Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Letting go of Illusions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the fear of not knowing what happens when I die.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to convince myself that I know what happens when I die, not realizing that I am simply accepting a belief that makes me feel certain about what happens when I die, which in fact I have no certainty.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that I can work out what happens when I die using common sense, because the principle of 1 + 1 = 2 shows me that if I live only in my mind, dependent on energy as experiences and defining me as my relationship to energy, then that would imply that when I die, I will no longer exist, because the me I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as would no longer exist, because the energy that is created from my body will no longer exist after the body ceases to function in its current form.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I have been using my body as a way to generate experiences as feelings and emotions and thoughts and I have not actually been here in physical reality working with physical reality in a practical common sense way, and that all of the things that I complain about within my life are simply a result of the physical reality not being structured in the best possible way, and that all of the pleasurable or happy things in my life have simply been ways to distract myself to not see that I am not Here in physical reality but only in my mind, therefore not addressing the practical problems in reality that create, as a manifested consequence, the 'negative' things in my life and others' lives.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the belief that everyone has a choice of how to live their life and that ultimately what I do or what another does, does not affect each other, because we all have a 'choice', when in fact everything I do comes back to affect me, either in this life, or the next, and it affects everyone else as well, because we are all connected and in fact ONE THING through the physical substance from which we emerged and remain as within this physical reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a fantasy in my imagination or participate in a fantasy that I have learned about through the words and pictures of others that, as I focus on it, becomes more and more 'real' in my imagination, and which I invest a lot of energy, emotion, feeling, and thought in, so that eventually this fantasy seems 'real' to me, but in fact I have just trapped myself in an illusion that I created through my participation in a 1 + 1, step by step fashion.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I have participated in creating, shaping, molding, and forming the physical reality that I am within through a similar step by step, 1 + 1 fashion through my actions and through what I accept and allow from others in reality, whether directly or indirectly, and within that I have now trapped myself in a physical form that is subject to the physical consequences that I have manifested through this step by step participation process.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I have created fantasies as stories and imaginations in order to distract myself from the realization that I am Here physically and that I can in fact, through a step by step process, support myself and others to take responsibility for what we have created here on Earth and to walk our creation back to a point of equality and oneness where we are no longer experiencing the manifested consequences of accepting and allowing what is not best for ourselves and each other.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that, although this process may take generations upon generations, that there is no valid reason to not begin walking the process of uncovering how I have deceived myself into believing that I am not 100 percent responsible for who I am and have become and have accepted and allowed in this world as its current form and manifestation as separation, suffering, and abuse, and even though I may not experience those things all the time directly, this is also part of the self deception that I have created so that I do not have to experience all of the consequences of what I have accepted and allowed, but this 'protection mechanism' is itself an illusion and through me participating in it, I have ensured that I will not exist after death, because not only can I not be trusted with life, due to my own proof through what I am participating in, but also due to the fact that I have become this illusion as my mind, as this protectionary bubble so completely that would I die, this is all that I would be, and so that of me that is physical that would remain after death would be so foreign to me, that I would have essentially no ability to direct it at all, and thus I would not be able to remember what it was that I participated in that would have caused this consequence and would have lost all ability to correct the situation. And within this, I would not be able to prevent myself from having to experience more consequences as whatever is left of me as a physical being, because I wouldn't even know how to do that, because all I have become is in essence the avoidance of responsibility, and the avoidance of pain, and the avoidance of directing reality in a way that is best for all.

I commit myself to investigating all the ways in which I am deluding myself and participating in fantasies and illusions that distract me from taking full responsibility for myself and my participation in reality and from standing in a position to direct whatever parts of reality that I practically can to a point where they are best for all.

I commit myself to letting go of all illusions that prevent me from taking responsibility here on Earth for what I have accepted and allowed as manifested separation and consequence that is not best for all.

I commit myself to identifying and letting go of all excuses that would prevent me from standing up within myself and within this world to direct what I practically can to a point of equality and oneness so that there can be no regret within myself, no guilt possible, no fear when I face the moment of death, because I know that I am and will do in each moment what is best, no matter where I am, what form I am in, or what limitations I find myself within.

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