Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Existence as Fear

Imagine you are playing a video game.

Do you have a choice as to what actions you take?

Yes, if you do not want to get the high score.

But if you want to play the game in the BEST way, there is a mathematically provable way to play that will produce the best result.

Look on youtube at the people who play games to get the high score. They study and practice exactly what moves they have to make in the game to get the best result.

This existence is the same way.

We live in a PROGRAMMED REALITY. Thus no REAL choice exists.

You either make the choice in the moment that is BEST or that is not best.

But that would reveal your starting point for existing here.

If you choose what is Best then there is NO CHOICE. Because what is best can be worked out mathematically with reason. But this requires radical self-honesty.

If you allow feelings or thoughts in your mind they will attempt to lead you to a result that is less than best.


Because your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS are PROGRAMS that are designed to keep you playing the game in a less than optimal way.

People tend to make choices based on their current thoughts and feelings or in other words, their 'mood'.

But your MOOD is your DOOM, because it will always lead you to do what is not best.


Because what is real is not based on your pursuit of happiness as defined as the pursuit of energy as feelings and experience. It this starting point that has created the world around us as it is.

When you pursue happiness based on the experience of energy, you will always be subject to energy and you will compromise what you do and what you accept and allow to occur in reality based on whether you get energy.

But, look, energy is not real. It doesn't last.

You have to convince yourself with knowledge and information that energy is real and eternal when the living proof that what is real is the PHYSICAL MATTER of which you are composed is Here in every moment in your face.

What would happen if we all realized that in order to live in this reality currently in the best way would require us to give up the pursuit of happiness and in that we would be able to CREATE a REAL, LASTING Happiness that would include everyone.

NO MORE competition or fear.

Look, if you are honest with yourself, you will admit to yourself that all of your current ideas of what it means to be happy are just based on some image or idea or perception of something you have seen or put together out of things you have seen throughout your life. You don't even really know what it means to be happy in fact. What you 'know' is FEAR. This existence is just that: FEAR.

So all ideas of happiness are all in the context of accepting FEAR as the starting point of existence. But no one, virtually, questions the existence of fear within themselves. And pursuit of happiness is, currently, is an attempt to suppress this fear.

Fear of survival. Fear of Death. Fear of not existing.


What does this tell us?

That we are NOT IN FACT EXISTING, because all we are is FEAR.

We are afraid.

We are scared.

We are worried.

We are anxious.

We are mistrusting.

And so we PURSUE happiness.

We can paint it with all kinds of pretty words like 'following our bliss' etc but look at those words.

When you FOLLOW something, that is like... A PROGRAM.

Whatever you are following is because you are too scared to direct yourself here without anything 'telling' you what to do.

What would we be without thoughts, feelings, happiness ideas...

Would life be boring? It already is. Even those who have the most exciting lives, still have that deep seated fear of the fun ending.

What if it didn't have to end?

Ask yourself, if each of us just keep pursuing what we believe will make us happy, and nothing else changes in this world, what do you think are the odds that even a slim percentage of people will ever truly be happy?

I know FOR A FACT that the thought that just went through your head is that 'well, no one is ever truly happy'.

Let that sink in for a moment.

You and I both know that Happiness is an illusion. But most won't give it up because of all the time and energy they have invested in propping up the feelings that they sometimes get to experience as a 'reward'.

If you live for a 'reward' you are a SLAVE, and just a PROGRAM.

The fact is that no matter what you will be a program. Because reality is currently programmed. That doesn't seem to bother most people, because they just go along with the program, not realizing that we could actually stop and ask ourselves if the program is actually best or not?

What if it were possible to stop and change the program that you are running?

What if it were possible for us all to stop and question the program that is running this world and adjust it so that it would provide for us all equally?

Wouldn't that ELIMINATE FEAR?

What would happiness be in the context that there was NO FEAR and no REASON for FEAR and that this was a fact of existence into eternity?

Can we ever truly be happy when fear exists?

Can we ever truly defeat fear through happiness?

Or is happiness simply the minds attempt to ignore fear and ignore the obvious which is that YOU ARE GOING TO DIE SOMEDAY and...


What if it didn't matter?

What if reality were such that no matter whether you are Here or in the Hereafter, no matter if you are human or a blade of grass, all of reality supported each other part of reality equally and there was CONSTANT, ETERNAL BLISS as a BASIC FACT of existence?

That can't exist when fear exists.

Can we stop fear here and now?

Can we forgive ourselves for fearing to exist?

Why are we afraid in the first place?

Are we afraid because we know deep down that we are really only here to abuse in order to get something for ourselves regardless of the context?


Can we CHANGE FOR REAL and become something and someone that HONORS LIFE and GIVES LIFE freely and thus RECEIVES LIFE freely?

How can Life be free when fear exists?
How can I be free if anyone is in fear?

Does LIFE even exist or is it just FEAR and DEATH that exists?

The starting point is the end point.

So if I know the end point, what does that imply about the starting point?

Are we even really ALIVE or just a program of generating energy for a temporary period of time.

Why do we lie to ourselves and pretend that the temporary experience of ourselves as energy is anything of value?

If it were, you would just be HAPPY NOW at all times.

But try as you might, you cannot have both Happiness and Energy experience. They are mutually exclusive, because when energy is the starting point, FEAR is always the result.


Because energy has a beginning and an end. You were feeling sad, now you're feeling happy. Then you're feeling angry. It's always changing. Then you die. Then it ends forever.

When you exist for energy, you will always try to pursue more energy, because for energy knows it has an end. Thus you have become nothing more than a carrier for ENERGY, like a SLAVE to energy, who exists just to pass on the pursuit of ENERGY to the next person. But even if ENERGY continues, YOU DON'T.

The truth is Energy can't last forever. And we are consuming and abusing this physical reality in order to 'create' something that can never last. And that which is otherwise eternal, the physical reality in front of us, is being wasted for something of no value.

Don't agree?


Time to re-evaluate EVERYTHING.

Start with this:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be honest with myself about the starting point of my existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be honest with myself that I have only ever existed in order to pursue more existence for myself and that not existing is the greatest fear that I have as it is the starting point of my existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there is MORE to myself and MORE than Here from the beginning all the way to now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that everything that exists is what has manifested from the belief and starting point that there must be something MORE and that this separation within myself from Here is what I now call Existence and since I have separated myself from Here, as an illusion of something MORE, I now fear not existing because in self honesty, I KNOW that the illusion that I have created as MORE is NOT REAL, and in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue the dishonesty of ignoring and suppressing the realization that there is nothing MORE than Here and that everything I believe is real and that I believe I have created is nothing more than an Illusion that SEEMS REAL because I AM the illusion and it has become my total existence and thus my total existence is FEAR to the point that I am ILL because all ILLness is the result of ignoring what is real, which creates consequence, which creates dis-ease when that which I have ignored runs amok and comes back to haunt me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a vast web of information and knowledge within me imbued with feeling and emotion and that I have been afraid to question this and that I really don't know what I would do without it and I don't know what reality is without it and that I am afraid of facing myself as WHO and WHAT I REALLY AM beyond all the knowledge and information.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that no matter how much I fear facing who and what I and this world have become, avoiding it is not a solution - that only creates more consequences and thus more fear - fear layered upon fear - lies upon lies - and thus even though I don't know everything I realize that the first step is honesty with myself and forgiveness for everything I have accepted and allowed and when I am done with that process I will see further.

I commit myself to walk through all knowledge and information both within myself and without in the world, applying self-honesty as to what is best, removing the rest through self-forgiveness, and reestablishing myself to only do what is best for all in all contexts through self-corrective action.

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