Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I, Parent

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that all education and parenting approaches that have existed up to now have all been from the starting point of reinforcing the system as it is, one of inequality, where a world that is divided into a few at the top having more than they need and with many at the bottom have less than what they need.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define parenting according to the system's definition which is to train my child to survive in the system, and to in no way prepare my child to take full self responsibility as a co creator of this world and of their life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, as a parent, to use the justification that the world is the way it is and therefore I have to go along with the way the system presents education and parenting, otherwise my child will not survive.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that if we can survive on earth with a system of inequality, then we can do MORE THAN SURVIVE in a system of equality where all Life is respected, valued, and give to as equal.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself, as a parent, to realize that I my purpose as a parent is to prepare my child to take responsibility for themselves as a creator and to impart to them as a living example and through the education I provide in terms of their ability to read, write, communicate, and be able to use mathematics to understand and solve problems, to take responsibility for what is Here as what we have created as Human Beings on the Earth.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to use the excuse of my and my family's survival as an excuse to not take responsibility for what I have created as my internal world and as the external world system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the existence of others in this world who are not in a position to do anything about their lives or to take any level of self responsibility for the world system due to their not even being able to survive effectively as an excuse or justification for my not taking responsibility for myself and this world system, arguing that since they cannot change, what is the point. Within this I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that, were I to stand up and support others to stand up, who are not in a position of extreme survival conditions, we could adjust the system to alleviate the survival pressures that so many face in this world that are preventing them from having the time and space to walk the process of taking self responsibility for their mind's and this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see my role as a parent as a burden, that children are something that I must support just enough to survive to the age of 18 so that they can then be responsible for their own survival, when in fact my primary responsibility as a parent is to support my child/children to be know who they are as a physical being, to understand how their body and mind works, to learn to use the mind for its intended purpose as a map of physical reality, and to develop an effective ability to reason and use common sense in a way that is best for all, and within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that if all parents had this starting point, the world would be able to transform into something that we would call Heaven on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the reason Jesus said that one must become like a child to enter Heaven, was to show that it is what we accept and allow as 'adults' as simply existing as a system of survival that must be questioned and removed from within us, because Heaven is a state where survival is irrelevant, because one is truly and fully alive and living as what is best for all, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that such a state cannot exist on Earth, when in fact it is my responsibility as a parent to create such a state, both through myself and my children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to on the one hand say and believe that children are a blessing, and on the other hand to treat and act as if children are a curse, not realizing that it has nothing to do with the child, it has to do with the way the world, which I have accepted and allowed and directly/indirectly created as an adult that creates the conditions where it is extremely difficult/impossible to support a child to develop in this world without losing their innocence, and yet using this as an excuse to not do what is best would be to abdicate my own responsibility towards the problem and thus BE THE PROBLEM.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself realize that the children now will be my ancestors in a future life, if I have one, and that I am therefore preparing/raising/developing those who will some day raise me as a child and that if I want to receive the best possible support as a child, which I would have liked in this life, I must give as I want to receive and prepare the children now to be better prepared to adjust the systems in this world, and within themselves, so that the conditions of equality that are best for all can eventually manifest on this planet.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my child learns all of their basic patterns of existence from me as the parent based on Who I Am in their presence, and that while I copied these patterns from my parent, if I blame my parents or the system that I am within, then I lose all ability to support my child effectively, and that the only solution to this problem is to take responsibility for who I have become within myself and in this world and to apply self forgiveness and correct myself into a form that is best for all, so that my child may copy these patterns or at the very least see my example of self change so that they may change themselves if they are beyond the stage where my patterns imprint into them physically and so I am able to support my child either directly or indirectly simply by changing ME.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I cannot shape my child into something that I am not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the use of the statement "the children are the future" as a way to make myself feel better for not having been the solution in this world and to instead expect the children to be the solution, not realizing that the adults that came before me had the same expectations, yet did not prepare me to take full responsibility for myself and this world as a reflection of myself and thus the problem continued and got worse where now I have even less hope for the children to come.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the madness that is existent in the world, such as racism, blame, victimization, abuse, unequal distribution of resources, all stems from children not being prepared by their parents to be effective, equal co-creators of reality, and that if I don't stand up, there is no reason to expect that anyone else will either.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself place the responsibility of instilling reason and common sense in my child onto a system that clearly is unreasonable and defies common sense because it is the same system that educated me and I have proven myself to be unreasonable and without common sense in the context of being able to see and do what is best for all, and yet I subject my child to the same system.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see the irrationality of placing my child into an education system to learn things that I do not feel qualified to teach even though I went through the same system, and that the evidence that I do not remember anything I was apparently taught should be a red flag that clearly the system is not teaching effectively, and yet because I have accepted that my life is merely about survival I will place my children in an ineffective system so that I may go to work and thus the system continues.

I commit myself to question every thought, feeling, emotion, and belief I have as a parent that I am here to only teach my child to survive, and to show in all ways that I can support my child to realize who they really are as a creator of their life and this world and to show to other parents that there is a best way to parent, and that best way is not based on belief but based on common sense and working with what is here physically and can in fact be known and understood.

I commit myself to stand as an example of parenting that is best for all and to show other parents that it is possible to both support a child to exist in this world while also supporting them to develop into an expression that understands Life and how to live in a world where all Life is honored equally, and to within that show that a parent's responsibility is the greatest that there is, to actually support the birth of Real Life on this planet.

I commit myself to stand as a parent who is willing to stand in the face of criticism from the system and from other parents who would become defensive, as a system would, when their methods are questioned, and to stand within what is best to show that no amount of criticism or fear can move me because I know what is best and I know why I am here as a parent.

I commit myself to stand as a parent who question all abuse of children in every way and show how all aspects of the system we live in through the current accepted ways of education and parenting are in fact abuse of the child and destruction of the child's innocence and are in fact a child sacrifice to the economic system that places no value on life itself but only the continued existence of the system.

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