Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Power Within Words

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that everything about who I am and how I exist and function in the world is based on the words that I have accepted and allowed within me, how they are defined, the relationships of the words to each other, and my ability to relate to others through words as communication.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the external world is purely built on the relationships that exist between words and the definitions of those words and thus dictate what is created on a daily basis, as all LAWS exist purely as words and thus the politicians and police exist to enact and enforce reality through the words.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that police are the protectors of the relationships between words that have been written down as laws.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the policeman in my head is controlling my body through words.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I control and manipulate others through words.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that when there is no emotional bias or energy charge within me towards a word, I am not able to be manipulated, either by the policeman in my head (which was created by my parents through their words when I was in my first 7 years as a child) or by others as an adult who know how to use words to trigger emotions and feelings within others (which is everyone, as this is a basic survival pattern existent within each of us, passed down as the sins of the fathers and mothers).

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that by walking through each word, one by one, and checking to see how I have accepted and allowed it to be defined, that I am therefore able to correct the definition and remove the emotional charge within the word through self-forgiveness, I am able to dismantle the control systems that I have allowed to be automated to act in my name that are keeping me in cycles of negative/positive energy creation and thus accepting and allowing the same in the world without in the form of the money system.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that, in order to stand within the world system and adjust it to be best for all, I must become intimate with every word upon which the system is based, and that I cannot realign a system based on words, when I have not realigned the system within myself that is based on words, which is my vocabulary.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that my mind, and my self interest, is purely a set of vocabulary within myself that speaks to me and knows all the emotional hot buttons to push to keep me trapped in a cycle of energy, and yet I cannot blame this as something outside of me, because I have, in fact, accepted and allowed this system to be built, one word at a time, like a house being built, one brick at a time, and now this is the house that I live in and in fact hide within to not face the reality of what I have allowed to be created outside of me as the world system.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that this house I have built through words is in fact a house of cards and that the slightest breeze can blow it down in a moment, which is why I have created an energetic protection mechanism, as like a firewall, that will not allow anything to come into my awareness that might shake my foundations, but I know that this cannot last forever, because the final breeze, is a simple breath at death, and in that final breath, if my house is not a real, solid, stable structure in the physical that is rooted in the physical as what is best for all, if there is any separation, any ego as protection and self-defense, then that simple breeze as breath will annihilate everything that I have been holding onto, and then it will be too late.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that HERE is the space and time for me to walk my mind as how I have constructed it through symbols and words as a set body of information that is like a memorized textbook of who I believe I am but was simply given to me by someone I believed was the authority but in fact this was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and even though I was warned not to eat of this fruit, the temptation was enough, which has exposed my true weakness, which is that I have not really cared about being real, about being here as oneness and equality with all life, but I have only ever been all about me as an experience of temptation and naughtiness and I have deceived myself into believing that I can get away with this game for eternity, but now my very creation has come full circle and is showing me at every turn that this cannot last, and that this is my last chance to stand up and change, both myself within, and the world without as what I have accepted and allowed to be created while I have been busy entertaining myself with energy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this entire world is built brick by brick as each person, who is a brick, who is building themselves as knowledge and information, brick by brick, and that unless I check each brick within myself and support each person to check each brick within themselves, through my example and sharing of the tools that I have/am using and applying, then this world will never change, and the children born into this world will have even less of a chance of rebuilding this world, because the bricks they are being given to build with are corrupted, crumbled, and broken - thus the words we are teaching our children are not defined in ways that support life, but only self-interest, where words are not used to build a world of equality where all are supported with a solid foundation to exist here within dignity and excellence, but rather our words have become like swords, weapons we use to abuse and attack and blame and spite and take - thus we must align our vocabulary to that which support us and each other as equals to give as we want to receive - otherwise our words will end up being the swords we fall on and there will be no savior, as the savior can only point the way through words, they cannot change who I am for me, only I can do that.

I commit myself to show that simply by examining and realigning our words and vocabulary to that which supports what is best for all as Life as equality and oneness we can create a new world that honors life.

I commit myself to show that the primary tasks that are available is to one: reeducate everyone to a point of equal effectiveness within a vocabulary that is supportive of giving as one want to receive - and two: realign the laws that are the structured vocabulary that define what the collective agreement is as to how the relationships that govern the distribution of resources that are freely given by the earth in order to support the optimal functioning of all forms of life on earth and to improve the balance through healthy competition to establish peace on earth in all forms to a point where I would have no problem swapping places with any other being on earth as I would know that all relationships have been realigned so that all who are Here are able to express themselves fully and that all lack and limitation, as far as practically possible, has been removed and so Life may blossom for once, and that this is the only valid reward for a life well lived and the only valid use for my existence, and within this I commit myself to prove to others that this is not a special quality, but something that anyone can do, all that is required is dedication to taking responsibility, brick by brick, word by word, for how we have defined who we are and how we have defined what Life is and what is the reason and purpose of existence.

I commit myself to moving past any and all resistance to standing as the real authority in education to show that real education begins and ends with a properly aligned vocabulary that is complete and sound and supports what is best for all in every way, and that this is the only education that will ever produce a human being that is reasonable and effective as a creator that produce only that which is best for all and therefore does not create consequences that harm.

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