as who and what I am.

I forgive myself that I have refused to allow myself to accept and realize that I can and am able to check each breath to assess whether I am doing what is best and that the only reason it appears that I cannot is because I have become addicted to the energy of the mind where results seem to appear quickly, but where they fade just as quickly and thus are not real, and thus I realize that it may take time as more than one breath before I am able to see everything and check everything I am accepting and allowing within one breath and thus I will not use the excuse that it is impossible to be aware of everything I am accepting and allowing in a breath to not walk my process, as I realize it is a process, though, self honestly, I really do not know how many breaths it will take, thus the only thing I can do is walk breath by breath from here forward until this is done as there is no acceptable alternative in any case.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that if living breath by breath were tedious then the body would not function, and that this belief is an indicator of the extent to which I have become my mind only and completely separated myself from my physical body.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to be grateful that I am aware that it is possible to stop participation in the abuse of myself and this world in the pursuit of energy.

I commit myself to checking each breath and learning (relearning) to live breath by breath so that I may only accumulate a result in the physical that is best for all and that I will utilize self-honesty when and as I become aware that I am missing breaths or that I am allowing less than what is best in a breath and thus I commit to using writing, self-forgiveness, and self-corrective application to right the mistakes that I allow in a breath that are not best for all.

I commit myself to be a living example that there is no valid excuse to not walk oneself back to physical reality and reclaim the energy that I have accepted and allowed to be generated unfairly from the physical for no reason but spitefulness and within this I will stand as a living example that there is no reason to use blame as a justification for why anything in this world is not best for all but to instead take self-responsibility to correct myself as how I am creating what is not best and to support others to do the same through reasonable communication as well as my living example.

I commit myself to be a living example of a parent who shows and communicates with their children how to live in this world in a way that one's living is a giving and not just a self interested taking and that my child can be an example of what is possible when parent and child communicate as equals and no excuses are allowed in the name of survival or self interest to create a separation that will harm everyone including oneself and one's child.

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