Sunday, April 7, 2019

Why Desteni?

What is there to fear?

All fear comes down to fear of loss, and the major point of loss that we all fear is the loss of our lives at death. But if we really look at it, it makes no sense to fear this point, because we are not really alive.

Consider: you wake up. You (if you're lucky) go to your job and do something that you would likely rather not do in order to make money so that you can buy food, clothing, shelter (all basic needs to continue existing) and then (if you are REALLY lucky) you will have extra money to entertain yourself through music, movies, alcohol or other drugs, vacations, and all other manner of experiences - mostly all of these serving as the reward for doing all of the other things you had to do to survive. Then, essentially, you repeat this process. Every day. Until you die.

While you are here you constantly, whether consciously or in the background of your thoughts and feelings, feel a terror about what happens when you die, and so you look for certainty around you in anything and anyone who can give you some sense of knowing what will happen.

Some people use religion for that purpose, some are anti-religious and convince themselves nothing happens and everything is meaningless except your individual experience of happiness, some believe you just turn into energy and transform, some say they don't know but within that feel a sense of pride about not knowing and this serves as a sense of purpose as being like someone who goes through life always on the fence, keeping your options open so to speak. In any case, no one really knows but all the existent approaches have something in common:

Everyone only cares about their own individual existence as they experience themselves. Even those who are compassionate and give their lives in service are doing it from the perspective of some reward either Here, in their direct experience as a form of bliss, peace, or in the Hereafter as a reward and union of God, but no matter what the person's intentions are the major problem is that it is all still done from the perspective of their own limited, individual perspective and thus whatever a person does that could be called 'good' never has any real lasting effect. No charity, selflessness, compassion, etc ever CAN have an real lasting effect because the fundamental starting point of who we are and how we exist is SELF INTEREST which is producing the consequences that the 'compassionate' is trying to help within. Even the 'compassionate' person is still fundamentally the same as everyone else, its just in the context of how we have defined good and bad they are more on the 'good' end but that in itself should tell us something. That trying to help others in need is seen as good which means that the opposite exists. So how does the person helping others solve the problem of 'bad' or 'evil' existing? They can't. Primarily because they themselves are in fact evil. That might seem like a strange statement, but you really must study the material in Heaven's Journey to Life Blog because it explains this statement quite clearly and supports the reader to see this for themselves.

So coming back to the point of fearing death as fearing to lose one's life, we are all existing in a world where life does not exist. No one has any actual choices because what we do is primarily dictated by how much money we have and how much money we have is determined primarily due to the environment we were conceived and brought up in for the first 7 years of our life. Our parents were living out patterns of survival and so that is what we copied and this Fear of Death is the most primary survival pattern. It is so prominent that we never question the validity of the system that runs this would. One, because we don't have 'time' to, and two, because even if we did, what could we do about it? But then this just shows our true starting point of existing, being more concerned about 'surviving' than Living. More worried about existing for one more day than with what is True and Real.

So we create a story in our heads about our lives, in the form of memories, where we are always the central character and we are always right in some way or the victim or the victor in some way, and within this we entertain ourselves for our entire lifetime even though none of it is real and it only has meaning in the context of our individual experience while we are in this body and even then the individual pieces that make up our memories are all just things that are GIVEN to us through the system that exists. No one is actually creating themselves from scratch as what they would TRULY like, they are just accepting things as is, and depending on their understanding of the system and ability to make money will create a really cool experience or basically be in constant survival mode. But even those we call the elite have the same basic fears as everyone else and thus they have to create or accept systems of control that ensure that the vast majority would never be able to have a life like they do because they fear having their lives diminish. And we can't blame that on the elite because everyone is living from the same starting point whether they realize it or not.

The question is what can be done?

The reality is that the 'elite' as the super rich generally are not going to care about this because their lives are pretty cool by comparison to everyone else. They are focused on keeping what they have an keeping everyone else down. The super poor are too busy just trying to get the basics for survival and are so uneducated that they will likely never be able to have ANY impact whatsoever. That leaves the Middle.

The Middle is the ones that must change first. It is the middle that believe there is a middle. They allow the super rich to exist because the middle knows that they are in the middle due to the super rich allowing them to be there (for the time being) and that if the system were to be challenged it may create insecurity in the middle.

The Middle fears being at the bottom and even though they will never be at the top, they will rather stay put and allow the top to exist so long as they don't end up at the bottom. They have their basic needs met, but still have to place all their focus on working so that they can have a little bit of the feel good stuff, but not too much, so it always leaves them wanting more, and yet what they are doing to get it, due to education, will never challenge the super rich, and in any case they are the ones in service of the super rich as the doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, architects, etc who keep the system running and are basically the slave managers (of the slaves, the lower class) for the slave masters (the super rich). The problem with a system based on slaves is that we are all equal to and one with what we accept and allow, thus we are ALL (even the rich) slaves to: MONEY.

Thus the KEY to changing this world is changing our agreements, collectively, about how money functions and what the value is that is placed on it. It is more about what we place as valuable rather than 'redistribution' because even the concept of redistribution is based on some idea that money is limited when it is not. It is imaginary and only because its value has been defined as profit which is representative of individual self-interest does it not serve the interests of all. It is all in the definitions which are the collective agreements.

So the reason the middle class is the key, and must wake up, and change what they individually place value on is that it is the middle class that is the ones voting, and has the time to consider what they vote for and are the ones that buy the most stuff and thus are voting with their dollars as well. The middle class has to begin to REALLY CARE about the world but also themselves, because the number one driving force of all decisions and 'choices' are coming from the fear of loss as fear of death, and this is a problem that can actually be SOLVED as is explained in the Desteni material.

So if you have the time to read this, then you have a responsibility to apply yourself, change, and stand up in the system. It is not possible without being a part of a group, which Desteni is the only group standing up and speaking the truth about reality and about what we are accepting and allowing as individuals and how to change it.

So, if you can identify with what I'm writing here, I suggest that you start reading Creation's Journey to Life and Heaven's Journey to Life from Day 1, both blogs, one day at a time. I suggest to start watching Bernard Poolman's videos on youtube. I suggest to check out the Desteni website. Listen to the interviews on Eqafe. Connect with other Desteni members online. Start investigating what is going on within yourself and ask yourself why you fear dying. And find out how you can start Living.

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