Thursday, June 6, 2019

Why Drugs Are Not The Answer

This post is written in the context of having already walked the process of stopping all drugs and alcohol for many years now and also having walked through the desire to take drugs or drink alcohol and is written as a point of support for those who may be walking through this point at the moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that drugs exist for humans to not face the reality of their existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that taking drugs or drinking alcohol is an answer to my problems.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge drugs as evil.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge drugs as good.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel like I am getting away with something when using drugs.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am escaping something when I use drugs or alcohol.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the starting point of using drugs or alcohol is always to feel better and thus within that I am accepting and allowing myself to have the starting point of self-interest as looking for a positive feeling, and thus this is not a solution to any real problem in my life or on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within using drugs, especially cannabis or hallucinogens, I give the mind full authority to fantasize about what I could do in reality, and within that I imagine all kinds of amazing things that I could do or create or experience, but the mind is not tethered to reality in most cases and thus when the drug wears off and the reality of having to actually do something which won't produce an immediate result in the physical, because results accumulate over time through repetition, then I feel bad and the desire to not feel bad and experience that immediate point of creation and result drives me to want to do drugs again, and thus within this I am not really here in reality at all, just playing a game in my mind, while my life and the world continues to go to shit, and so I can either continue trying to avoid reality or I can face it head on.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by not facing my reality and stopping participation in the mind, I will continue to allow myself to be directed by the mind and thus reality will accumulate consequences as such, and the longer I delay facing these consequences and taking responsibility in the physical, the harder it becomes to face, because I know it will take MORE time to undo what can be undone and create solutions for that which can't - and all of this is going on in the back of my mind, I know what I am doing, but I don't want to stop.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I don't want to stop using drugs and/or alcohol when in reality it is MY MIND that wants me to continue in patterns of abuse of myself and the physical because that is what it has been programmed to do, and thus it is now my responsibility to stand up within my body and within my mind and say "NO MORE. I DIRECT MYSELF. I AM NOT A SLAVE TO MY MIND. I DO NOT NEED TO FEEL GOOD IN ORDER TO DO WHAT IS BEST FOR MYSELF AND FOR ALL."

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I participate in the mind, it will always take me to a point where I am not going to change the system, but expect it to happen on its own - and my mind will give me all kinds of reasons as to how things will change regardless of what I do, and the more I participate the more convincing the mind will be - but this is all just a program designed to keep me from doing anything that really matters.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that people hide in all kinds of things, drugs, alcohol, sex obsession, sports, food, video games, etc - it is not about drugs per se, but the desire to escape and chase a feeling rather than being here working with reality directly and creating a world that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse that people escape in all kinds of ways thus doing drugs isnt any different as a way to justify continuing to use drugs instead realizing the common sense that one should stop participating in ALL FORMS of escapism.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am limiting myself within seeing my real potential as long as I continue to look for a positive feeling - because I will not be able to be self-honest about what limitations I actually have, because I will see even the potential to experience discomfort (which is in many cases necessary to transcend a point or learn a new skill) as a reason not to do something, because I have placed value on feeling good and thus I will only really consider things that make me feel good (which is only according to my pre-programming as how I have defined things symbolically to produce a positive energy response in my body) as options for me to move towards or participate within, which if we only consider such things as points for us to move within, we will never create a world that is best for all, because that will require us to face many difficult, emotionally challenging, uncomfortable situations, resistance, etc.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I have been searching for in the experience of drugs and alcohol is for something more, something that is not where I am, who I am, what I am - and that drugs and alcohol can never actually get me this - because I have defined this more as just a feeling, and feelings are based on energy, and energy is a system of polarity and thus that positive that I am searching for is only in the context of the negative that I am experiencing as my life and this world, and thus the real answer is not within making myself feel better, but within standing up within myself and stopping the mind from being in the driver seat of me and standing up in this world in whatever capacity practically possible to be an example to others that we no longer have to accept the mind as the dictator of how we experience ourselves and how the system that runs resource distribution functions - a system that creates all the negative experiences and survival pressures that we attempt to escape from through drugs and alcohol (and other things) - and thus the REAL SOLUTION is to stand up and change this system and the REAL EXPERIENCE of being alive that I am searching for is actually ME STANDING UP AS LIFE not accepting anything less than who I REALLY AM, because it is this acceptance, deep down, that has created all the conditions, over time, that I and everyone else have been trying to escape from - instead of taking direct responsibility for changing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to challenge the point of others doing drugs as a backdoor for me to be able to do them as well, and the same goes with any point of self-dishonesty that I will not want to challenge it when I see it in another only because I don't want to challenge it within myself.

I commit myself to show that one can move through life without the need for drugs or alcohol to mask the pain of being in this system, as the only pain drugs and alcohol are masking is energetic pain from the mind as emotions, feelings, and thoughts - while I realize that some people may require drugs as a form of physical support for the body due to physical conditions, what we are looking at here is specifically the desire to escape from facing one's mind and reality through the use of drugs to make one feel better in the mind.

I commit myself to show that even if one has experienced a lot of trauma in childhood and challenges as an adult, that one can transcend the belief and desire to use drugs to make oneself feel better.

I commit myself to show that relying on drugs to make oneself feel better will only support the mind to take more directive control over what a person does and make common sense and walking through resistance and stepping into one's full potential impossible.


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