Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Silent Judgment of Other Parents

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that judging other parents as not making the best decisions for their child is not supportive either for myself, the other other parent, the child or anyone.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that each parent acts in accordance to the programming that they have accepted and allowed breath by breath over the course of their lives, especially in the first 7 years of their life and thus when their child is in the first 7 years they are busy programming their child with their patterns which is what perpetuates the problems on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think/believe/feel that I am better/superior to another parent when I see another parent do something that I judge as not best for their child, when this judgment and feeling of being better/superior is an indication that I am still participating in the energy of mind searching for feelings of positivity within myself which would indicate that I am in fact equal to the other parent whom I am judging as less than.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that in my observation of other parents, because I am able to see that they are not doing what is best for their child and themselves, that I am thus responsible for what I see BECAUSE I am aware, and thus I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to take full responsibility for this awareness.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself myself to realize that I am able to take responsibility for what I see in others as behaviors that are less than what is best through, identifying the points within me where I use the reflection to feel less than/better than, which is a form of judgment which shows me where I am still participating in my mind, and to show what patterns still exist in the world that must be corrected and thus give me an opportunity to investigate why this pattern exists to show that the root cause is always the money system as it is currently existing which places parents in a survival state and virtually unable to question and correct their behaviors.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that I, as someone who is aware of the problem, have a greater responsibility at the moment than those that do not, and yet within that the responsibility is to find ways to show others how they can take responsibility for themselves, and thus playing the game of silent judgment will in no way make an impact on supporting others to change themselves because within that I would just be distracting myself and preventing myself from standing within and changing the systems that are causing parents to go into survival mode because to challenge such a system and stop this whole mess from perpetuating would place me in a position where I am no longer 'superior' or 'better' than another because the patterns that I have judged would no longer exist.

Thus, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that by participating in the backchat in my secret mind towards other parents who are not doing what is best for their child, I am disempowering myself, the opposite of what it 'feels like' in my mind as feeling 'superior' or 'better than' and perpetuating the system of abuse to continue because I have disempowered myself from standing up and changing it, all for the temporary reward of energy in my mind which will never last and will require me to judge MORE in order to feed that system within me, thus I realize that this silent judgment game is of no real value for anyone.

I see/realize that there is a difference between seeing a pattern in another that is not best and judging that pattern and generating a feeling within which I participate, and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place value on the feeling generated and allowed myself to participate in these 'silent' judgments in my mind while never questioning or seeing that I am in fact engaging in a behavior pattern that is not best.

I commit myself to stop participation in all thoughts and feelings of judgment towards other parents, and take responsibility by supporting others to see how I have corrected those patterns of behavior as a parent towards my child to show a living example of how a parent can communicate and interact with their child in a way that not only allows them to physically survive but supports them to develop a character where the child values Life, is effective a communicating and learning, and is a person who others would like to be around naturally.

I commit myself to stop participation in the game of energy through judgment and to thus stand up and support other parents directly by showing them the tools to correct the words that are misaligned within them that is creating behavior patterns that are not best both within the parent and the child.

I commit myself to show those who are willing and able at the moment the way to create financial freeom, as much as it is possible in this current system, through educating themselves, their children, and others and to find those parents who are willing and able through that to stand up in the system and support their children to eventually stand up in the system as well so that the system can be adjusted to eventually support all parents and children, even those who are currently in positions to not be able to improve their lives and their children's lives significantly at the moment.

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