Thursday, January 17, 2019

Bound by Beliefs and Chained to Opinions

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize that it is possible to understand/be aware of the consequences of every thought, feeling, emotion, and action that I participate in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse that it's not possible to know every outflow of everything I do/participate in and that every thing has a positive and a negative anyway, so there is no reason to investigate what I think, feel, and do and the effect that that has on my reality and others and how that shapes the physical existence that I and others are within and manifests consequences that we all have to face at some point.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to consider that if I were to take the time to stop and really be honest with myself about a specific thought, feeling, or action that I participate in and used common sense and considered each point carefully and fully that I could begin to identify the ways in which my thoughts, feelings, and actions play out in the world and affect myself and others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to actually not really care about the consequences of my thoughts, feelings, and actions as to how they actually play out and manifest in the world, and that instead of taking the time to really investigate and consider step-by-step in detail how my thoughts feelings, and actions are playing out and manifesting, I have invested my limited time on earth in creating and participating in beliefs and ideas that generate feelings and thoughts and from which I act that justify to myself that there are no real consequences for my thoughts, feelings, and actions, even though this is not a common sense, reasonable conclusion that I have worked out in detail, because I have already made the statement/commitment within myself that I will not fully investigate anything I believe or think or feel, and thus when the consequences of my thoughts, feelings, and actions do manifest in my awareness/reality, I have a readymade answer as to why I am experiencing myself in a less than optimal way and I use this excuse to justify why others experience themselves in a less than optimal way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that "education" exists in any form within the systems that I have accepted and allowed to exist and participate in and place my children and allowed others to place their children within, without realizing/allowing myself to even consider that the "education systems" that currently exist only exist within the starting point of turning human beings into consumers of energy/workers within the money system and thus the essence of all education promoted within the system currently is to in fact dumb a human down from their full potential to the point where they believe it is not even possible to know/understand/trace/consider/see/realize the consequences of their thoughts/feelings/actions and yet will believe they are educated and therefore have the ability to reason, even though the evidence is clear they aren't and don't, and therefore trust their fault reasoning ability to come to the conclusion that it is not possible to know the consequences of what one participates within in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in cynicism and apathy towards investigating how my actions create consequences that are less than optimal for myself and everyone else in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and participate within a belief within myself that I have broken out of the matrix, that I am an 'out of the box thinker' or that I am somehow not affected or am above the problems that I see in this world and I have even projected them on to everyone else so as not to seriously examine/consider how I am in fact contributing to these problems in every moment, in every breath, with every thought, feeling, emotion, and action that I participate in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a belief that each individual person is choosing to either be evil or good when in fact I have not actually defined what evil and good are and I would even justify that they are defined individually and thus within that have defeated the entire point of having such a standard as evil and good, because I am not willing to apply it absolutely with others or myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify not fully investigating my own beliefs, ideas, and opinions by the statement "everyone has a right to their opinion".

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the statement "everyone has a right to their opinion" is actually a way of giving myself and excuse to not investigate what I believe and what I would argue or hold to as an opinion when my belief/opinion is challenged, even though I am ready at a moment's notice to try and prove someone else's opinion as invalid/wrong/flawed, and yet the moment I feel any form of cognitive dissonance or inability to argue my opinion effectively or being to see/realize/suspect that my belief is not reasonable or fully considered, instead of stopping and taking the time and effort and discipline to examine my belief/opinion and what it actually implies and how the outflows of such a belief/opinion would affect others and myself, I will instead revert to the statement "everyone has a right to their opinion" which is actually saying "everyone has a right to be stupid and no consider how they affect themselves and others in reality".

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I have within myself placed utmost value and importance on the 'right to an opinion' and would defend it with all my vigor and energy, and yet I would place very little or no value on 'the right to life' and the 'right to basic necessities' for all humans and animals and plants and all Life in this world, and that this would indicate that I am actually just arguing for the continued existence of myself and everyone/everything else on earth to remain bound and enslaved to a system that placed value only on self interest, money, and quality of life for the very few, and that it is the opinion of some that even I have no right to life when it interferes with their comfort and I have blinded myself to this fact through the veil of the statement "everyone has a right to their opinion" and accordingly I will be given and am begin given as I have and am giving, which implies that I will be a slave in this system until I die and I will have done it to myself and having not done anything to stop this continued enslavement of myself and everyone else to the whim of opinion, I will judge myself accordingly at the end of my life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that everyone is doing the same as me, holding on to and acting from their opinions and not considering the consequences doing so, and therefore the excuse that it is not possible to understand all the consequences of every action or thought or belief that I have is not valid, because it only seems impossible due to the fact that EVERYONE is participating in such a belief and NO ONE is taking responsibility for themselves and their starting point within how they participate in this world, and the fact that I am one of those people, doing the same thing, implies that I AM THE PROBLEM, and that it is a reflection of WHO I AM whether I would be willing to investigate my participation in this world and how it is influenced by my beliefs and opinions, and within that I allow myself to realize that regardless of what everyone else is doing, thoroughly investigating my opinions and attempting to understand how they cause consequences in this world is the best thing to do, and as I do so, it will serve as an example to others, and now that I am aware of the possibility of doing so, I am in fact now responsible for doing so, and I know within self honesty that this is the best thing to do, even if it takes up a lot of time and focus, because everything else I am preoccupied with is simply concern for survival and this concern for survival is a consequence of everyone, including me, not taking full responsibility for every thought, feeling, and action within which I participate, and if I take responsibility and others do so as well, we could provide for each other's survival quite effectively so that it doesn't require much focus, especially compared to the level of focus that it requires now, because we could, instead of defending our individual opinions actually sit down and work out what would be best, though that will never be possible if I don't do this for myself.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the way to understand how my thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and actions create consequences in this world is to examine my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and beliefs that come up within my mind and question their starting point, to question, why I have them, and to ask myself, in self honesty, if everyone were to have this thought, would it produce an optimal or less than optimal way of living, and to ask myself if I would be willing to trade places within anyone else in a world where everyone accepts this thought, feeling or belief, and to simply be honest with myself and see where my investigation leads me, and within this I forgive myself that I have stopped myself short from really investigating by assuming that I won't be able to work out how my thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and actions produce less than optimal consequences for myself and others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that questioning my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions, actions, would restrict my freedom, when in fact it would allow me the opportunity to stop any and all thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions, and actions that are producing less than optimal consequences in reality that would in fact restrict my freedom as an individual, because optimal freedom is that which only produces optimal outcomes and this is something I can work out and understand if I use common sense and I am self honest and I discipline myself within investigating everything as far as I can and to educate myself when I see that I am limited within investigating further due to a limited vocabulary/education/knowledge/understanding, and within this I realize that this is the REAL purpose of education, to produce a human being who is able to reason effectively and understand fully how this reality operates and how we affect each other physically in reality.

I commit myself to investigate my opinions and beliefs one by one, step by step, fully to the point where I am satisfied within myself in self honesty that I know/see/realize the full consequence of an opinion or belief that I hold within me and where I find that such belief or opinion produces any outcome or consequence that is not best for all, to apply self forgiveness and deconstruct such belief or opinion until I am able to see for myself that it is not something that I am willing to accept or allow within myself or another and so release it as a pattern within myself that would dictate my participation in this world in any way whatsoever.

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