Sunday, June 9, 2019

We Must Stand Up

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that standing up in the system to make a change that is best for all is something that can happen overnight.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that individual efforts to change the system to be best for all are always doomed to fail because the system works based on collective agreement which is manipulated through group support as in for example elite circles of politics and business.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attempt to stand up in the system based on ideas that I believe will work and that fit within my current pre-programming, not realizing that those efforts were doomed to fail from the beginning because my pre-programming was ineffective at having any influence in the system, because if it were I would have already been in a position to have an effect in the system, thus I now realize that in order to have an effect in the system, I must stand within a group whose starting point is to support each other within a clear purpose to stand up together and support each other to make the inner changes necessary to move beyond one's pre-programming that would have kept one on a track to never make any difference at all in the system..

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in order to change the system we must work through politics, and in order to work through politics we must create enough money in order to be able to influence through media and direct presentation of information, to be able to 'fight back' so to speak when media is used to slander or counter act what is presented that is best, and to have people in positions in law for example to be able know what is legal and what is not, and to assist with arguing cases before governing bodies that would be able to change laws and enforce existing ones.

I commit myself to show that the system can change, it will happen in stages, but it requires firstly those who see the starting point of a system that is best for all to stand together no matter what in order to learn what is required to be equal to the system and then take the steps necessary to in fact equalize oneself with the system.

I commit myself to show that learning how to sell is one of the key skills in being able to stand equal to the system and change the system, because it is the skill that the elite have which allows them to stand in the position they are in, in addition to their preprogramming, and thus if a principled group of individuals were to stand up and develop the skills required, they would be able to stand in the system and make the changes necessary - and that it doesn't matter how long this takes, because unless we do this, it will be impossible for anyone else to stand up and walk their individual process of self change because the system is only going to get worse in terms of the pressures that are placed on human beings' lives to only focus on survival and thus compete in more vicious ways.

I commit myself to show that the time to stand up is in this moment - not to wait - because automation is about to eliminate a lot of jobs and people are going to feel the stress and we must prepare ourselves now to support millions of people when the system begins to collapse.

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