Monday, January 21, 2019

Investigate All Things and Keep What is Best

The friction we generate within, puts us in opposition with everything and everyone without. What we do within our minds is to create conditions that generate energy as feeling with those outside of us and within this, it creates a friction not only within, which we experience as energy and feeling, but also with each other which is manifested as conflicts. When we love another in a special way, we place all others in opposition to that love. When we want to protect another as special, we place all others in a point of attack from our perspective and thus generate and ripple out conflict into the world which eventually comes to a head. This rippling accumulates and builds and eventually erupts within our personal lives as interpersonal conflict and in the bigger picture as war.

See this video to see how small ripples, as opposing forces, eventually creates an extreme form explosion as the opposing ripples build and build: FloWave movie concentric wave spike

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I am the source of all conflict, as I have accepted and allowed a system of conflict within me as I search for experience as feelings and as energy.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize the obvious fact that it is not possible to generate positive energy without generating negative energy as well, when I am only considering 'my self' within the perspective of who the energy is generated for, because this puts me in opposition to everything that is 'not me' as I have defined me and not me within my mind.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the statement that the negative energy that others experience that was generated by my creation of positive energy is not my responsibility because 'you attract the energy based on what you are focusing on' is in fact a justification for me to abuse others as only existing for me to experience energy, especially considering that in order for me to exist in my body to experience energy, I have to support my body with necessities that I am only able to obtain with money. And the money system that provides these clothes is in fact only a control mechanism to make sure that there are slaves to produce the necessities that I require and that those who have to do the 'dirty work' of creating the necessities for me are in that position because they were not born into the same point in the system that I was, and that this was by chance, and that I did nothing to deserve the position I am in, and in fact have only shown that I in fact DO NOT deserve the position I am in, because I have allowed myself to only focus on ME ME ME getting what I need and want, and not care at all about those who have to work to survive to produce what I need and want, and that there are BILLIONS of humans in that position and thus I have directly enslaved BILLIONS of others, and yet I will ignore the problem as long as I get to experience positive energy, because that is all I care about, me and my experience.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that this existence of me in a position of benefit from the system while many others receive little to no benefit, is only temporary and can only be temporary and that I will eventually end up on the losing end of this game, and that this is in fact me receiving as I have given.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as special, superior, amazing, or a good person because I am able to have money flow to me or to have things that I want and need flow to me, using the self deceptive belief that this has something to do with WHO I AM when in common sense fact is has everything to do with WHERE I AM IN THE SYSTEM which is based on my education, what country I was born into, etc., all accidents of my birth, not a result of me being in any way special as a being.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that others have what they have because they have attracted it, when I also believe that we use our minds to attract what we want, and yet I could not have attracted the circumstances of my birth, because when I came into this body, as a baby, I had no mind and this can be verified clearly with scientific means and I know this with common sense because if I saw a baby with no clothes or food left by itself I would not pass it by telling myself that the baby has attracted this situation to itself. And yet, I allow myself to not investigate the living conditions of a majority of humans on this planet where they are like the baby, unable to create a living condition of having everything they need and want as I am because they are in a position in the system where they are in the receiving in of the conflict and lack of care, of the opposing forces that I am pariticpating within everytime I participate in energy or use money or simply sit idly by while doing nothing to stand up and say that the current state of how we live as HUMANS is UNACCEPTABLE. And I will justify this with many ideas and beliefs about God, being afraid, not being capable, but in fact I do not want to give up my position in the system, because I believe that if I challenge the system, I will lose, which proves that I do not really believe my statements that everyone is attracting what they have by virtue of what they are focusing on, because if I stand up for all Life, which would be the highest, most noble act possible, I am afraid that I will lose the support of the system, which further proves that the system does not support Life.

I commit myself to stand up and challenge the system that I have accepted and allowed and created within myself and without to automatically put me in opposition with everything outside of me as I have defined me in my mind to generate conflict to generate energy whether for my own person experience or to support the continuation of a system based on energy generated from conflict.

I commit myself to question every feeling, thought, and belief that I have within me and that I see without and to deconstruct them through writing, self forgiveness, and living corrective application so that I may leave no stone unturned and know that I have done everything possible within what I have accepted and allowed to stop the creation and maintenance of a system and way of existing that does not honor Life as all as one as equal.

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