Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Redefining 'Giving as We Want to Receive' in a World of Conditional Giving

What does it mean to give as we want to receive in the context of this world?

It is easy to deceive ourselves, but if we do, we will have to face the consequence of such a deception, so let us tread carefully and really investigate and consider what this concept implies. It can also be formulated as "do unto another as you would have them do unto you".

In this formulation it is also quite easy to deceive ourselves, so let us look at the ways in which we have done so, so that we can get to the bottom of these statements, because when we really investigate them, we will find that they hold the key to creating heaven on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define 'doing unto another as I would have another do unto me' as merely the act of being kind, or smiling, or contributing to a charity, or giving a friend a helping hand, or any other individual act that I perform only when the opportunity arise or when I become aware of a need in the moment. I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I use these acts to deceive myself from really understanding what 'doing unto another' or 'giving as I want to receive' really means.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the reason people have hardships or lack what they need is due to the fact that we live in a world system that is not designed in a way to prevent lack, and in fact creates lack for many unnecessarily while only a few benefit more than necessary.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to use the idea that "I am a good person because I help others in need" as a way to deceive myself to not look at how I in fact contribute to the world system being what it is so that it creates tremendous lack and suffering for many, including many children.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that all charities that purport to feed the hungry or clothe the poor or otherwise help those in unfortunate circumstances all exist within the context of the same system that is generating the problem which is the inequality that is the lack and that in fact these charities, although the intention may be to help those in need, in fact make the situation worse, because they serve, in the bigger picture, to placate those who see the problem and want to do something about it and yet misdirect them in such a way they will never stand up and solve the problem once and for all.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that small individual acts of kindness or large charitable acts do not solve the problem of inequality and lack and only serve to give those who perform the acts or contribute to the charities a feeling that they are doing something good and thus the problem is never solved for real.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I have not in fact been interested in solving the problem, that I don't in fact care about solving the problem, that the problem of lack and inequality is actually something that I use to generate energy within myself which I experience as being a 'good person' and that this is evident because when someone or something points out to me that I am only doing so because I get a good feeling out of it, I become defensive and angry, which indicates that I am trying to protect this belief construct within me because otherwise I would have no reaction and would instead clearly explain how what I am doing solves a problem so that another may see for themselves and correct the error of their thinking, judgment, and/or ways.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I support/contribute to/believe in charities and charitable causes as a way to avoid self responsibility for contributing to/causing/supporting the problem which the charity purportedly addresses.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the idea that there are so many 'good things' going on in the world that they cancel out or make irrelevant all the 'bad things' that occur - not allowing myself to see/realize/understand that if something good happens to one person that has no affect on the person to which something bad is happening, and the only way I can support such a statement is if I look at life and all living things as numbers on a spreadsheet where individual experiences and lives are irrelevant in the bigger picture, though I would not, of course, apply this thinking to my OWN LIFE as I have placed my OWN LIFE as the most important, although I will deny it if asked, even within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that 'my life' is more important than another life, and that I have, while accepting this, deceived myself by pretending to believe or assert that all life matters, even though my actions do not show this, they show the opposite in terms of my actual starting point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the idea of giving to charities as an excuse to not have to implement a system that values and thus gives to all equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the words communism and socialism.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel positive and empowered by the word capitalism.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the word equality does not imply communism nor socialism, nor does it preclude capitalism, and the fact that such an association exists within me is due to my having been imprinted with and accepted and allowed such an imprint within me from my environment through my parents, education, and media.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the idea that giving must be done voluntarily is a way I deceive myself to not consider what giving really is and that if it depends on my conscious act in a moment or only when there already exists a problem, that this is not a solution, and instead a way of deceiving myself from realizing/considering/acknowledging that I do not want the system to change because I do not want to change, because I am comfortable the way I am, regardless of how that might affect others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the statement that all have an equal opportunity in this world as a reason to not change the system to one that values and gives to all life equally as a way to not have to change anything or myself, when in fact the evidence is clear if I were to look and be self honest that all do not have the same opportunities, that many are born with inferior nutrition, which permanently affects brain development and IQ, inferior education - especially in the most imporant early years, which permanently affects ones ability to compete in the current system and earn an effective living, inferior parenting where some experience constant daily physical/emotional/sexual abuse that leaves a permanent scar on the person's psyche so that the person is not able to see themselves as equal to other's in relationship and so will continue to allow abuse or in fact be the abuser later in life, automatically without realizing it in many cases, and these are only a few examples of how everyone does not have an equal opportunity because simply that an opportunity exists is not the only reason a person is able to take advantage of it, it is how well the person is prepared that makes the difference and the vast majority of a person's preparation for life occurs in the first 7 years, which we know are not effective for the VAST majority of humans beings on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a system that gives to all equally is a form of theft, within the justification that I and others work for what they have and thus those who do not work have no right to what I have worked for as money, even though it is a fact that the money I have worked for was created out of thin air and only given out with the expectation that it is paid back with interest and so I am not actually creating anything of my own, I am in fact a slave in a debt system, and yet I justify my slavery and that of others because I believe that I am free, but in fact the only choice I have is whether to continue to accept and allow the enslavement of myself and everyone else or to stop it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when I work I create something that is 'mine' when in fact that is only so due to the laws that we have created and is thus existing primarily in my imagination and yet made physical through systems of protection that protect those with money from those without.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that my imagination is quite limited and that there must be a way we can create a system of equality that gives to all equally while maximizing individual freedom within the context of what is best for all and that such a system would in fact create a life experience for me and everyone else that is far superior to our current life experience in every way imaginable and even beyond our imagination.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that my imagination is the product of a system that is designed to enslave me for the benefit of only a few and thus I cannot trust my imagination without question.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the sun gives its energy to the earth freely with no expectation for something in return or the repayment of its energy with interest.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that human beings, although we believe we are the highest form of life on earth and the most evolved or that we have dominion over the physical, are in fact less than the sun in our willingness to give to each other unconditionally within the realization that we would in fact receive as we have given.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that, in the current system, I have given virtually everything of myself to be able to make money and have a basic form of comfort, so much so that I have barely been able to enjoy any moment of my existence free of worry, anxiety, fear, or discomfort, and so my life is a complete contradiction, because all I have done is work for my survival, when a system could be designed that creates the conditions so that all survive as a matter of course and existence becomes something other than constant focus on survival and that I may have to give some of my time and labor towards such a system but that if we as humans were to sit down and really put our focus on designing such a system that would benefit all equally, then we could create something that requires FAR LESS of our time and labor, individually, to support and would in fact improve our lives beyond anything we can currently conceive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myselt to misuse my imagination to prevent me from seeing how to free myself and everyone else by simply firstly recognizing that we are all in fact equal, and that a system that supports all equally is not something that would have to be imposed, because it would be working with the reality of what is here, and that it would simply have to be agreed upon and implemented, and yet the current system is constantly imposed through threat and fear of not surviving to force most to do what they would rather not do otherwise, and in this I have created an idea that many will be lazy if they were not forced to work to survive, when I haven't realized that if there were a system of equality and parents were supported effectively they could show their children that it is in everyone's best interest to support such a system and they could learn how to live in such a system so that they are willing to give whatever labor is required (which would be far and substantially less than what is required currently, which is essentially one's entire life and being) and then we could have a system that does not put people in a constant state of fear, anxiety, and lack which is the source of virtually all abuse, theft, laziness, and power struggle.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that an equality system could be implemented through mutual agreement and does not require force, although it would require an educated population, and that our current system is in fact maintained by force and without agreement, except for the manufactured agreement obtained through forcing everyone through a dumbing down process which we call school/education where people are produced who cannot reason effectively, are highly emotionally reactive, and have no common sense or ability to see reality directly and thus are in fact begging for a system or authority to take responsibility for them even if they can see that that system has not served anyone in the best way, they will take it because they have no ability to take self responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the reason I want to protect what I believe is mine is that we have created/accepted/allowed a world where giving is conditional and that if we were to reengineer the system to one of unconditional giving, my entire life would change to be one of unconditional receiving from all and that would in fact be what I have been searching for as 'Bliss'.

