Friday, February 1, 2019

Battle of Wits

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see conversation as a battle between opinions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that opinions can never result in an agreement about what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that that best way to assist and support another through communication is to place myself in their shoes, to see the world and life as they are seeing it, and to look at the points where, within that, I am allowing self-dishonesty and to thus forgive myself as that other person and to support them to walk through the self-dishonesty through self-forgiveness until they are clear as to how they have constructed their opinion and belief in a way that is not best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted allowed myself to react to another person's opinion or belief, when in fact this show me, in self-honesty, that I am holding onto an opinion or belief and thus I realize within this that I am in fact grateful when I feel challenged or reactive when presented with a belief or opinion it allows me so see my own self-dishonesty so that I may correct it.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that every person I meet is a mirror for me to see my self-judgment and any reactions that come up within me towards another person have nothing to do with the other person, per se, it has everything to do with me in terms of the value I have placed on certain words, expressions, ways of dressing, ways of acting, etc all based on how I have defined myself in terms of being able to survive in this world through competition for rewards as positive energy and money.

I commit myself to using communication as a way not to win an award but rather as a way to understand myself through my own reactions towards another person and to thus see each person as a mirror so that I may support myself and the other person eventually to self honesty through self forgiveness and within this I stop the conflict for the generation of personal self interest and walk transform communication into something that is used to bring about equality as Life as what is best for all.

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