Saturday, January 19, 2019

Belief vs Knowing

What is the difference between believing in God and KNOWING God?

Why do we need to believe in God?

As a being Here on Earth, do I walk in each moment, in each breath as God would walk?

Do I abuse or do I support and assist all as well as myself to have the best life possible?

What would God do if He were Here walking amongst us?

Would he accept and allow a system of abuse that create daily suffering of millions of humans, children, animals and destroys nature as the plants and pollutes the oceans and all in the name of the survival of the System?

What is a System but a machine?

Are systems "bad"? No, of course not. In itself a system is just a system. What make system worthy of existing is whether it produces an outcome that is best for all that it affects.

Perhaps our system has become so vast that we believe only God can take responsibility for it, or that there is no way to take responsibility for it, and so we must simply strive to be the best person we can within the context of the system as it is.

But, what would that look like? How can you be a good person while using and benefiting from a system that CREATES suffering for another? If God were Here wouldn't He do everything in his power to adjust the system so that it is best for all? Wouldn't He expect that of you and I?

Is it enough to simply BELIEVE that God exists and that He loves us for us to be Good?

Or does it really matter whether we believe in anything at all and only that we do what is best?

Does that mean we are not allowed to have any belief whatsoever? For myself, according to my own reasoning process, I can't see any value in a belief, because a belief is like an assumption at best, and at worst a hope or a wish. In other words, it does not serve me Here in a physical reality where I must KNOW with certainty how things work in order to produce a result that is best.

If we allow ourselves to overlook things or just let things be, but in that we allow a result that is not best, then what is the purpose of being here at all? Why would God put us here to simply acknowledge His existence, but not expect us to do anything about the conditions Here.

Some might say it is a test. If it is a test, then what would make the most sense that is being tested?

Our faith in the existence of something that is beyond our perceptual ability, of which we can only know through our mind, in which it is far too easy to imagine things that do not exist?

Or is it more reasonable that we would be tested in terms of what we would do if we were placed into an existence, the context of which, we are facing the consequences of what we have accepted and allowed and in fact contributed to creating, and whether we would take responsibility for our creation?

If God is a Creator, then woudn't he create Creators? Isn't that what it means to be created in His image and likeness?

But if we are given free will and free choice, then we can create things that are not best. And if we accept and allow others to create things that are not best and not stand up and say anything then we are creating indirectly.

Is this Life a test to see what you will create? To see whether you can be trusted with the powers of REAL CREATION?

When you look deep within yourself, do you REALLY KNOW or are you just BELIEVING in something, the likes of which you do not fully understand.

Even the point of saying that God is not able to be understood by mere humans is perhaps part of the test. Will you use your God given capabilities of reason and understanding to get to know this reality and get to know yourself and get to know each other and find a way to come together as one and make this reality what is best for all.

For all you know, you have been coming back to this place over and over again and God each time sends you back because you have not realized that He is not going to take responsibility for you, but is expecting you to Stand Up and become a creator in your own right, a fully self responsible creator.

It is important that we question all of our beliefs and make sure that we are not using them to cover up consequences of what we are busy creating and accepting and allowing.

For example, if we are, in fact, participating in a system that is not making it possible for all to give as they would like to receive, but then we ignore this and say that it is up to them to believe in God and allow God to give them what they deserve, then haven't we missed the whole point?

What if this entire existence, all parts, are in fact you? What if you have simply fragmented yourself into you and me and in reality we are one and equal?

In that context, what is God except that potential for us to be self responsible creators and create Heaven here on Earth?

Are we going to accept ourselves as less than? Are we going to place the burden of FULL RESPONSIBILITY for creation onto another being? Or shall we take our place as equals in creating this world as it is?

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