Thursday, January 31, 2019

Resistance to Basic Income is Futile

This post will give context to some of the reactions to things like Universal Basic Income and how these reactions are really just pre-programmed responses that are coming from the survival patterns that have been imprinted into us from birth, being the consequence of the fact that money is not given value equal to Life, but only given the value of positive energy experience for/within those that have money and creates a literal hell on earth and constant suffering for those who do not.

The resistance to something like a Universal Basic Income typically comes in the comments that if people are given a guaranteed basic income then they would be lazy and thus no one would work. Another common reaction is to ask ‘where would the money come from’ without realizing that money is not in fact real in the first place and that we give it value according to what we decide is valuable. If we value scarcity, then we will give it that value. If we value profit over life, then that is the value we will give it. This question also ignores the fact that the money system in its current form exists by virtue of a few having control of the money supply wherein interest is charged to lend money to those who are not in a position to create it for themselves and this is enforced to the point that if someone were to try and create their own money, in most countries, it would be either highly regulated or outright outlawed which shows that only a few control the system and have put protection mechanisms in place to make sure that no one is able to compete.

And then what we have is many who are in fact in the losing position, though with just enough money for survival that they are not literally fighting for survival in every moment like half of humanity is, would argue that money should not be given out equally as money should be ‘earned’ when in fact those who benefit THE MOST from the money system, having lives that most can literally not even understand/fathom, do the LEAST work, especially in a physical sense, and have leveraged an unequal education system to ensure that no one can compete and that they have a constant, continuous supply of slaves to do the real, physical work.

What many are not considering is, what is going to happen when you end up on the LOSING END for real?

What happens when most jobs are replaced by automation and artificial intelligence? What happens when the only jobs that are available require a level of education that is impossible for the majority to obtain, because the foundation for a person’s learning ability, reasoning ability, and intellectual capacity is determined by genetics, environment and education level of their parents in the first 3-7 years of the person’s life?

Do we not realize that by arguing that people should have to work for money, that we are condemning OURSELVES to suffering and misery? Only an extreme form of cognitive dissonance, lack of empathy, and extreme shortsightedness can explain this reaction to a Universal Basic Income.

There is also a fear that if people, who do not work, get a UBI of some form then YOU will be left holding the bag, paying the bill, working and slaving away for another. The truth - the reality - is that YOU ARE ALREADY A SLAVE. You are already working day after day to finance someone else’s dream while you get a mere pittance which you call your ‘life’. And yet, self-honestly, we know that what we get is not what we really want. We wish to be in that elite position, and so we will fight for another’s right to be in that position, in the hopes that we may someday be there ourselves.

But the reality is that ALL of our lives could be so much better if we could but find it within ourselves to stop the illusion of separation that we have accepted and allowed within ourselves that tells us there is an US and a THEM. The fact is that I could have been born into any other body. I am in this body by sheer coincidence. And if I am unwilling to switch places with another human being, then that would suggest that there is a problem, that I am not doing enough to create a world where all are taken care of, because that is ultimately what I would like.

The fantasy of being a billionaire, where you can have anything you want, is in fact the reverberation of the deep desire within each of us to have everything just taken care of. We all want living to be easy and fun and a source of constant enjoyment. To say that it is not possible because that is how things are and therefore there is no point to change anything is the ONLY THING that is in fact keeping things as they are and those who currently benefit the most from this system are counting on the fact that the masses will argue for their own limitations.

The realization that we are all in fact equal and we should care for our neighbor as if we were caring for ourselves, while at the same time taking complete full self-responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and thus living as the example and the acceptance of our neighbor to do the same and creating systems that make this possible in every way - that realization may take time, it may take a process - but if we simply reject it outright and accept the first thought or feeling that comes up as reaction to the idea of everyone being given equally - and use memories imbued with emotion and fear such towards words like ‘socialism’ and ‘Communism’ then we are not giving ourselves the opportunity to see that there is much more to life than what we have seen/experienced thus far.

