Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Am I Just a Copy of a Copy?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that every word I ever learned was copied by my physical body as a copy of how it exists in the person that was in my presence when I learned the word, in other words, I am just a copy of those who were here already when I was born.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am just a copy of all the previous generations that have gone before me, which includes me as well, and thus I am Here to either continue living out the past as a copy or direct myself within rewriting who I am and how I live and express myself in the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have free choice to be who I want to be when I had never in fact questioned the starting point of my choices which have been to always choose that which continues the focus of myself within as generated friction and conflict to generate energy within myself and thus that which I participate in as external events and situations are all within the context of that which supports this point within me and thus as a reflection of what I am accepting and allowing within me, manifests a world where the external system is using up the physical world and human beings just to generate more energy for itself as a point of survival as money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself, my parents, and other parents that we have not given the best to our children and that I was not given the best as a child due to us having accepted and allowed the consequence/manifestation of a system that requires us to work for money for survival even in sacrifice of the most important thing in this world which is the education and support of the new generation of children in this world, which ends up only preparing the children to do the exact same thing as the parent which is to exist only to fit into the system of working for survival - and yet no one really fundamentally questions the point of all of this and we have accepted and allowed the creation of clever stories like religion and spirituality that there is apPARENTly something better after this life, which no common sense applied to see that the fact that one accepts and allows reality to be fucked up here on earth shows that one will simply accept and allow whatever happens after and that if this place is fucked up (and its not our fault, apparently) then whoever supposedly created this place is obviously quite fucked up and shouldn't be trusted to create something better beyond this world, and yet the reason people can't see this obvious problem is due to their parents not educating them effectively with common sense and instead instilling them with fear of survival.

I commit myself to stop the fear of survival within myself - point by point - no matter what it takes or how long it takes - to support my children to stop the fear of survival - to educate them for real - to support them to develop an effective vocabulary so that they can LIVE words and not just be a programmed response/reaction to words as automated consciousness, but to be able to stand in this system in support of what is best for all, and to do this for myself and to support other parents to do this to support their children to become REAL HUMAN BEINGS who care about life and the planet and each other and are able to express that with no FEAR.

I commit myself to show that all parents are not in fact parenting their children effectively but are in fact neglecting their child in many ways in the interest of survival and yet this is considered as completely normal by society because it serves the interests of corporate profit where both parents work and thus there is twice the disposable income to be fed back into the money system.

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