Monday, February 25, 2019

The Power of Moment by Moment Accumulation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the power that exists in a moment, where it is in the moment that I either direct myself within common sense, breathing in, checking to see if energy or thoughts move within, forgiving myself, and breathing out or whether I allow myself to abdicate my self-responsibility to the mind to automate the generation of energy through thoughts, feelings, and emotions in each moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the simplicity of the moment wherein, in the moment between in breath and out breath, I am able to stop participating in what is not best and direct myself withing what is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is in the moment that I either accumulate within that breath what is best or not, and it is in the next breath that I either accumulate what is best or not, and thus it is the breath by breath, moment by moment, 1 + 1 accumulation that creates either what is best or manifests what is not best as a consequence that must be faced at some point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in the moment, where I am allowing myself to think, that I am allowing a lot more than is obvious to run automated within my body that will produce consequences that are not obvious in that moment while I am participating in the mind, and thus I realize that there the consequences that are manifested in the world are in fact the result of each of us, myself included, participating in the mind, giving Energy as Consciousness the authority to create the world around me, and thus even though it now appears to be something outside of myself, out of my control, it is actually quite simple and measurable how the external world has manifested moment by moment as an accumulation, and thus the key to creating a world that is best is to first stop all the automation within myself that creates consequence that is not best that I am not directing 'directly' so to speak and to then re-automate myself within self-direction to always act in ways that are best for all, and within this I realize that this is a step-by-step accumulation process, 1 + 1, as I stop in each moment and bring all that energy which I have allowed to create consequence in my name, back to myself, and then re-establish my authority as Life as self-directive principle as what is best in each moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel that the task of stopping and recreating myself is a monumental task, when it is in fact, simply a breath by breath task, that accumulates, and that this is how the world as it currently exists was created, and that I never considered it to be monumental before because I didn't care about the consequence, because I was only considering me, and now that I am considering what is best for all, the feeling of being overwhelmed or the feeling that the task is monumental is in fact nothing more than the consequence that I have accumulated by giving power and authority to my decision to only participate in energy over eons of time, and thus the feeling is just the resistance to change, it is just the consequential outflow of the mind being programmed to keep me in cycles of seeking positive energy through the creation of negative, and thus I forgive myself for identifying with the desire to not want to stop, which is really just fear of loss, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I participate in the mind as seeking energy for myself that I have already lost, and thus the fear of loss is just a control mechanism that I had accepted and allowed to prevent me from reversing my original decision.

I commit myself to daily investigate, through writing, self-forgiveness, and self-correction application the points that I am still accepting and allowing to go undirected within each breath - to point by point, part by part, uncover and expose to myself where I am still not stopping, still allowing excuses, still allowing myself to participate in feelings and thoughts, and to thus step by step dismantle this system that I have accepted and allowed within me which is contributing to the maintenance of the system without that is automatically creating conditions that are not best for all.

I commit myself to investigating, through writing, self-forgiveness, and self-corrective application the points within the world system that are automated to produce conditions that are not best, to get to know the system in detail, and to thus stand within the system as an authority, not needing validation from knowledge and information systems without as 'the experts' but to see the system directly for myself and to thus direct the system as myself within a group within the principle of what is best for all.

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