Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Poverty vs Wealth: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Having returned from staying at a resort in the Dominican Republic for several days and seeing the extreme poverty outside of the resort and the contrast that it provides to the resort experience itself, there is no doubt that the poverty and the suffering of those on the outside is what makes the pleasure and luxury experience of those on the inside, possible.

To debate this, to deny this, to ignore this would imply that one is in fact equal to the abuser. To participate in this without understanding, considering, and acting in a way to solve this problem is to be equal to the abuser. To simply not participate in the experience while continuing to accept and allow the world, and oneself, to continue as is, does not solve the problem and is that one is still, in fact, equal to the abuser.

And in this accepting and allowing ourselves to be equal to and one with abuse, we are accepting and allowing ourselves to be equal and one to the victim, because no one escapes death.

In talking to some of the workers at the resort, asking them if they had ever left the island or would ever do so, they told us that they are not allowed to leave. That is requires a great sum of money to leave and even then the government may not allow the visa to be approved. Thus, they are trapped, and destined to either live in poverty or to be the slave of the blissful resort-goer.

Consider: those who work in the resort wish to escape, to come to America - why? Because they have no money. And why can they not escape? Because they have no money.

And those who live in America see escape as going to the Dominican Republic to a resort - why? Because they have money, and thus they can.

Do you see the insanity of this situation?

Imagine if we had created a system that gives to all equally? Would anyone ever feel the need to escape from their life? We would feel the need to enslave another and force them through the money system to give of their life and experience so that we may have what we call 'more life' and the feeling of 'being alive' and which is really just an experience, not something real.

Why is it that everything that makes us feel alive is really just something that requires money?

Why have we accepted and allowed ourselves to create a world that requires us to have money to exist and then not made sure everyone has money equally?

Imagine the dishonesty of saying "everyone has the opportunity to improve and make money" when in fact here we have 10 million people trapped on a island with no way to get out, only the opportunity to be our slave. And yet within this, we are just slaves at another level, so to even justify the situation is the height of stupidity. We have enslaved ourselves to money just as we have enslaved ourselves to be addicts to energy as experience.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that I am in fact a slave.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that I am in fact a slave master.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that the only way to free a slave is to free the slave master.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to be a slave master without understanding that, in that I become a slave.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there is any justification to enslave another, whether it be the color of one's skin, one's beliefs, or the position one was born into economically, or the education level one has received.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I am in fact supporting a system that creates and manages slaves and that it is on autopilot and that it uses money as a way to give the illusion that there is choice in the matter.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that slavery was abolished in this world in any country, when in fact, slavery was simply upgraded to include everyone on earth and has become so ingrained within us that we cannot/refuse to see it, and we in fact justify it, and yet we are doing it to ourselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that nothing can be done about this slavery that we find ourselves within and that within this I use the justification that everyone would have to realize what is going on for it to change at that this is impossible when in fact all it requires is that I stand up and work within a group and make others aware, to walk the path to free myself within from my beliefs and acceptances and allowances of that which enslaves and to show others that it is possible and to not stop until it is done.

 I see/realize that even though I may stop a pattern within myself where I am accepting and allowing slavery within myself or this world, that does not mean the world will automatically change and that this is a step by step process and within this I realize that the reward is freedom for all and thus I commit myself to delay the reward and to never give into a temporary reward that cause me to give in to the system of slavery within and without, and when I see that I have automatically fallen, or given in, or even through choice, given in, I IMMEDIATELY stop and investigate how I have allowed a system within me to make that choice seem/appear in any way desirable and I remove it/release it, stand again, and continue within this process.

I commit myself to - through writing, self-forgiveness, and self corrective application - investigate, expose, and stop all the ways in which I allow myself to accept and allow myself to want/desire/participate in that which in enslaves me and my fellow man and to see how I have constructed myself to in fact be a copy of the system that enslaves through energy/money and have given up the actual Life I have to be here and to live in exchange for a temporary experience which is never satisfying in any case.

I commit myself to be the example that no temptation is enough to cause me to accept being a slave and to accept others as slaves.

I commit myself to placing myself in a position in this world-system where I influence the system to become one that is best for all and to see this as the only acceptable path for my life and within this I commit myself to change who I am to not only be able to achieve this goal, but to be one who is able to live in a world that is best for all, both within and without.

I commit myself to challenge all those who justify abuse and slavery in every form and to so challenge all points within myself both within and without and to not allow any form of energy negative or positive to sway me from my course.

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