Friday, February 22, 2019

Stopping the Desire for a Quick Fix

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that stopping the mind, so as to be here and self aware as life, is not something that necessarily happens immediately simply because I want it to stop - but rather it is the result of taking mind apart, point by point, and applying myself within self honesty to forgive myself for having accepted and allowed that point to be automated, and thus stopping that point and then moving on to do the same with the next point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be focused within my mind on the result of stopping the mind, within imagination, rather than focused consistently, daily, moment by moment, breath by breath, on the process that would produce such a result as an accumulation.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that when I allow myself to be preoccupied within thinking, that all the points that I have not directed are allowed to run rampant under the surface, to grow and accumulate and this is what creates consequences for myself and the world which I then have to face as a manifestation, and that the only way to stop this cycle is to both stop in each moment as I find myself participating in thinking, but to also daily apply myself within the self-directive process of examining what is within myself as automated behavior, thoughts, feelings, and emotions that is manifesting behaviors and directing my physical body and this physical existence to continue in a way that is not best and that only further supports the environment to create generations of children that are born with no example of how to be here and live within and as equality and oneness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty that it has taken me a long time to realize the necessity of walking this process within specificity and without excuse and I realize that this sense of guilt serves me as a reminder to not allow myself to fall back into any form of excuse of participating in energy and the mind, and at the same time is not a valid excuse to not walk this process, because regardless of what I have allowed in the past, the only valid way to exist is to walk this process of taking responsibility for what I have accepted and allowed within me to become an automatic process of using and abusing my physical body and this physical existence for the creation of energy and energy experience which is not best.
I commit myself to through writing, self-forgiveness, and self-corrective application to daily assess the points that my mind presents as thoughts, feelings, and judgments and that my body presents as pain, and the resistances and fears that come up, the energetic movements, to investigate them, understand how I have automated these points to generate energy within myself, find their source within myself and bring them back to my self and stop them, so that I may daily, step by step walk myself back from the mind, as living in quantum energy time, back to the physical, to be here breath by breath in awareness of what I am living and accepting and allowing.

I commit myself, to while walking this inner process, to walk the system of this world, to walk within education, business and politics to place myself in a position to be able to bring forth solutions and adjust the system and present solutions that are best for all that can be voted on, and to utilize the inner process to remove any limitations that come up within my mind as to why I cannot stand in a position of responsibility in the system and to also support others who are willing to walk this process to do the same.

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