Friday, January 18, 2019

now i LIE me down to sleep

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that the statement: "don't challenge my beliefs, because I have the right to my beliefs and so you have the right to yours," is a statement with no substance or validity, that it contradicts itself and is in fact not self honest, as the starting point is not about allowing other to have their own beliefs, it is only about self not questioning self's beliefs.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that all of my beliefs were formed primarily in the beginning of my life in the womb and as a child and copied from my parents, passed down in my DNA as well as programmed into me through my environment, including school and the media as news and entertainment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on use the excuse that I believe what I believe because I want to as a statement of refusal to examine by beliefs.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to fully examine the nature of my beliefs and consider what the consequence of my beliefs are in how they would form my thoughts, feelings, and emotions and how that would affect my behavior and participation in the world and how it would also influence what I accept and allow in the world as systems and behavior of others, where I will not even say anything when I see something that is clearly unacceptable as what is not best for all because then I would have to experience the pain and discomfort of the energy and emotion that I have associated with my belief being lost.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear examining a belief that I hold because I know deep down that if I do so, it will lead to a cascade of other beliefs being questioned within myself, and within this I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to have the courage to examine my beliefs and face the discomfort that might come with doing so, opting to instead feel 'safe' which is in fact an illusion, because I am only 'safe' as long as my beliefs are not being challenged, and yet the world around me is full of people who hold beliefs different to mine and so in order to 'feel' safe I have to create a bubble of protection around me to keep other people's beliefs and words from causing me to question my beliefs so that I do not feel comfortable.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only question a belief when something tragic or extremely physically or emotionally painful occurs in my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself in moments where I am not experiencing pain or tragic circumstances to justify why the pain or tragic moments I have experienced were necessary for me to feel good now as contrast, and thus I form beliefs that justify such experiences and that justify such types of experiences of others, even though in most cases the experiences that others have that are tragic and extremely painful are preventable and for those people they never experience the contrast of happiness because of their position in the world system in which I participate and accept and allow while holding on to my belief and justifying the way the world is through not being willing to challenge my belief and understand how it leads to the world being the way it is.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to tell another person that they can believe whatever they want but they are not allowed to challenge my belief, which is a form of controlling other's behavior which would be an outflow of their belief, but not be willing to look at the outflows of my beliefs and how they have in fact contributed to creating a world where people are now challenging my belief, and within this I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I am, through my words, stating that I do not give as I want to receive, however I am in fact receiving as I have given.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to label anyone who challenges my belief through their words or actions, or calls my beliefs into question, or makes a direct statement that my beliefs are false as someone who is dark, or having evil intentions, when in fact I am afraid of the dark, and this fear within me is the real evil because it is from this starting point of fear that I am not willing to challenge my beliefs for fear that I will lose something, and from this starting point of fear of loss I have accepted in direct and indirect ways a world that is a reflection of my fear of loss, where I constantly lose throughout my life, and where others constantly lose throughout their life, and where even when I lose I will not stand up within myself and question what I am doing because I still fear to lose more, and yet I never learn the lesson that it is the fear of loss that is creating the loss, and that if I were to give instead of fear, and each were to do so, that this world would in fact be the paradise that I believe I will enter when I die.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that what I experience when I die is not a matter of what I believe in here on earth, in so far as if my belief separates me from what is real here, then I am not in fact real and that therefore at death I would no longer exist because I have not allowed myself to be real, I have separated myself from physical reality, through participation in belief, and not even ever been here. I have in fact ignored what is here, despite the many warning signs that I receive throughout life that there is an inconsistency with my belief and what is here, and that my belief is producing the living conditions here on earth either directly and/or indirectly and that if that is my starting point, that I would not live here for real, then why would what I experience after death be any different?