We would suggest to read both Heaven’s Journey to Life and Creation’s Journey to Life from day 1 on each blog, out loud, because there is so much programming and brainwashing that has been done to us, accepted by us, to be undone that you CANNOT trust your thinking or reasoning process currently. The money system is SO COMPETITIVE that is has created an education system that is so sophisticated that it produce dumbed down humans that can read and reason JUST ENOUGH that they think and believe that they can read and reason effectively, when in fact they cannot. We are not even aware of 95% of the information that is processed within our bodies when we read even one word - the reactions, beliefs, feelings, etc - that influence and bias our understanding of what we read. Thus, be self-honest, and know that  - if you react in any way - you are biased and you are not considering the information clearly. There is much work to be done in this world, and yet that work cannot even begin when we have not begun to work on ourselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear a world where people do not have to work the majority of their lives.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that a world where we do not have to work the majority of our lives would actually be best because we could find out what is beyond just working for survival as we know very little of how this world actually functions and I have not even considered how much of my time and focus and energy goes to just working in order to survive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a world where we grant to each other the right to exist without having to work to earn money for survival is possible.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that, labor will still be required, at least for quite some time, but that the amount of labor required to produce what is needed by everyone to have a life of comfort and to have the best of everything would not require as much labor as I currently think/believe.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to consider the amount of wasted labor that goes into creating redundant products that are only made in order to create profits in the form of money for a few and which therefore require the enslavement of many, using the excuse that those who are enslaved working to create the unnecessary products need money to survive, when if all the products that were unnecessary, ceased to be created and all those resources and focus was diverted to creating only what is needed and the best of those things - and within what is needed would include not ‘the bare necessities’ but really everything that one would consider necessary within common sense to have a life of comfort and to be able to function effectively, for example, the best car, the best computer, cell phone, internet, clothing, food, education, etc, in other words bringing the standard of everything up to the best and making sure that all have access to the best equally - then we would require far less resources and energy and labor to create all of these things and that in fact many of the systems and infrastructure to create, manufacture, and distribute what everyone needs already exists.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to the suggestion that companies that produce unnecessary products only in the name of profit should not exist when in fact I am reacting to my desire to be in that position to abuse, even though self-honestly I know I will never be in that position, but the reality is that within myself, within my mind, I am addicted to the energy of judgment and therefore I am in fact like the abusers at the head of the corporation who abuse others for profit - I abuse others for the generation of energy within myself so that I can feel powerful and in control, even though self-honestly I know that as an individual I have no power and no control over my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place value on an illusion of power and control and to live vicariously through others who have real power and control in the context of the current system as being the heads of corporations that create products and market them to create demand where none exists in fact all in the name of profit.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sit idly by while the children of this world are turned into consumers of products they don’t need all so that I can hold onto the illusion that I have some choice, some hope, so wish to someday be in a position where I can have so much money that all my desires are met.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that my wish to have all my desires met but to do nothing practically about it implies that I am the real evil in this world, because I will defend the right to profit over life even though I will never be on the receiving end of the profit except in my own imagination and that this proves that I am not real at all in anyway, that I have missed seeing what is real, which is my body and this physical world and I have placed value on an illusion as a story in my imagination that I live in a world where I can be anything I want and I can get into a position where I can create all of my dreams when in fact the world system is designed in a way where it is IMPOSSIBLE for ALL to be in a position where they ALL WIN, and yet I will fight against anyone who suggests that we actually create a system where ALL CAN WIN, because it would mean that the current system would have to change and therefore I would have to DO SOMETHING that I am not pre-programmed to do, which means I will have to put forth REAL EFFORT and I have never actually put forth REAL EFFORT into anything other surviving.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I don’t know how to do anything other than survive.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I am actually afraid of changing into someone that does something other than just survive and that I do not know how to change in fact to exist in a world where survival is already guaranteed.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the tools to change myself are already here, the Desteni I Process, and other support tools and systems, and that all I must do is apply myself within these tools within self honesty and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that human nature cannot change and that I have utilized all the points of reference that currently exist as evidence that human nature cannot change even though, self honestly I now realize that the only reason why things are the way they are is that we have NOT YET changed and that I will never know for sure if I can change if I do not give it my full effort.

I commit myself to change, to remove all that within me which stands in my way from being one who stands for what is best for all at all times.

I commit myself to giving my full effort to change myself which means that I will never give up and, although I may at times make mistakes or fall, that I will always immediately stand up and figure out what the mistake was, why I fell, and investigate thoroughly and correct the mistake to never make it again.

I commit myself to investigate and expose all the beliefs that I and others hold that are preventing us from even considering the possibility of creating a system that gives to each the best of what they need to live here as physical beings in this physical world.

I commit myself to supporting others to see what I see and to create a community of others who are willing to stand up and to support each other within placing ourselves into positions where we can affect change politically as political change through a principled group is the only way to change reality collectively, and yet within this I commit myself to stand individually in my self responsibility to act in always both externally and within how I consider and process things internally so that I remove all doubt, self sabotage, and resistance to doing what is required to create a world that is best for all.

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