Thursday, June 27, 2019

Children Can Learn More Than We Realize

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how quickly children can learn and walk through a fear if the parent is patient and has removed their own fears and reactions first.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can support a child to learn how to swim for example without having to just 'throw them in' but support them to, step by step, learn to get comfortable with the water, learn how to take small jumps off the steps of a pool and eventually move through stages until they are comfortable putting their head underwater and swimming short distances without floats.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the extent to which we, as parents, project fears onto our children, like 'what if they never learn' or 'what if they never overcome their fear' to which we then react and try to control thnce and dysfunction, especially later in life, which is not obvious at first but then is very difficult to correct at that point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize as a parent the degree to which we want to push our children to move faster than they are practically able, without realizing the process that one has to go to in order to physically integrate new information or skills, because we don't remember what is was like when we were in our natural learning ability phase, and in the education system, a lot of force is used, and thus we really only remember how to use force and coercion in order to get someone to learn something, but this always creates dysfunction and fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the benefit of building my child's vocabulary from a young age - using TechnoTutor to support them to increase their processing speed and capacity - and always communicating with them as an equal - not dumbing things down, because this creates a dumbed down child and adult - that a child can understand MUCH MORE than most realize, but because parents have not yet realized the simplicity of walking this process for themselves and supporting themselves to remove reactions and force from their parenting of their children and developing their child's vocabulary specifically and effectively, it seems like children cannot comprehend much until they are 4 or 5, but we are showing that they can understand and cooperate and learn much more at a much younger age than is currently understood.

I commit myself to continue walking my process to be the best example and support for my child.

I commit myself to continue walking my process to be the best example and support for other parents.

I commit myself to continue walking my process for myself.

I commit myself to show that a child can be supported from the very beginning to be what most would call 'superior' but that it is actually normal, it is just that our system has been diminishing children's natural capacity and ability to learn but not structuring it properly.

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