Saturday, February 23, 2019

Giving Up the Illusion to Create the Solution

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place value in that which makes me feel good.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that focusing on what feels good allows that which is undirected as the automated processes within my mind as consciousness to run rampant and create consequences within me and the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only want to change when I experience something negative.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see/realize that the starting point of looking for the positive as a reaction to the negative is exactly what my mind is automated to do to support me to remain trapped within cycles of creation of consequences that further trap me into seeking positive energy experience.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my entire life has been that of seeking positive rewards in reaction to experiencing a negative and not allowing myself to realize that I have in fact created the negative as the perfect excuse to pursue the positive.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that there are those in this world that only ever experience the negative and are in no position to ever create a positive, and that this same system is that which supports me to create positive from the negative.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that giving up the search for the positive means that I am eternally damned to face only negative, when in fact it is the search for the positive - which REQUIRES the creation of negative - that has eternally damned me to eternally experience negative and that eventually everyone, including myself, will face the point of no longer being able to experience positive, as the system is no longer working effectively, as is evidenced by the acceleration of revolution and protest around the world over the last 7 years.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see the warning signs around the world as the physical manifested evidence that the system is not working and to not see that any solution that does not create a system that ensures everyone's basic needs at all levels is doomed to fail from the beginning and that all political solutions currently being offered up are only like bandaids to protect the wealth of the elite and the middle class, but in self-honesty I can see that the lower class is only growing in numbers and growing in resentment towards those with money and that eventually everyone will find themselves on the losing side and yet this could be prevented if enough people stand up now and present solutions that will support everyone equally.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the pursuit of positive experience within myself is the reason why I have not been able to stand in a position of influence in the system, because when I only look for positive feedback, I cut myself off from a position of responsibility in the system, because anyone who stands up for real will be attacked with vitriol and nastiness beyond my current ability to perhaps understand or see - and thus by stopping the search for the positive, I am able to stand here clearly and face what is in this world head on and stand in the face of criticism and attack and yet say and do what needs to be done.

I forgive myself that I have not realized that the system, as it is, will never support real solutions for education, politics, and economics, because the system, as it is, is only designed to seek its own positive energy in the form of MONEY which requires the creation of negative as abuse, destruction, war, etc and that as I stand in a position of offering up and promoting real solutions that the system is not going to validate what I am presenting, and thus if I allow myself to continue to seek positive reward from others, I will never be able to stand, because I am not going to get that, by design, as I stand in the system with a real solution.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the education system, as it is, will never validate the real solution to equal education for all, because the education system is simply a reflection of the money system which only seeks to secure profit for the few and thus the education system will only ever produce elite vs consumers, and even within that, it is failing, and thus the time is now to stand with the solution to equal education for all and yet even within this the solution to equal education will support those who apply it to be able to stand in the CURRENT system so that they are able to survive but also educate themselves to become reasonable and thus adjust the system so that it is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place a veil of energy over my eyes where I will only allow positive feelings and experiences to guide my decisions.

I commit myself to removing the veil of energy - to stopping participation in looking for, seeking, searching for positive validation, when the only validation, the only authority required is common sense and self honest investigation and practical application of that which works within the context of what is best.

I commit myself to become, be, and stand as the authority within education to show that how to educate a child to be both effective in living and reasonable with others is simple and practically doable, if one applies themselves within the solution that we have been shown, applied, and now promote.

I commit myself to become, be, and stand as the authority in politics, to show that a solution to the problem of inequality is possible, practical, and doable and that politics can be adjusted to a system of one man one vote where we no longer require leaders but all can vote directly on policy matters and that this will require a reeducation of humanity to be reasonable, able to see common sense, and be willing to give as one wants to receive.

I commit myself to place my life on the line, to give up all self-interest that only serve to feed the ego of looking for positive energy, and to stand with those who are willing to do the same and to accumulate a result in this physical world that is measurable and undeniable and inevitable to bring about a system that gives to all equally what each one require to live and exist in this world in an optimal way.

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