I commit myself to investigate/explain/expose/demonstrate how, through effective education, we can produce a person who is able to reason  effectively and be able to cooperate with other humans naturally and without the need to dominate.

I commit myself to investigate/explain/expose/demonstrate how, through effective parenting, a child can be supported to understand unconditional giving, to recognize the equality of all life, and to be able to live effectively in a system that supports all equally and that maximizes individual freedom in the context of what is best for all.

I commit myself to investigating/exposing how all of the current ways of addressing problems in this world, in fact, support the continuation/creation of the problems and are at best band-aids that do not solve the problems, and at worst prevent people from seeing/recognizing and standing up and solving the problem in actuality.

I commit myself to expose all those who stand against equality of all life to show how really they are accepting fear, separation, and are unwilling to change themselves and in fact have become like system agents to protect the system at all costs, and to show that through writing, self-forgiveness, and corrective application one can change oneself to see and stop the problem within, to release fear, to realize fear is not real, to realize that there is nothing to fear, and to understand that in fact, all fear is due to the continued acceptance of the system which is driving further separation of ourselves from Life and that by stopping it within and without we can create a world that would best be described as Heaven on Earth and that this is something that must be done freely by each one and further I commit myself to stand as a living example that it is possible so that others might join me in letting go of the illusions that we have created within and without so that we might find out what Life is for real.

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