Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Calling All Entrepreneurs!

What does the use of the word 'capital' in 'capitalism' imply?

The root of the word capital is the Latin 'caput' which means 'head' or 'top'.

This obviously some immediate implications. Primarily that capitalism creates a structure where all wealth flows 'to the top' where there sits someone to receive, while those at the bottom/within the structure give of their life and bodies and physical existence to create this flow. Some may say that the one at the top has to sacrifice and take risk, and this is true, however aren't all lives equal? Thus what does it mean to risk more than another? The risk is only in relation to the system itself, where some would have a life of predictability where they perhaps work a consistent job where they are paid a salary or wage that is predictable. When one is building a business as an entrepreneur in the system, where one takes the 'risk' it implies that one does not have a guaranteed wage or salary unless the business or system one is building establishes itself effectively and only then does the one at the top receive from the system. Some would say this is justified, however at the end of the day, whether you are taking a risk by forgoing a paycheck while building a business or whether you are just a 'worker' receiving a wage, one is still sacrificing their life, giving it to the creation of the system. And thus the real question is why would one take one risk over another. The risk of the entrepreneur is that they may never create a sustainable business and thus never receive the reward they are looking for. The risk for the wage earner is that they live their whole life just barely scraping by.

Here is the reality:

The Capitalist could not exist without the worker. That is why the education system was created. To control the minds of the masses into sitting in factories and offices and for some to be in a position to manage the slaves (workers) into not revolting or demanding more than the system can provide/sustain according to what the capitalist is hoping to get out of the system eventually.

Thus what is it that keeps capitalism as it is?

It is what goes into the HEAD as: Education.

The more effectively one can reason and learn how to create and build systems, the higher the level one can compete at in the current system. So what happens when everyone is educated to a level of equal effectiveness? Where will the Capitalists get workers?

That will never happen you say? Because people are not equal, you say? Is that really true? Or is that a consequence of not building an education system that values all equally? Clearly this is the case.

Soon enough, there will be no need for workers as automation and Artificial Intelligence will replace the need for people to do labor jobs, so then the only opportunities that will be available will require a higher level of education, and yet no system, except one, exists to solve the problem. Certainly the capitalists did not expect this? Or did they and they just don't care?

Is this to say that the government should control all business? Certainly not.

Is this to say we should implement communism or socialism? Certainly not.

What are we saying then?

If you can hear us, we are looking for those who are willing to stand up and develop oneself to be able to stand in a position in the system to adjust things so that eventually all people are BROUGHT UP to a level of effectiveness where MORE COOPERATION, MORE INNOVATION, MORE INTELLIGENCE are brought into this world. Competition for survival is a thing of the past, it is no longer necessary, and yet, because the human, IN THEIR HEAD, is still competing, things will never change.

We must educate ourselves and each other to see that what is IN OUR HEAD should be a clear understanding of physical reality and how it works, it should be a reasoning ability that takes our oneness as physical beings on a physical planet with the same physical needs into consideration. It is the EDUCATION of the human being that must be upgraded in this time of upheaval.

Understand, any perceived stability in the system is only coming from the past. The system is not stable. Imagine you saved up $50,000 and quit working. Eventually, you know, what is going to happen? The money is going to run out and you have a problem.

The systems that have kept everyone in check - to keep the heads of most stupid so that they never question the system, those control systems are no longer working. People are starting to wake up to the unfairness of the system. People are starting to realize they have been dumbed down. You can continue to argue that they should just pull themselves up and get to work, but you have missed the fundamental problem which is that they have not been educated effectively in the first 7 years of their life. They are no longer TEACHABLE!

What will you do?

We have the solution - in the form of technology and processes to educate the Human Being to a point of perfection where we can take full responsibility for the systems on this planet and adjust them to support everyone effectively while AT THE SAME TIME maximizing individual freedom.

This cannot be done by ONE Individual and we are thus looking for those who want to make a difference while also getting all that you desire. Imagine: it is possible to do both!

Join us!

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