Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Vocabulary of Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel frustrated with others that they are not wanting to stand up and make a difference, when the reality is that by me feeling something within, it is indicating that I am not in fact standing up within myself, because standing up means stopping the self-interest within as the energy game of fueling feelings, and thus standing up in this world is simply speaking up, showing the solution within the individual context to others, and to place myself in a position in this world where I am able to assist and support with adjusting the agreed upon rules so that the Right to Life is honored and that systems are placed so that the Right to Life of all is ensured through effective management and distribution of resources and money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I feel frustrated that others are not standing up, obviously this indicates that I am not being self-honest within stopping energy within myself, but it also is an indicator that I am not pushing myself towards presenting the actual solution.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is easier to be angry with others/the system and fight and argue rather than take the self-responsibility to directly present the solution to those with 'ears to hear' and that it may not be obvious who has the 'ears to hear' so I must speak to as many people as possible, as directly as possible, and support them to understand what I am presenting as the solution, and that this means that each person I come into contact with, I must ADJUST MYSELF according to WHAT THEY CAN HEAR which will be based on their current vocabulary, their experiences as memories and what they currently accept themselves as equal to and one with.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that someone's vocabulary means they way in which they think and feel about everything.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a person who is successful in the system at making money still has a limited vocabulary because they do not understand how the mind works, how they body works, and how to create a world that is best for all, which is a new vocabulary.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Desteni is a new vocabulary for what is best for all, and that unless one learn this vocabulary, and has the ability to integrate new words and adjust the meaning of old words and remove the energy/feeling association with all words within one's vocabulary, then it is virtually impossible to understand the Desteni message, and thus I realize that one direct way to make a measurable difference in the world is to support people individually to rebuild their vocabulary and remove all within it that supports the mind to place self-interest above what is best for all, which primarily is the memories within the body, associated with experiences, and defined with words with feeling and emotion attached, that reinforce the belief/knowledge that one has been abused and thus one cannot ever trust another human being and that the only way to exist is to harm others in order to compete to survive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that parents teach their children the vocabulary of competition, harm, abuse, self-interest, consumerism, spitefulness, blame, dishonesty, fear, anger, mistrust, survival, and lack.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a parent can support themselves to rebuild their vocabulary as well as their child's vocabulary through dedicated effort using the tool of TechnoTutor which places them back in the state they were in when they were a very young child learning words in the first place.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that parents would not understand the best way to parent on their own, because they were raised by a parent who had already submitted to the system, and without an intervention, the parent will never figure it out, and this intervention is nothing more than a communication of what is possible and a commitment to support the parent to walk through the process of taking self-responsibility for re-educating themselves and their children in the context of what is best for all, and that this choice must be made freely by the parent, and thus, as the parent influences the choice of the child through force, which creates a memory of harm in the child, I realize that no one can/should be forced to take self-responsibility, but that I can instead influence through demonstrating, explaining, and showing by example that it is in the parent's and child's best interest to walk a process of educating oneself and one's child in the best way.

I commit myself to remove all points where I blame others and the system for why things in this world are fucked up, when it is in fact each of us individually that is the solution, and thus I commit myself to stand and walk as the solution myself and to support others through effective communication to stand and walk with me as a group, yet walking alone within and as self-responsibility for rebuilding my vocabulary, but as a group creating an environment of support that allows individuals to lean on so to speak, realizing that at times one's individual process can be very challenging, and thus the group can support the individual through those points, and to also as a group accumulate so that a solution can be presented in a group context where eventually what is best in all ways can be voted on and agreed on by each through the application of common sense and self-honesty.

I commit myself to show to those who are willing to stand in this world for what is best for all that the way to support everyone is to support the re-education of the individual to understand how reality in fact operates, and to be able to reason within common sense to see that what is best for all is the only context in which exists what is best for the individual and thus through education, the individual is supported to develop the insight for themselves that the best way to exercise choice is to only choose what is best.

I commit myself to show that the foundation of effective education is an effective vocabulary, free of error, sound and complete, because anything less will lead to misunderstanding, miscommunication, and thus lead to the formation of groups based on self-interest separated from others and thus lead to conflict, competition, and war, and thus all conflict is based in an unequal, and ineffective vocabulary that is not aligned with what is best for all Life.

I commit myself to show that Desteni is the vocabulary of Life.

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