Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Guilty as Charged

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty when I see someone in a worse position than me in the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I must find a reason or excuse to give the other person as to why I cannot help them individually.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel conflicted about helping someone individually.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is nothing I can do personally to help an individual change their position in life beyond supporting them to see the value in applying the tools that I am applying, realizing that not everyone will have the time and money to apply themselves within these points - and that does not invalidate the tools or the processes, but rather shows/exposes the extent to which the system has complete control over our lives and that even within wanting to better oneself and educate oneself for real, one is still subject to the system which requires one to compete for survival.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only way to support those who are in a much worse situation than myself is to apply myself diligently within my process of self change and place myself as effectively and efficiently as possible, while walking with a principled group and supporting others to do the same, in a position in the system where I can influence the system to change so that it supports everyone equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the gift within the guilt of seeing someone in a far worse position than I and not being able to really help them physically is that I have no excuses to not move myself and stand up for them in/as/within the system, and that means that I must move myself without excuse within my own process of sorting out my inner world so that I am able to stand, stable, within a position - which in order to get there I will have to face many people and systems that will attack and try and prevent me from making a change that is best for all - and within this if I still allow personal self-interest then I will not be able to stand, because the system is based on personal self-interest and thus, although I must direct myself to take responsibility for what I require and need to move and live effectively as well as my family in that regard, I must be willing to let go of personal fantasies of grandeur that would be used to distract me from doing what is best, which may not always or most of the time bring a sense/feeling/image of grandeur as it would require really challenging other people's self-interest and facing ostracism at times as well as personal attack - thus how can I be attacked personally if I have no personality that is based on personal self-interest?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am changing myself and the system not for the other person, as that is a point of separation, and thus only supports a character that is not real, but I am doing this for MY SELF within the realization that all people that I see that are in a worse position than me are in fact me in a future life if I do not act as what is best for all and ensure that everyone has the best possible life no matter what country/area/family they are born into.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only see the reality of what other people go through when I am confronted with it in my physical reality and to allow myself to otherwise exist in my mind only where only my problems and difficulties matter, not realizing that the difficulties in my experience in this life would be solved by the same solution that would solve everyone else's and thus because I am in a position to consider this, I have a greater responsibility to act and to thus support the creation of a new system which will support all life equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all charity is an attempt to alleviate guilt about having money, without standing up to change the system, which would place a person in the position of risking their position of having money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all poverty and conditions of suffering are due to the money system which is a reflection of my/our internal focus on our own self-interest only, and that by stopping self-interest within and without, poverty would be solved eternally.

I commit myself to stop all guilt - first through self-forgiveness - and then within self-honest action as what is best for all in each moment - to not allow any excuse - and when an excuse comes up, to push myself beyond the excuse realizing that the excuse is, in the end, going to be my regret.

I commit myself to let go of guilt about being in a system that is not best, because the only way to change the system is to stand within it - equal to it - and if I try to solve individual problems in an effort to alleviate guilt, then I will never make a difference in the system, because my focus will be on how I feel rather than what needs to be done.

I commit myself to prevent the experience of guilt within myself, not suppress it, by pushing myself to remove all of that within me that is not standing for what is best for all and to push myself in the physical world to change the system and remove all that which is not best for all and support the creation of the conditions necessary for everyone and everything to have the best possible life.

I commit myself to do what others won't - and to show all those stuck in the pattern of giving to charity instead of changing the system - that this never alleviates the guilt because it only supports the creation of more poverty and suffering and thus is not the solution to the guilt nor the problem.

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