Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What We Ignore in our Pursuit of Bliss

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to not realize that the Law of Attraction is the acceptance that I will only move towards that which is attractive, which is thus that which I have separated myself from as superior to me and thus the Law of Attraction is the acceptance and allowance of inequality and polarity as superiority vs inferiority and separation of myself from other parts of reality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that accepting the Law of Attraction as valid and valuable requires me to accept that reality will always exist in a state of separation, otherwise why would any point of reality be attracted to/towards any other point unless the two points are in separation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I am attracted to is a matter of pre-preprogramming of which my parents, environment, and advertising/marketing, and education have played the major roles.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can attract a better life, when in fact, this belief is the acceptance of myself as separate from this better life, and I am thus in that acceptance disempowered from CREATING a better life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the entire starting point of the application of the Law of Attraction is within self-interest only, where one must accept that one is the creator of THEIR reality only, and thus is not responsible for what another creates as their reality, as this would be the choice of the other to focus the reality they want or not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never question why another would not want to focus on what they want as the best possible life and thus why another would use the Law of Attraction to create what is less than best, when the immediate thought that comes up as to why is that the other person simply has not learned how to use the Law of Attraction to their advantage, which begs the question as to whether one is COMPLETELY responsible for their own reality or whether another is influenced by what they see and hear, and thus would be the reason why some are ignorant or ineffective at using the Law of Attraction to their best advantage, so either I must be lying to myself that we are completely creating our own reality on our own or I must believe that I am somehow special in that I for some reason have 'attracted' the truth of how to create my own reality while others don't.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in such a thing as 'my truth' where each one has a 'my truth' which is unique to each person, even though in self-honesty I know that no two people are fundamentally different in terms of how they live based on how much money they have - it is quite predictable to know what kinds of things a person will value or be interested in based on how much money they have.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question how a baby could be born into poverty vs wealth, which would imply that the baby - before they even knew how to think - was attracting a certain life - even though when I observe the actions of those born into wealth - they don't seem to do anything of a higher purpose that makes the world practically better for those in the position of poverty, and thus why would that being prior to coming to earth have deserved anything more than the one in poverty? For Context: Chinese Kids Driving Supercars: Inside the Secret Southern California Meet-up

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to question the nature of the Law of Attraction as to how it actually only further justifies the separation of people into poverty and wealth because I have secretly hoped to be in the less than 1% who experiences the wealth side of things.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the statement "follow your bliss" which exists alongside the statement "ignorance is bliss" which both as sound/symbols in reality create a following and ignoring program within humanity where those who have money and wealth will ignore those without and do nothing create system where everyone has what they need, and those who do not have wealth follow their preprogrammed feelings as leading them (one hopes) to an experience of ultimate bliss, which is really just a program of consumerism based on feelings generated through purchasing experiences which is what keeps those with wealth in power over the system and able to create the experiences they want - they are not attracting experiences, they are creating products and experiences that are attractive to the masses who will work their whole lives even for the promise of owning/possessing the product/experience meanwhile the money generated from this labor is channeled into the pockets of the elite who then use it to have the experiences they desire as well as evolve the systems of control and inequality that exist in the money system, education system, etc.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my desire to follow my bliss is actually a program that is designed to ensure that bliss never exists for anyone in fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is no such thing as 'my bliss' as separate from 'another's bliss' because we are all one physically interconnected in a system of resource distribution based on lack which requires slaves to create for the few and is based on the idea that we are born into poverty and born into original sin, and thus within that we will allow the flaws and problems in the system and because we are afraid to stand up, we will rather ignore the real problem which is creating the fear and suffering in our lives and rather believe in a fantasy that we can magically manifest a magical life for ourselves with our minds - which if it were true - you would be able to find one person who did so, yet all the examples we use to motivate ourselves within the Law of Attraction are people who are really good at getting a lot of other people to do something with their Life Force that mainly benefits the one in charge or are really good at getting others to give them money for some promise of transferring knowledge or wisdom of how to get other people to give them money or to magically manifest a better life (even though if the person doing it knew how to manifest a better life with their mind, they would be able to do everything for free and would never have to use money in any capacity whatsoever).

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I focus on following my bliss, I have to place myself in a form of ignorace, where I deliberately do not investigate, thus ignore, reality as it functions in mechanical detail, and instead focus on a picture composed of images, feelings, thoughts, and energy that I desire to experience, never questioning whether it is even possible to create and live as a picture and never asking myself what is real in fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have a choice in my life's purpose, when in fact I did not create myself directly or this world directly - it is the result of my and everyone else's original choice to not take direct responsibility in every moment to be equal and one with reality here, and now out of complete dishonesty I believe that I can somehow magically manifest a better life, without even understanding the detail of this world and how it functions, but that it will just magically come to me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that individual happiness and choice is an illusion because it only exists in my mind and I never had any intention to make it real because if I did then I would have asked first, "What is real?" and I would have realized that I am a physical being in a physical world with other physical beings and thus I would HAVE to consider everyone else as well.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify pursuing happiness as self-interest and made excuses for others which I now realize that I will be equal to the excuse that I allow in another, which was the starting point all along, to allow myself an excuse to not take full self-responsibility for what I am creating through acceptance and allowance.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am here to rebirth myself as Life from the physical and to support others to do so as well and that by doing so, we can create a system that supports all Life equally, and within that we can remove any reason/need to have secrets, compete, or abuse, and thus we would create the necessary conditions for the experience of eternal bliss for all beings in reality.

I commit myself to stop wishful thinking - to question how reality works, to find out in detail how it works and to no longer ignore the consequences that have been/are being created in physical reality by all of us not taking direct responsibility for what we create, accept, and allow.

I commit myself to show to all those trapped within following their bliss, that they only way to experience bliss is to be Here in reality directing oneself equal and one to physical reality and to no longer chase a feeling in the mind or an experience in the mind which will always only take us further and further away from reality to the point where bliss is no longer possible.

I commit myself to show by example that real bliss is in letting go of illusions and stopping all fear and letting go of all knowledge as limitation to find out what is real because if we ignore reality and focus on knowledge of a picture of reality, we will miss points and create consequences which will put us into fear, but if we understand and get to know reality directly as ourselves and always direct things in the way that is best then there will literally never be anything to fear.

I commit myself to walking myself back through all the illusions and desires and pictures and fantasies and desires for experience and feelings until nothing remains by me Here in reality as self-awareness seeing what is real and directing myself in every way possible to create a reality for all beings that is best.

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