Saturday, June 8, 2019

Why the System Won't Change

For context: This Is Your Last Life - You Have Been Warned

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the systems that run this world cannot be changed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the systems in this world can be changed through one man one vote and that what is required is that people stand up and promote the points clearly without doubt or uncertainty.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the reason why people will vote for a politician or buy a product, is that the politician/company expresses no doubt within what they are promoting and knows how to communicate in a way that resonates with the listener/audience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that one must be special in order to stand up within politics and get elected.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give up on changing the system in this world before I even got started.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to hear the message that the world system cannot change, as this supports my desire to not change within myself fundamentally and push myself beyond my perceived limits.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the fundamental premise that I cannot really change and thus it is then easy for me to accept, and in in fact necessary to accept from this starting point, that the system cannot change, thus I am absolved of real responsibility towards myself, life, this world, and all those within it that are suffering immensely from the inequality in the system of which I am benefiting due to my placement in the system, the country I live in, my education, etc.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect everyone else to stand up and change the system, when it is MY responsibility because I see that it is possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place others as authority in order dictate back to me what I want to hear that supports me to stay in my comfort zone and pretend like I am a good person because "I want things in this world to change" but hey why should I stand up and do anything about it, even if I am not sure if I will succeed, because apparently the world can't change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear standing up in the system, because I would rather stay within what feels good - which is actually self-interest, and thus within that starting point, I AM THE REASON THE SYSTEM "CANT" CHANGE because I, someone who even sees the potential for a better world, have not been willing to let go of my self-interest, not realizing that the change I would have to make in my life would in fact put me in a BETTER position and I would experience the expansion and purpose that I and everyone else have been looking for, and thus because I am doing it from the starting point of what is best for all, I can go all the way within making my life better, without guilt, which I currently suppress because I know I could do more.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to talk about how fucked up the world is, all the problems, and yet at the same time accept that the world system can't change - so what is the point of talking about the problems in this world if they are all stemming from the fact that the money system is not valuing all life equally?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that just because I am not 'ready' to stand up in the world system, that this means the world cannot change and that I cannot direct myself to get to the point where I CAN stand up with others to change the rules of the system through consent of the public through voting, but this means we need a BIG GROUP as a NETWORK who works together with a common purpose and if no one agrees to this common purpose this would be THE REASON why the system cannot change, because there is NO GROUP agreeing to work with the common purpose of changing the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because I still have a way to go in my process, that this means I am not ready to work towards standing up in the system in some capacity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that 'standing up in the system' is a process in itself - it is not something one just decides to do one day and then it happens - it is something one work towards within the starting point of making it happen.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if the system does not change, then it will be virtually impossible for most people to walk their process of self-change, because the system requires us to work to survive in some capacity, especially if we were not born into an elite position, even those of us with the basic comforts and necessities of life who are not 'super rich' are still totally consumed with where we are going to get our next paycheck and thus even though we are not literally in fear of perhaps not surviving through the day or week, for example, we are still consumed with focus on survival as having to shape our entire life around finding some kind of work in the system AS IT IS - and thus the idea that the system cannot change is only benefiting those at the very top who required the vast majority to focus on working as a matter of survival so that the few can basically live a life that is beyond what most can even imagine.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that changing the world system is just something from the past that is no longer valid, that it was a pipe dream, when I know that I have still a ways to go in terms of facing my fears and thus it is very easy for me to manipulate what I believe to make sense based on what are the fears within me and the resistance to change - and thus even if I try and fail to change the system - the process I would have to go to to even TRY would support me to quantify my process and make it real, because it is easy to base an idea of change based on how I feel, but if I do not have specific feedback, then how do I know I have changed - if the world system does not change then what have I done with the life I have been given?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that at the moment it may be the case that most people will be too afraid or in a position where for them to see themselves doing anything beyond what they are doing is to big of a leap in terms of imagination and thus there will initially only be a few who see the potential for the world to change, and even fewer who see the potential for themselves to change enough to be in a position to have an impact on the system - and thus I am not here to force anyone to change the system, but to look for and call on those who see the potential in themselves to stand up and work together with a common purpose.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that communication is the most effective tool that I have to stand up in the system and support the system to change, because communication implies that I do not use force, that I must suggest, influence through example, through words, and support another to see what I see, and thus support them to make the choice/decision freely through understanding.