I forgive myself for not allowing myself to realize that my beliefs are a way in which I shield/veil/protect myself from self responsibility, because if there is something greater than me, then I am relieved of responsibility for the way the world is and/or what happens to me when I die, thus, my belief is not a certainty, but rather a hope and wish, and a form of magical thinking, because I cannot sit and work out with common sense and basic math that what I believe is in fact true and will produce the result I believe it will, and the energy I experience when challenged is a defense mechanism I have created as my ego to protect me from fully seeing/realizing that I am not in fact certain about what I believe and that I am therefore not certain whether the result my belief apparently guarantees me is certain.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that if I were absolutely certain within what I believe I would feel no need to defend my belief when challenged, I would explain clearly how my belief leads to the outcome I believe it will lead to, but instead I will request that others not challenge my believe which is an indication that I am not certain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist questioning and removing beliefs because I think that i would look foolish for having accepted something without question when in fact I would be doing what few are willing to do currently and it would be an act of extreme bravery and intelligence to examine a belief, not knowing what the outcome will be, but dedicated to the truth of what my belief implies, and that it would be an act of teachability to be able to change a belief within myself, even if I have held it without question for years and years, and that it would show that I am a being of great strength and dedication to what is best, as that is what I would be doing in fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist questioning and removing beliefs because I think that i would look foolish for having accepted something without question when in fact I would be doing what few are willing to do currently and it would be an act of extreme bravery and intelligence to examine a belief, not knowing what the outcome will be, but dedicated to the truth of what my belief implies, and that it would be an act of teachability to be able to change a belief within myself, even if I have held it without question for years and years, and that it would show that I am a being of great strength and dedication to what is best, as that is what I would be doing in fact.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that Belief implies doubt and that the discomfort I feel when my belief is challenged is in fact doubt resonating throughout my body, and that by asking others to not challenge my beliefs it shows that I am more interested in suppressing doubt than seeking truth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the experience of energy as doubt and that I haven't allowed myself to realize that if I do not face and remove all doubt from within me, the consequence will be that I face the result of not knowing reality directly and therefore I will cease to exist at death because I was not real.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see/recognize that the word "lie" exists in the middle of the word "belief" and that this should have been a warning to me to question my beliefs, and I have never allowed allowed myself to realize that I have used beliefs to LIE to myself, as I was taught to believe in lies from a young age.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel angry towards those who have told me lies that I believed in which turned out not to be true and wherein I felt pain, let down, lied to, and became fearful of questioning any other beliefs so as not to feel the pain of having lied to/been lied to and have to face the possibility that everything I believe is in fact a lie, when I clearly see deep down that I do not in fact know anything for certain and that therefore the basis of my entire existence is a lie.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to deliberately perpetuate lies to children such as santa clause and the tooth fairy in order control their behavior instead of explaining to them how reality works so they can learn how to reason properly and never have to suffer the consequences of believing something that is not true and only finding out later when it is too late.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my beliefs were GIVEN to me by others in order to control my behavior and that I am in fact a slave to my beliefs, and that even when someone would come along to point out that I am a slave, I would put the chains back on my feet and hands and neck so that I would not have to feel the fear I have towards not having someone else in control of my behavior and destiny.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to accept 100 percent responsibility for myself.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my beliefs are in fact ways I use to suppress my fear of death and the feeling of uncertainty that comes up when I consider the fact that I die, and that I have constructed a complex set of beliefs that promise me something that makes me, personally, feel secure about existing and dying.

I commit myself to not allow a feeling of anger, fear, frustration, sadness, or any other emotion to stand in the way of me examining my beliefs fully.

I commit myself to examining my beliefs and when I feel a moment of being challenged withing something I think/feel/believe to be true, that I will use that opportunity to first examine what I believe until I am certain, within self honesty that what I held as true is in fact true, and where I see it would be supportive, I commit myself to explaining as clearly as possible to others how I have arrived at the conclusion that I have so that they may be able to see/learn/understand how to examine their own beliefs and ideas they hold as true and learn to reason effectively.

I commit myself to standing as the one who challenges what others believe as I am doing the same for myself, to support myself and others as myself to remove all that which is uncertain, to support myself and others to become certain within what is really Here a this physical world and how we have shaped it through our beliefs and to align what we accept and allow within ourselves to only ever produce what is best for all in every moment.

I commit myself to taking 100 percent responsibility, step by step, moment by moment, for what I do, think, feel, and believe and remove all parts of myself and my behavior that do not serve me as all as what is best for all Life.

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