Monday, February 11, 2019

Self Interest as Self Limitation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my entire starting point for my existence to be one of seeking something that I perceive as more only for myself.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the starting point of seeking more for only myself or even for a select few others is the root of all conflict and war in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the world as one of competition and survival not allowing myself to realize that I am the source of this as are all others equally.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the fear I and others feel on a daily basis, even at subtle, subconscious levels that form the background of our experience, are due to each of us participating in the search for survival of ourselves as that seeking of more only.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that there is nothing more that is needed to get, that this feeling or belief I have that I need to get more and that I need to survive is something that I and everyone are creating artificially.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that by pursuing only my own desire for more or only my own security and survival I am condemning all future generations to do the same because from the moment we are born into this world, we are born into a system that REQUIRES us to compete to survive as it does not give to all equally and unconditionally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in and justify a system that only gives based on what one contributes as the survival of the system even though secretly I would like to be able to just exist without having to give to the system, which I call a life of leisure and luxury.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the only purpose and meaning that has any real meaning or value is for me to forgive myself of all that I have accepted and allowed within myself that justifies a system of self-interested, self seeking of personal reward only within and without and that by stopping participation within this system within myself I am able to accept and new system that would in fact give me what I am looking for as safety, security, happiness, peace, fulfillment, etc but I realize that it can only work if I allow that for everyone else and thus I must remove all that within myself which would deceive me into thinking/feeling/acting in a way that would either prevent and/or not actively contribute to the creation of such a system.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that every major event in my life has been the creation of something negative which I then use to catapult myself towards a positive experience, but within this I am had not realized that the positive I aimed for was never one that was best for all and thus would always leave me back in the experience of negative to repeat the cycle again.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within both negative and positive feelings, thoughts, and emotions and never stopped and realized that I am not here to experience thoughts, feelings, and emotions, but to be a LIVING BEING who acts physically in ways that are best for all only and that by doing so and by standing as an example and by supporting others to do the same, this would be reflected back to me and all others equally as a world that supports me to experience myself in a REAL POSITIVE way, not as a reaction to negative but as having that which I require to live here and express myself fully, unconditionally as what is best.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that in standing up as a living example I will have to walk through negativity but in order to let go and forgive myself and not participate in creating a temporary positive experience that would only cycle back into the recreation of a negative but to stop the cycles of creating positive/negative and to instead create a system that supports all Life equally.

I commit myself to walk through all negative experience as the consequence of what we have created in this world not within reaction, but within forgiving myself and taking responsibility for the negative that we are creating and to within that stand within a position in this world to take responsibility in whatever way possible to adjust the system so that it provides to all equally so that no child will come to this reality and believe that they must look out for themselves only but will see that it is quite natural and possible to be Here in reality giving to all equally and receiving as an individual that which is best always.

I commit myself to, as a parent, be the living example for my children that one can change and stand within this world within the starting point of what is best even though the world is not structured, yet, in a way that is best and thus support my children to take responsibility for themselves and this world in order to continue adjusting the system until all that remains is what is best in all ways.

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