I commit myself to show that one can stand up in this world and make a difference in the system, while also walking their internal process of change, that the primary thing one must do is develop their communication skills to the point where they can influence others to consider that a better world is possible.

I commit myself to show that the system will change as more and more people see that it is possible and are presented with a clear picture of how that change could be implemented and that the Equal Money System is a major step in that direction, because it will support more and more people over time to re-educate themselves and direct their beliefs that would prevent them from being able to function in a world that is best for all, or would prevent them from agreeing to such a world system being implemented - thus the Equal Money System is a tool through which we can alleviate the survival pressures that are keeping so many in a point where they cannot eve direct their own minds, because they believe survival is more important - that is due to us all accepting a system that requires us to compete for survival.

I commit myself to show that - yes the Equal Money System implementation 'seems' impossible - but it isn't - we can create a network of people who are re-educating children and families with proper vocabulary using TechnoTutor and through that place themselves in a position of having financial freedom - use those resources to support themselves and others in the network of those who are standing within the principle of what is best for all and within that suppport a generation or generations of children to develop effective common sense reasoning instead of just being brainwashed and dumbed down by the current education system and entertainment and consumer marketing, while also giving parents the opportunity to make money through education and support themselves and others who are going to be massively affected by the coming crises of Automation unemployment and the looming Retirement crisis and within this TechnoTutor is the tool to reformat the natural learning ability and Desteni is the ultimate life curriculum to support a person to understand themselves and thus place themselves, if they so choose, in a position in life that is greater than what they were pre-programmed to do, such as just work a job to survive until they die- they can now expand beyond that, have a business, residual income and thus more freedom to re-educate themselves further and to support with standing up in the system to make real changes that would affect those who are in no position currently to improve their life in a substantial way.

I commit myself to show that the reason why many struggle within their process is because of 2 main points: allowing themselves to continue using coping mechanisms to suppress their emotions and thus not walk through fear and resistance (such as drugs, alcohol, porn, etc) and not using TechnoTutor, which was created to support people to increase their processing speed - and the consequence of not using TechnoTutor is that one is stuck with how they were programmed to process information by their ineffective parents and educators, and thus this is why it is so difficult to change - because many still walking their process in the mind only, not changing physically the programming inside, and thus when it comes to a moment where one attempts to act in a new way, it is impossible because the mind is not going to support you do go beyond what is physically programmed into you, you must use both sets of tools TOGETHER - writing, self-forgiveness and self-correction, along with rebuilding your vocabulary and processing speed/ability through TechnoTutor, as was laid out by the ONE who created both sets of tools.

I commit myself to show that the only reason someone would tell you that the world cannot change is that they don't see it is possible and would rather it not change because they don't want to do what is necessary to really change in fact and become someone who stands in the system or they are someone who is benefiting from YOU not standing - we are called upon by LIFE to be equals - we are in fact equal to what we accept and allow - and thus if someone says the system cannot change and you accept that - then what are YOU equal to? and thus what will the world be equal to? - while clearly we cannot only focus on changing the world 'out there' - we must not allow any excuse that I cannot change the world UNTIL I HAVE COMPLETELY CHANGED - because in so doing, miss the opportunity of giving ourselves a purpose that would support us to quantify our change - because if our change only occurs in the context of leaving the system as is, then how can we claim to have changed? Yes we can become the example of change, but if that example is just something we perceive in our mind and has no reflection in reality as changing the systems that exist and thus support future generations to be supported to not have to change in the first place, then are we really changing or just hiding within excuses to not change FOR REAL beyond what we believe is possible and thus are we not participating in a mental projection of whether the world can change based on our mental projection of what we believe is possible for ourselves to change within and as ourselves and how will we know unless we challenge all beliefs within ourselves?

I commit myself to stand clearly in the face of anyone and everyone who believes that the system cannot change - that we cannot change - that we are just here to hope and wish and believe that maybe someday something might happen - which is the ultimate point of having abdicated self-responsibility and to call upon those who are willing to stand up within themselves and PUSH themselves to go beyond ALL LIMITATION and ALL BELIEF and ALL HOPE and BE THE SOLUTION.

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